Hiya. So, I should be working on a research paper for English, but who am I to deny my muse when it hit me with such a delicious story?

Disclaimer: Black-Neko-Chan does not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

When they fight, he never says a word.

He isn't sure what set him off this time. It's always something that seems important at the time, but then later, when he reflects back on it, it's really not important at all. Usually he doesn't even remember what it is. But trivial or not, its always something, and once he gets it in his head, he can't let it go.

There was once a time when they didn't fight so much. Sure, they've always fought (both were carved from the same mold –too fucking headstrong and obstinate to admit that perhaps maybe, just maybe, one of them could be wrong), but there had once been a time when they didn't fight as much. It wasn't ever rainbows and butterflies, but that had been perfect for them. Who needed that happy shit anyways? Still...

When they fight, Marik never says a word. He used to, Bakura remembers that, but now he doesn't anymore. Maybe it's because it happens so much. Maybe it's because he's learned that its just better to let him yell and scream and rage as much as he wants until he finally runs out of steam. Maybe…

Lilac eyes look at him, watching him with a detached silence. They're the eyes of an observer, someone who sees him not for who he is, but what he is. Not the person he is on the inside, but what he's made out of. An observer's eyes, a scientist's eyes. He hates it. Maybe that's what made him so angry in the first place.

So he yells, bellows out accusations and torrents of obscenities and all the while Marik is silent, watching, taciturn. Kicks and punches and screaming, all coming from him, and yet still not a sound from that tight-lipped, half-smirk, knowing and mocking.

Beautiful Marik remains silent, only sits and listens and watches. Why doesn't he speak? Have his words dried up, leaving only this cool, icy soundlessness?

It only angers him more when he doesn't talk. When he doesn't make any noises. When he doesn't cry and beg and plead to be forgiven. He should too! Marik is only Marik, but Bakura is Bakura! He's the one is charge, the one with all the power! He should have the upper hand! Not Marik!

His silence only reinforces the idea that underneath all of his bravado, he's really being dominated by the other's frigid quiet. And he hates that. Above all else, he hates that. He's Bakura, and Bakura obeys and listens to no one. Not him. Certainly not him.

He teaches that to Marik, that he is the one who should be feared. And now the silence doesn't bother him, because it shows that the other is listening and obeying. So Bakura is happy once more, and it is only after the yelling and the fighting are over, after the two of them have made up in their own curious, sadistic fashion, that he remembers.

Dead silent.

That's how he would describe Marik when they fight. And it's accurate, because after all, Marik is dead. He killed him long ago, and all that's left now is a perfect porcelain doll for him to use and abuse.

The moment of enlightened reality can only last so long. Then the memory fades, and it's back into the dark silence he emerged from, only for it to all start over again.

Heheh, fun stuff, isn't it? I just absolutely adore it myself. If you feel the same (or even if you don't), be sure to leave a review! Thanks!