The Treasure of Power

Disclaimer:                I don't own Dragonball Z and I don't make any money with it!

A/N:                           In case you ask yourself now, how I could write this story and not continue TLW-TNG, I want to explain it to you. I'm feeling a bit better again and wanted to continue TLW-TNG, but as I sat there and just wanted to start to write, the beginning of this story came into my mind, and I had to write it down, before I forget it again. But I promise you one thing; I will first finish my The Lost Warrior Trilogy, before I will start to write the next chapter of this fic.

                                   Here's a small summary:
First of all, this is an alternate universe B/V, G/CC fic. It takes place in the 17th or 18th century, as pirates terrorized the seven seas. You have to know a few things for this story. Everything takes place on earth. There are no aliens. I'm not sure yet, if I Super Saiyajins will exist in my story, maybe you can tell me what you think about it. Whatever… Everyone is looking for the so-called "Treasure of Power" (the Dragonballs, if you haven't guessed yet). You can somehow say it is some kind of rewritten Saiyajin and Namek Saga. Well, not really… ARGH! I don't know how to explain it to you, so just read and find out! Have fun!


He ran as fast as he could through the thicket of the jungle, his spiky black hair waving in the wind. Sweat ran down in his face, letting the fresh scar on his left cheek burn like hell.

In his right hand he held a machete, cutting through the leaves and bushes while he was running, and in his left arm he held a bundle, pressed tightly against his chest.

He had to keep going. It wasn't that far anymore. Just a few more meters.

Suddenly he heard a shot. He looked back and saw some lights not that far behind him in the jungle.

Not looking where he was running, he stumbled over the root of a tree. And fell. Startled, he immediately looked at the tiny bundle in his arm and held his breath. He expected a loud wail, and he grew immediately worried, when it didn't come.

He carefully removed a bit of the blanket and revealed a newborn baby with black and spiky hair. It was sleeping, his small tail lazily hanging down.

He sighed with relief. He would never forgive himself, if something happened to this baby. He promised to the baby's mother that it would grow up in freedom, that it would be safe, right before her death. No, he would never let something happen to the baby. To his son.

Groaning, he got up and began to run again. He could already hear his pursuers coming nearer. No, he wouldn't let them get the boy. His son would have another fate than the rest. His son would live!

Not even a minute later he finally reached the beach and through the thick fog he could see a lamp at the water. When he got there, he saw an old woman standing there and a boat lying in the water. "Kyna…" he greeted the woman, as he slowly approached her.

Kyna greeted him with a nod. "Is that the boy?" she asked him.

"Yes, that's Kakarotto," the man told her. He gave her the baby and took an envelope out of his pocket. "In this letter I explained who he is and what is happening. You know that I trusted you with my and now with his life. Please bring him to the people I told you about. They will understand and let him grow up in safety."

She took it with a light smile. "Bardock…" she said softly. "Of course can you trust me. I raised you and now I will make sure that your son will grow up as you wish."

Bardock smiled, but got serious again, when he heard another shot. He looked to the jungle. "Kyna, you have to go now. They're coming."

The old woman nodded sadly. She knew that this would be the last time she would see him again. "Farewell, Bardock. And good luck."

"Farewell Kyna," he said, taking one last look at the still sleeping child in the old woman's arms. He would never see his son again, but he knew it was for the better. He didn't want his son to die, or even worse to grow up under the tyrant. The monster already got his other son and he wouldn't let him get this one, too. "Go," he told her sternly, as she still didn't move.

Kyna nodded and retreated to the small boat.

Bardock watched as the boat disappeared in the thick fog on the water until he couldn't see it anymore. At that moment, he heard voices behind him and turned around. "Zarbon," he said with a smirk on his face. "Oh, and Dodoria. Wow, you even brought some of your henchman. What a surprise."

"Bardock," Zarbon said. "You shouldn't have tried to flee. You know that it is impossible. You had your chance. The Lord wanted you to work for him, but now…"

"You know as well as I do that I would never work for the beast," he answered coolly. "I just obey one person. And that is the King."

"Really? Too bad that he's dead. Lord Frieza killed him. As well as almost everyone else of your pathetic race. Are you ready to follow them?"

Bardock smirked. "Do you really think that I'm that easy to kill? You won't get me without a fight."

Zarbon shook his head. "Are all Saiyajins that stubborn? You know exactly that you can't win."

"We'll see." Even though he said that, Bardock knew exactly that he couldn't win. Zarbon was simply too strong. And with Dodoria at his side it was impossible to beat him. But he knew from the very beginning that he would die. He just wanted his son to be in safety. He always knew that he would go down fighting. True to his race he would die the death of a warrior, of a Saiyajin. And today, his day had come. He had made peace with himself. His son wouldn't live under the terror of the beast and he would again be with his mate. "Farewell Kakarotto. May you grow up in peace," Bardock mumbled and charged at his enemy.


about 25 years later…

He cried out in pain, when a foot connected with his jaw, sending him backwards into the rail of the wooden ship. Luckily, he could catch himself, before he fell into the water. But his opponent didn't wait and began to use him as punching bag. The young man with the spiky black hair waited for the right moment and caught the fists of his opponent. They clasped their hands and pushed the other with brute strength, none of them wanting to give in. None of them moved an inch. No one on the ship dared to say something. You could just hear the rush of the water and the screams of the seagulls, which were flying under the burning sun. It seemed like hours that they stood there like this.

"Do you give up?" the young bald man with the three eyes asked. He was wearing green pants with a red belt and had a scar square over his chest.

"You should know me better than that," the other answered, feeling blood running down his chin. He was wearing black pants and a dark blue shirt, his black hair refusing earth's gravity and standing to all directions. Suddenly, he let go of the hands and before his opponent could react, he did a somersault over his head. He wiped the blood from his mouth and smirked at his opponent. "You'll pay for that." He lunged forward and hit him first with his fist in the stomach and then landed a roundhouse kick in his side, letting him crash against a mast.

"That wasn't nice," the young bald man with three eyes groaned, when he got up. He wiped some sweat from his forehead.

"But what you did before wasn't nice either," his black haired opponent countered. "Can we continue this please, or are you already tired?" he asked, his black eyes sparkling with anticipation for a good fight. He still seemed to be totally fresh, despite the strains of the fight or the hot sun.

"Me? And tired? Never!" With that, they lunged again at each other.

At the same moment a small figure appeared on the deck of the ship. He looked a lot like a small child, or a clown. "Are they still fighting?" he asked the young man sitting on a trunk, watching the fight. He had long black hair and a scar running over his left eye. He was wearing black pants and a white shirt.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Yamcha? What do you think? Who will win this time?" the small one asked.

"Don't ask me, Chao-Zu. It looks like they're about equal. But I guess that Goku will win again," Yamcha answered.

"But Tenshinhan has gotten better."

"You wanna bet? I'll give you ten golden coins, when Tenshinhan wins this match."

Chao-Zu looked at him confused. "Do you even have so much?"

Yamcha grinned. "Euh… No… Okay, no bet. But I'm still sure that Goku will win. He's the strongest of us, after all."

Both of them already knew that when those two were fighting, no one would give in. They would fight until either one of them would collapse or until they had to eat.

"By the way, what are you doing here? Is lunch ready?" Chao-Zu nodded. "Well then… Goku! Come on! Finish him off! Lunch is ready!"

"Tenshinhan! Show him what you can do!" Chao-Zu rooted for his friend.

"Lunch?" Goku asked curiously, never taking his eyes from his opponent. "Well then… I'm sorry Tenshinhan, but I'm hungry."

"What?" Tenshinhan asked surprised as Goku hit him with his foot and sent him flying over the rail into the water.

Goku leaned over the rail, waiting for his friend to come again to the surface. "Tenshinhan? Are you okay?" he asked with a huge grin on his face. He threw down a rope and Tenshinhan climbed again on the ship.

"The next fight, I will win," he said laughing, as he climbed over the rail.

"Yeah, whatever… and now, let's go eat something."

They just wanted to go inside, when they heard a voice calling out for them. "Hey! Guys!"

Goku looked up to their lookout. "Hey Krillin! What is it?"

The young and small bald man climbed down the mast to his friends. "Land! I can see land!"

"Really?" Chao-Zu asked disbelieving and they all rushed to the bow. "Is this….?"

Hesitating Goku took the telescope out of Krillin's hand and looked through it. And indeed, he could see the coast. An all too familiar coast. Suddenly not hungry anymore, he felt a knot twisting in his stomach. His happy face was replaced by a frown. "It's home…"


So, what do you think of it? Do you like it so far? If you ask yourself, why Goku isn't happy to be home again, I recommend you to read the next chapters. Everything will be explained later in the story.

But please review, okay?

Eternally yours
