Hello you wonderful people who have stumbled on this here story! I want to thank those eight people who reviewed my last story. Virtual hugs for all of you.

Okay Ive been reading the PaTF stories here for some time now and I noticed that many people had written about Tiana and Naveen's visit to the mysterious Maldonia of which we know virtually nothing about! Just to warn you readers this will seem like one of those stories, But I've also noticed that no one has written about the small, possible chance that Tiana and Naveen will turn BACK into frogs! Odd? Maybe. But I shall try it anyways! hehe.

I hope you people will review! :D ~Miranda~

It has been three great years since she wished on that star, on that fateful night.

It has been three years since she had first kissed that frog.

It has been three years since she and the frog went on a great journey together in the mist of the bayou.

It has been three years since their good friend Ray, went up into the sky with his beautiful Evangeline.

It has been three years since their adventure of fun, love, and danger while they followed their dreams, but they will soon encounter a new adventure.

Normally, Tiana would spend this time of the workday making sure everything was still intact. Making sure everyone was seated, approving upcoming seasonal menus, and putting out whatever Naveen had managed to set on fire for the day.

But not today, She was outside gawking at the letter that came in the mail. Even though the wind was throwing her already curly hair into an even more tangled mess under the setting sun, she had been rereading over and over again the writing that came with the official seal of Maldonia.


Dear Princess Tiana,

There is a tradition held in Maldonia that is highly respected. The Kingdom will need a new ruler soon do to the king and queen stepping down from the throne. Our custom as you should well know by now is that the queen is crowned before the king.

It is of great urgency you make your decision whether to rule our country as quickly as possible. But the king and queen are hoping you and Prince Naveen will still visit us in the end of this March.

The Royal Secretary of Maldonia


She didn't think it would happen so soon. Both her and Naveen tried hard to avoid the subject for as long as they needed but it was unavoidable now. They both felt equal weights on their shoulders.

Naveen and his subjects had always been afraid at the thought of him as a king but no one can know how Tiana will act.

When Naveen read the letter inside the restaurant he was also nervous. In his country, the queen was crowned before the king, and seeing that it was Tiana's decision meant that if she does decide to rule the country then he too must rule.

Tiana sat on the steps to the stage where Louis performed every night. Her mind was somewhere else, as she rubbed her shoulders trying to ease her stress.

Naveen walked over and sat next to her

He was deeply concerned about her opinion. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking of how I never planned on this, about how I never thought it would happen" she sighed as her brown eyes looked at Naveen's "I can't do this."

"We do not have to rule you know. There is always my uncle Hendrik. Although he may be crude sometimes he will rule just fine" He replied trying to see a smile on his wife's eyes

"You don't get opportunities like this all the time. And what would your parents think of me if I refuse? Their son would never be king, and it would be my fault."

Naveen wrapped an arm around her shoulder "Oh, trust me. The last thing any Maldonian would want is to see me, a no count philandering lazy bump-on-a-log a king!" he answered receiving a smile from her finally.

"Maybe I should make the decision in Maldonia. I should at least get to see the country right?" Tiana said staring off into space again, which was completely unlike her, always so focused self.

He finally grinned confident of the idea, "That is a good plan." He stood up and lifted her up as well.

Tiana then pouted remembering an important detail. "Wait, I cant! Too many important people are coming this week to the restaurant for me to leave." She started pacing up on the stage and counting with her fingers the many guests. "There is the catering to the Georgie family's wedding, the governor will be coming as well, and not to mention Mr. LaBeauf's masquerade ball and I can't miss that."

As Tiana continued to worry about the many appointments set, Naveen felt as if one of his heartstrings has been plucked loudly at the very mention of the masquerade ball. That is when he truly had met his Tiana. Could she have possibly forgotten the couple was coming close to their anniversary?

Lately Tiana has been focusing a lot on her work and Naveen couldn't help but feel in some way jealous. Similar to the feeling he had when Tiana had ran away from Naveen's almost-proposal to see her restaurant far off from their view on the steamboat.

He tried to tell himself that deep down Tiana wouldn't be Tiana if she weren't in some way always in her work, but its getting harder day after day now.

"Relax my princess, relax." he hugged her tightly from the back. "You can go to Maldonia before me and I will stay here and make sure everything is fine! Then I will go and join you." He tried a smile hoping she would go for the offer.

"Naveen," she sighed "Can I really expect you to run this place without burning it down to ashes?" she muttered walking away from his grasp, still rubbing her arms.

"Oh you can not possibly mean that," he said walking next to her to the side of the stage then holding her hands to make sure she would look at him. "All will go well. The waiters will also be managing things here, and not to mention Louis. What could go wrong?"

Suddenly both of them jumped to their feet at the loud sound coming from the drum set in the back of the stage. They look to find a bashfully grinning alligator tangled under drums with a cymbal on his head. Oh how the gator loved to spy.

"Many...oh so many things." Tiana said with a sigh. As she looked down once more "But I suppose I'm going to have to suffer through it in Maldonia." she sighed as she looked back up smiling at her husband.

Naveen gave a playful yell of victory and hugged her. "Oh no need to worry. As long as I'm here nothing wrong will happen."

or maybe something will :O dun dun dun! :)

One thing I wanted to share. I have recently visited the Magic Kingdom (squee) and I actually met Tiana and Naveen! and Naveen actually looks like Naveen! He has the smile and everything! It made my day :D

I promise in my next chapter more stuff will happen! lol