(thank you everyone for reading/reviewing! Thanks again to Steph my lovely beta! and Happy Glee back9!)

The first week after Finn and Quinn broke up, and the true paternity of the baby was revealed was awkward; to say the least. Finn was ignoring the existence of both Puck and Quinn, Puck was trying to convince the blond to start dating him, Rachel kept her distance from the Cheerios in case one of them decided to take revenge on her and break her nose, and Santana had made an agreement with Quinn that they would hold back on whatever was going on with them until emotions were not so fragile. The following Monday, Santana walked out of her last class and noticed a blond leaning against her locker.

"Hey." Santana smiled as she walked up to Quinn, she noticed that the normal uniform had been traded in for a dark green vintage dress and a cream cardigan. "You look... amazing."

The blond blushed, "Thank you. I was kicked off the cheerios." she explained.

"I'm sorry." Santana replied, running her hand up and down Quinn's arm. "Sue's a bitch."

Quinn nodded shrugging, leaning into the other girls touch. They had not had any contact more that this in a week. A long week filled with cheerio's practice, glee rehearsals where Quinn had a hard time not staring at the darker girl.

"So... It's been a week." Quinn smiled, as Santana closed her locker.

"It has." Santana said, leaning back against the cool metal. "How are you doing?"

"Frustrated." Quinn exclaimed, Santana's expression fell. "Because, I haven't been able to touch you in a week. I told you, screw everyone else. They hate me anyway."

"Awe, Quinn." Santana says sarcastically, "That's the nicest way anyone has ever come onto me."

"Yeah well," Quinn smiled, grabbing the Latina's arm and pulled her down the hall to the choir room. She pushed open the door and smiled realizing that no one was inside. She quickly pulls Santana closer to her body and kisses her. Santana grasped her hips and pulled her closer, gasping slightly when Quinn lightly sucked on her lower lip. A clamouring outside the room forced the girls apart; several member of the glee club filed into the room. Santana winked at a blushing Quinn before she goes and sits in her normal seat and waited for rehearsal to begin. Quinn sat in the front row with Artie and Tina. Puck plopped down next to Santana and looked over longingly at Quinn.

"She's not talking to me." Puck wined, Santana rolled her eyes and turned to her best-friend.

"Puck, just drop it. She doesn't want to date you and you don't want to date her. Your still sexting with like five other girls." Santana replied, hating the fact that he was leering at the blond.

"Still." Puck replied, as Brittany came and sat next to Santana. "What do you want, Brittany?"

"Hi Puck." Brittany smiled, before she turned to Santana. "Do you wanna hang out tonight?"

"Um. Actually, I have plans." Santana said, looking behind Brittany's head at the other blond. "Sorry."

Brittany's eyes narrowed as she leaned in, "Mike has practice. I have a some of that wine we drank last time." Santana shifted uncomfortably, turning her focus back to the front of the room.

"Hey Guys!" Mr. Schuester exclaimed as he walked into the room. "I had an idea. I have a new assignment. I'm going to give you guys a change to pick a song. You can sing anything as long as it conveys a feeling to someone in this room. You will sing tomorrow during rehearsal, so be ready."

Quinn turns around and sees Brittany leaning into Santana whispering in her ear. She tries to read the expression on the Latina's face but can't, she watches as the blond runs her hand down the her arm and back up lingering on her neck. Quinn stood up grabbing her bad and started heading out of the room.

"Quinn!" Santana called after her, pulling away from Brittany and chasing after her. "Wait up."

"No." Quinn states and keeps walking. "Your girlfriend is gonna be upset you bailed on her."

Santana stops dead in her tracks from confusion, "What?" she says before running again and grabbing her arm. "What are you talking about? Why are you pissed at me?"

"You were just all over Brittany!" Quinn snapped.

"No I wasn't!" Santana defended herself, "Quinn, I don't like her. I don't want her!"

"Know what, Santana. I'm really tired of getting my heart broken."

"Your tired? Quinn, I can't go one minute without my best friend telling me how much he wants to be with you. I can't get away from the girl who keeps fucking with my feelings, the girl I want is pregnant with my best friends child and all I want to do is kiss you and be with you, but I can't do that! I can't do that because I'm scared of giving you the power to hurt me like everyone else has. I already care about you too much!" Santana exclaimed, she she breathing heavy. She looked up into hazel eyes. "I believed you when you said screw everyone else. You need to trust me."

"I can't. I'm scared that your going to go to her the minute she calls." Quinn admits, looking at the floor.

Santana sighs and walks away.

Santana was able to stay away from Quinn all day, she didn't want to but it was the only was she was going to be able to get through what she had to do. When Glee rehearsal came close to the end and Mr. Schuester asked if anyone else wanted to sing Santana took a deep breath and raised her hand.

"Mr. Schuester." Santana exclaimed, standing up and walked into the front of the choir room. "I have a song." Quinn's head snapped up from the book she was pretending to read. Santana walked over to the band and whispered in the ear of the guitar player who just smiled and nodded. Santana walked back into the centre of the room and took a deep breath.

"If I fell in love with you,
Would you promise to be true
And help me understand?
'Cause I've been in love before
And I found that love was more
Than just holdin' hands."
"If I give my heart
To you,
I must be sure
From the very start
That you
Would love me more than her.
If I trust in you
Oh, please,
Don't run and hide.

If I love you too
Oh, please,
Don't hurt my pride like her"

Santana looked up from the ground and looked directly at Quinn, whose eyes had welled with tears.

"'Cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I
Would be sad if our new love
Was in vain.
So I hope you see
That I
Would love to love you
And that she
Will cry
When she learns we are two
'Cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I
Would be sad if our new love
Was in vain.
So I hope you see
That I
Would love to love you

Santana held the last note trying not to allow her voice to crack with emotion. When she finished she turned around quickly wiping the tears out of her eyes. Will smiled at her, his eyes brimming with emotion before everyone started clapping.

"Santana that was... amazing!" The teacher exclaimed, turning his attention back to the group of students who were trying to decided if they were confused or impressed at the normally emotionless girl. Santana turned around and silently walked to her seat and grabbed her bag and started walking out of the choir room with everyone else. Quinn quickly grabbed her bag and rushed out of the room in search of Santana. She looked around, before heading out to the parking lot. Her car was gone.

"Shit." Quinn swore, rushing to her own car and quickly turning it on and heading to Santana's house. Quinn reached the house and knocked on the door rapidly, after a few minutes the door flung open. Santana stood in the doorway, looking at the girl expectantly..

"You got home really fast." Quinn exclaimed, pushing her way into the house. "Santana." Quinn looked at the darker girl. She tried to formulate her words but decided actions spoke louder. She quickly pulled the girl into a kiss. She intertwined their fingers and began pulling her up the stairs.

Quinn pushed open the girls bedroom door and then pushed it closed using Santana's body. Santana's back hit the door and she immediately deepened the kiss and wrapper her arms around the girls back. The cheerleaders uniform top was quickly unzipped and tugged over her head. Quinn stepped back and admired the half dressed girl. She pulled her by the hand and they walked over to the bed. Santana sat down and pulled a still standing Quinn's mouth down to meet her own. She reached her arms behind the blond and tugged down the zipper on the dress pushing it down to pool at her feel. Santana pulled away allowing her hands to flutter against Quinn's white silk bra and down to her silk covered hips. She leaned in and pressed a kiss to the undetectable baby-bump, causing the blond to groan and push her back against the bed. She climbed astride the Latina's hips. Teasing kisses and tentative touches gave into breathless moans and writhing bodies. Santana quickly undressed and did the same to the blond. She leaned up and pressed a kiss to pale skin before capturing her lips again. Quinn arched her hips seeking out more contact, taking this as a invitation to progress; Santana rolled them onto their sides and slid her hand between cream coloured thighs. Quinn arched into the touch as she felt herself being touched for the first time (that she was sober for). Santana pressed into her causing the blond to gasp,

"Are you okay?" she panted. her hand stilling. "I can't hurt the baby, right?"

"No, you will not poke the baby in the eye or anything." Quinn rolled her eyes.

"I just wanted to check." Santana smiled, leaning down and kissing the blonds pulse point.

Quinn's head rolled to the side as her hips arched to create more friction. Santana continued to take lead in their dance of arches and shudders. Quinn buried her head into Santana's neck shaking as she fell over the edge. They lay like that for several minutes, clutched in embrace. Quinn kissed the side of Santana's neck causing her to pull away and look into her eyes.

"You sang to me." Quinn whispered, pushing sweat dampened hair behind the Latina's ear.

"Yes. Yes I did." She replied, smirking. "It was all part of my plan."

"You had a plan did you?" Quinn smiled, her fingers sprawling across her caramel skin.

"Yes. Yes I did." she smiled kissing the blond again.

Quinn woke up the following morning wrapped in tanned arms. She turned into the warm body, gently nuzzling into Santanas neck.

"Too early." Santana wined, burring her face into her pillow. Quinn peppered kisses across her bare back.

"Wake up." Quinn whispered, pushing thick black hair aside. Santana shook her head no, before Quinn rolled off the bed. Quinn quickly showered and changed before re-entering the bedroom. Sighing she walked back over to the bed and shook the sleeping girl. Santana groaned and sat up, her eyes squinting at the sudden change in light. Quinn smiled at the endearing sight in-front of her; Santana's hair was out of control messy, her eyes scrunched closed, and she was naked from the waist up.

"You are adorable." Quinn smiled, pushing the mane of hair away from her face.

"Tired." Santana whined, blinking several times adjusting to the light. Quinn leaned in and kissed her pout.

"Next time," she says in-between kisses "I wont keep you up so late." she slips her hand down the girls sternum. "Get up we need to head to school." Santana pouts again before crawling out of bed and walking into the bathroom. Quinn pulled the sheets and blanket's up on the bed tucking them into the sides while she hears the shower running. Suddenly a wave of nausea hit her and she ran into the bathroom and emptied her stomach into the toilet. Santana quickly hopped out of the shower, wrapped herself in a towel and kneeled next to Quinn. She pulled the former cheerleaders hair back and rubbed gently on her back. When Quinn had finished, the blond rested her forehead against the rim while Santana got her a glass of water and damn washcloth. Santana sat back down pulling the blond into her arms and wiping her face with the damp cloth.

"Sorry." Quinn mumbled, taking a sip of water.

"It's fine. Do you need anything?" Santana asked worriedly. Quinn shook her head and they both stood up, Quinn laid on the bed while Santana quickly threw on her uniform and pulling her hair up into a ponytail. After she slid on her jacket she went back over to the bed and took Quinn's hand.

"Lets do this." Santana stated, pulling the blond up.

Santana drove to school, followed by Quinn in her own car. They parked and headed into school together, they pushed open the door smiling at each-other before separating to head to their respective lockers. Santana closes her locker and walks more or less straight into Mike.

"Hey." She states, holding her text book closer to her body.

"Santana, I... I..." Mike stuttered, Santana raised her eyebrow. "Can you, stay away from my girlfriend?"

"What?" Santana exclaimed out of confusion, staring the boy down. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Yesterday, that song you sung in Glee. Brittany said it was about her." Mike explained.

Santana rolled her eyes, of course Brittany would think it's about her. "Mike. I have no interest in her other than being her friend. It wasn't about her, and you should probley keep her on a tighter leash because she's the one who's always coming on to me!" Santana said, before strutting away from him and walking into her next class.

Quinn looked up at the clock, noticing that there was only ten minutes left in her caucus class she grabbed her cellphone and quickly texted Santana.

"Excuse me," Quinn called as she raised her hand, "Can I be excused to the restroom?" The teacher nodded issuing her a hall-pass. Quinn gathered her books and dashed out of the classroom and headed down to the choir room. She pushed open the door and saw Santana waiting for her.

"Hey." She exclaimed, walking over to the Latina. She looked up and saw Mr. Schuester in his office. "We're not alone." she smiled.

"I think he lives in there." Santana jokes, pulling the blond down to sit next to her. Santana intertwined their fingers. "I had an odd conversation with Mike this morning."

"Really now." The blond replied, turning to face the other girl.

"Mmhum." Santana stated, tracing the lines on the inside of her palm, "He told me to stay away from Brit. He thought I was singing for her."

Quinn frowned at the thought that Brittany thought Santana's romantic gesture was aimed at her. Santana noticed the pout and leaned in a kissed her softly. The jumped apart when they heard a slight cough.

"Sorry." Mr. Schuester exclaimed, as his face broke out in a blush.

"It's cool. Mr. Schue." Quinn smiled, leaving their fingers intertwined.

"I. Um. wanted to tell you that you sounded really good yesterday, Santana." He stammered, his eyes trying not to stare at the affection between his two students.

"Thanks." Santana replied, looking at the door when the rest of the glee club started entering the room. Quinn started to pull her hand away, when Santana held on tighter.

"You sure?" Quinn whispered, and Santana nodded. Most of the rehearsal went fine and no one noticed the interaction between Quinn and Santana. Rachel was in the middle of barraging Mr. Schuester for something or other when she stopped mid-sentence.

"Wait." She exclaimed, her eyes focusing on the two girls talking. "Quinn, why are you holding Santana's hand? I know that it's a perfectly acceptable to show affection with someone of the same-sex; but this in conjunction with Santana's song yesterday leads me to inquire."

"English, Yeti." Santana spat, her hand holding on tighter to the blonds.

"Are you in a relationship with Quinn?" Rachel states, and everyone suddenly became quiet. Santana could feel everyone's eyes on them.

"I don't know. Santana are we in a relationship?" Quinn asks sweetly, after she smiles at the latina.

Santana looks pensive for a moment, "Is sex dating?" she questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Quinn replies trying to laugh. Santana turns back to Rachel,

"Then yes." Santana states simply, leaning back and crossing her legs.


(Thank you everyone who read! The lyrics were The Beatles "If I Fell.")