Enjoy! :D

I was 10 that day when everything happened. I had know Kohaku before I was 10 but we had both forgotten. He had promised me that we would see eachother again, but that was 6 years ago. That's right, now I'm 16, and where's Kohaku?

.....Still Gone......

I watched TV as I ate breakfast that morning, nothing very interesting was on so I just put on the news. After I finished eating I yelled to my parents, "I'm leaving now! Bye!"

It was summer vacation which meant I didn't have to go to school, something that I was grateful for. I ran out the back door of our house and into the woods behind our house. I stopped when I was about 5 minutes into the woods. I scanned the ground for what I was looking for. There it was, the small statue Saiomi and I had used to help us find our cave.

You might think I'm too old to have a secret cave with my best friend but I can't help it. I walk to my left for a while then I climb over the large mound of rocks. Once I get over to the other side I crouch down and roll away a huge stone.

The fact that the stone was in place means that Saiomi musn't have been able to come today. That fact worries me a bit because the only other place she would be is at her home. That might not sound bad to you but when you live with an abusive family like Saiomi does the word home isn't very comforting. That's why me and Saimoi made an agreement, this cave would be our home.

I go inside and sit against the wall. Without Saiomi with me I feel sort of lonely. Saiomi is one year older than me but she is in my grade at school because one year she missed a lot of school because a bad injury she had gotten from her brother. Because of that Saiomi got held back a grade.

It's bad enough that Saiomi's parents mistreat her, but what it even worse it that while they mistreat her they treat her older brother like a king. Most people would hate their older brother if they were in that situation but Saiomi really cares about him.

The injury was just a mistake, Saiomi's brother, Luke, really cares about her a lot. Without Luke in the picture Saiomi probably would've been treated a whole lot worse than she has been.

Saiomi is shy so she doesn't have many friends and she have issues trusting people because of her family at home. When we met we just sort of knew that we would be best friends, and that's what happened.

When I first moved here everyone was friendly, I was of course was polite back but didn't really want a lot of the other people as friends. To me a friend isn't someone that you gossip and say bad things about behind their back. Saiomi and I completely understand that, but a lot of girls at my school don't.

Unlike me, Saiomi likes the cave but not the woods around it, so I decided to take this chance and go exploring. I rolled the stone back in front of the cave and set off. I didn't have a plan of where I was going, I was sort of just walking around.

A noise from a bush behind me made me stop. I turned around yet I saw nothing there. Walking again I heard the noise for a second time, my heart started pounding loudly. All the legends and scary stories people told about the woods started going through my head.

Cautiously I crept over to the bush. Suddenly a black cat leapt out making me scream. Next thing I knew in place of the cat stood a young girl, she looked about 7 years old.

"Chihiro w- we need your help." The girl spoke to me with her head bowed down respectively.

I rubbed my eyes wondering if I was dreaming, I usually did have weird dreams. When I looked up she was still standing there so I pinched myself. The pinch hurt so I guess I wasn't dreaming afterall.

"Who needs my help? And who are you even?"

"I'm Kin, Haku's apprentice. There's trouble in the spirit world, Haku has gone missing and... well a lot of bad stuff has been happening. I need your help. Everyone is in trouble, Haku, Yubaba, Zeniba, Lin and a lot of others. I barely managed to escape."

That's when I realized that she was bleeding. She has a long cut across her cheek and her eyes were brimming with tears.

How could I be able to help her? She had mentioned Kohaku was in trouble but I had no way to save him. Now that Kohaku had been brought up I desperately wanted to see him.

"Please Chihiro you're my last hope! Haku told me about you before and I remembered so I came to see if you could help me." The tears Kin had been holding back came rolling down her cheeks.

Not wanting to disappoint her I thought for a minute.

"How about you come to my house and we put some medicine on your cut. Then we can talk about all this."

She looked up at me a nodded. I could see the hope on her face and I knew I would feel horrible when I had to tell her there was nothing I could possibly do.

Hope you liked it. Please review and favorite! :)