Cool Down
It was not often that Ami did things that didn't make any sense. In fact, if Zoicite thought about it, he could not ever recall a time that Ami's action weren't logical; both in the 15 years he had known her in this life time, and the time they spent together in the Silver Millennium. Until today.
He watched in utter shock as she dove into a freezing pool, fully clothed. He ran outside to her, sure that she had lost her brilliant mind. He raced over to the pool edge intending to jump in to save her.
Just was he reached the edge, Ami surface with her arms full of glass balls that normally sat in a bowl on their coffee table. He knelt down to help pull her out, only to have her yank into the cold water.
"Fuck Ami!" He yelled as her surfaced. "What the hell was that for?"
"Because this," she waved to the glass balls. "Is all your fault."
He arched an elegant eyebrow in askance.
Ami's eyes became icy blue. "Because you insisted on teaching your son to play catch yesterday and now he thinks anything round is a ball to throw."
"Zane decided to use Minako's glass art as balls?"
"Yes and I had to retrieve them today because Minako and Kunzite are coming for dinner." She rubbed her temples in frustration.
Because he was dying to know he asked. "Where did he throw the balls from?"
She pointed to the sandbox about 40 feet away.
Zoicite could not help the proud look that came to his face. His three year old boy already had quite an arm on him.
Ami upon seeing that look, promptly pushed him back into the pool.