Okay so this next chapter is based on the past when Misaki and Takumi are still in high school (2nd year, winter).

She was a normal looking girl, brown hair and golden eyes, but when that rare smile came to her face, it sent Takumi's heart racing. And at that moment in the park close to her house came that rare exceptions. All he did was challenge her to an outrageous bet and her sour spirit lifted up when asked to find a white rose in the newly fallen snow.

"I found it!" In her hand was the fake white rose, Misaki smirked at her accomplishment. A wry smile came to Takumi's face, she was making his legs sway looking at him like that. The strange smile made her eyebrows pucker and caused her to look down at her snow covered shoes, in attempts to hide the redness.

How can she be so cute?

He took the rose from Misaki's hands and stuck it in her hair. "Do you know why I had you play this game Ayuzawa?"

"Because you want my hands to fall off from the cold?" She made fist with her red bare hands.

"I told you to take gloves but you didn't listen."

"How was I suppose to know you were going to have me dig in the snow like an idiot?"

Takumi took her hands in his, she tried to pull away but he refused to let go. "Ayuzawa, your hands are freezing," he tightened his grip around them, intertwining his fingers with hers, "do you know what white roses represent?"

"No idea..purity?"

"It can, but there is more to a white rose thanthat. For example," he raised her hands into the air and crossed Misaki's arms across her body making her to spin so she was no longer facing her. Takumi pulled her close to his body and placed his lips to her ear, "security in secrets. Your secrets will always be safe in my arms."

Misaki stood stiff and was unable to move away from him, her heart pounded in her ears. She felt strange- unable to gain the strength to hit him. "That's stupid. I don't get-"

Her words were cut off my his lips for less then a second. "Silence-just actions. White roses don't need words to express themselves. They are given as actions when words are unable to be spoken. Which kind of makes me think of someone I know."

"So I am like white rose?"

"Not exactly, it's both of us. Like a white rose I hope I can become a worthy person to you. With innocents in hand I promise to become the gentleman you are looking for in a guy. I'll protect you no matter how far away I may be from you. Because as long as you keep this rose alive and close to your heart I will be their."

Misaki was lost in thought and it took her a long time before she was able to speak again. "But the rose is fake. It can't die."

"I know." He released her from his arms.

"That's still stupid...but very..sweet." She took the flower out of her hair and played with the fabric petals. "Can I ask you a question?"

Takumi nodded staring down at her. "Anything."

"Where are you going? You said 'no matter how far away I am from you'..tell me where you are going, Usui."

His eyes went dull. "No where, I'm just speaking in metaphor. Now come on, lets go back to your house for coffee."

Usui...you idiot.

Thanks for reading. :) comments and reviews would be awesome