Writers notes: Ok I'm super bored, Easter break ends today and I am stuck at home watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding Over and over again.. so yeah, Silena and Charlie are my favorite-ish people in the series Percy Jackson etc. So heres a little something I hope you enjoy.

PS. I really don't know where people keep getting the idea that Silena had dark hair... shes blonde. TRUST ME.. I'm a ninja.

Never had I been so glad to be back in my cabin, but after fighting a lode of monsters and spending 2 days running around helping the people who did get hurt, well all I wanted to do was breathe. Just some weeks ago Annabeth and Percy found the entrance to the labyrinth and got a quest to- well I guess you know the story. Any ways, the fighting hasn't ended, that I know... and the worst part was... it's all my fault. I can't turn my self in, Luke would kill me. I use to think death was a fear, now it seems necessary. I would die for my camp, for Camp Half-Blood.

"Silena, are you in here?" A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts, I pulled my sleeve down to cover my bracelet.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked getting up from my bunk. Kim walked into the room and had a strain look on her face, I had really never seen everyone so tired before.

"Will you help get settled over at the Big House? They need all the head counselors there for some kind of meeting," She said running out of breath.

"Yes, thanks, and Kim, really good job out there. I'm really proud of all of you." Her smile made me feel a bit better. All thought the Aphrodite kids didn't do all the fighting, but we had our share of monsters. We owe most of it to the Ares and the Hephaestus kids, the camp seemed lifeless, no joy in anyones face, not even a smile, just fear. That idiot Luke just had to go and listen to Kronos. Yeah, He came to me in dreams too, but did I listen to him? No. I just listened to Luke, now look what has happened; A war. I got to the main house just as Tweedledum and Tweedledee (also known as the stroll brothers) did.

"Hey Silena," they both said at the same time adjusting them self to both my sides.

"Hey guys, are you two ok?" I guessed they where but Conner did have his hand wrapped on bandages.

"Yeah except, you know-" Conner rose his hand and smiled.

I smiled back, and we walked in the door. Chiron was waiting for all of us inside, he was on his wheelchair, "Counselors, please have a seat." he announced to us as he saw us.

"Whats this about?" Travis asked us.

"It's probably about what we are planing next, ya know," Conner responded.

Before any of us could say anything, Chiron spoke again.

"Let's have a moment for all those we lost in the prior attack," he tilted his head down.

I taught about the fight, and how I owed Charlie Beckendorf my life.

I was to run through the battle field to help the Apollo kids on the other side of where I was, I took a sword from the ground and prayed to the gods I would remember the things they has taught us in sword fighting. Anyways, I got caught up fighting with some kind of ugly snake woman. She was about to stab me if it wasn't for Charlie who with one arrow he shot, killed it, well not exactly, just made it go away. He wasn't even 3 feet in front of me... no, he was on the other side of the field. I never had the opportunity to thank him.

"And once again, this summer is coming to close, I would like to know how many of you are staying through out the year. So?" Chiron looked around for us to answer.

"I'm staying," Charlie said out loud. I turned to him, he was wearing a black t-shirt that marked his athletic body. His light brown eyes were so dreamy, I could get lost in them. He noticed I glanced at him and smiled at me. Ok, embarrassing much?

"Silena is staying too, and so am I," I turned to Katie Gardner, one of my best friends at camp, even though we weren't from the same cabin, we still had a deep connection.

"We might stay," Travis answers for both him and Conner.

"Me too," Annabeth said quietly entering the room and taking a seat next to Percy.

"All right, I'll put you four in charge of some activities over the year, is that alright?" Chiron asked.

We all nodded, and then he told us we should all get rest.

Most people left, I didn't, I was waiting for the right time to talk to Charlie. I began to think about my mother, and what she told me last time we spoke, I remember it clearly she said, "You have a gift Silena, no other daughter of mine is as potential as you, just remember to listen to your heart," I don't know if she meant it, or if she just says that to all of her favorite. My mother is so beautiful, same blonde hair as me, same blue eyes, yet we are so different. Someone cleared their throat behind me to get my attention. It was Charlie.

"Hey," he said with his amazing voice that could melt me.

"Hey! I never got the chance to thank you," I said... randomly.

"For what?" He asked

"For saving my life, from that snake lady," I said, and he smiled.

"That was nothing, you've saved me before," he said humorously.

"Yeah when?"

"Last year, remember, you told me bravely, 'watch out for that branch,' if it wasn't for you I could have tripped." He said, and I laughed. No one could make me laugh like he can.

"I guess we're even now,"

"Nah, I don't believe in the whole, 'I do something for you, you do something for me' scenario." he said.

"Thats nice, I never thought about it,"

He smiled, "So, you're staying for the year?"

"Yup, another year in boarding school in Cali while my dad is in Italy? No thank you. I would much rather stay here." I said, "you? What's your story?"

"I just think I have to stay here, ya know' just train and learn," He finished with a gesture.

"So.. last year of high school?" I asked

"Yeah, exciting, I'm basicly done. All I need are a few more English practices and that's it." He said looking relieved.

"Wow, time goes by pretty quickly, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, I remember the first time I met you," he seemed to daze off for just a moment which made me laugh, he had made this adorable face, I couldn't help it. "what?" he asked a little out of it.

"Nothing- you just, you made a cute face just then," I said. What? I always say what's on my mind.

He blushed but then quickly turned back to his senses. "Well, you're cute most of the time,"

"Hold up... Most of the time?" I asked humorously trying to set the mood from kind of awkward to okay.

" The rest of the time you're beautiful," he finished with another smile, and blushing.

"That's sweet Charlie, you just made my day," I hadn't realized how the Stroll brothers hadn't even left the room.

"Oh, don't mind us," Travis spoke up as he noticed I had glanced over to them.

"Yeah, hadn't even noticed you we're there," I said sounding a bit rude.

"Really Silena, do you get that lost in Beckendorf's eyes to the point where you can't even notice your surroundings?" Conner said, I blushed and Charlie, well he blushed too, and tried to hide it by pointing out to the Strolls they have nothing better to do than stalk me.

Okay, so what ya think?? Let me know and chapter two will be out in like 3 days or so.. maybe more.. I don't know..