
Maybe, you know, life could be easy, not a prude. I'd rather life be a whore than a bitch. ~A friend of mine.

Duncan flopped back on his bed, pissed off at his earlier admission and his newfound loneliness.

This is retarded. I'm alone, because my girlfriend is chilling with some people from her Algebra II class, Kayla's out with her boyfriend, and my wingman's not even back from college yet. And it's a Friday.

"FRIDAY?" The realization hit him like a two-ton bag of bricks. "Damon's coming back TONIGHT? Holy-" He stopped himself short. "The party. What the hell is gonna happen to that party?"

He immediately grabbed his phone and hit the first speed dial. It was time to start the party.

Kayla was having the time of her life. She and Mar had gone to an old-fashioned drive-in theater, and they were on their way to the restaurant where they would have dinner.

Her phone buzzed violently in her purse a few seconds after they'd gotten into the car.


"Is that my siostrzyca [sister]?" Damon asked.

"Dae? Jesus, man, when are you coming back?"

"Tonight, or did you forget?"

"Tonight? Seriously? Am I still obligated to go to your aunt's place or what?"

"You still are. Just kidding, bro, it's your call. It's supposed to be pretty chill. Speaking of chill, heard you got a new BF, who is it?"

"Tell you later, he's in the car with me."

"Ooh, siostrzyca's on a date."

"Zamkni sie kurwa ty pizda. [STFU hoe.]"

"Put me on speaker and lemme talk to the guy. Is he Polish?"

"Yeah, it's not like there's much to choose from here." She put Damon on speaker. "Mar, say hi."

"Cześć, [hey] what's up Damon? How's college? Uzyskać wszelkie? [Get any?]"

"Cześć, nothing much, man. College sucked, by the way. Nie, jesteś zbyt zarozumiały sposób i brzydkie dla mnie. [Nah, the girls are too stuck up and ugly for me.]"

"Yeah, that's why I never date older." The two chuckle.

"So, you guys gonna meet me at the Mitchell's?"

"I don't know, it's Kay's call; we're sorta on a date, and it's her choice if we go or not."

"Right, she'll probably say no, with the way that, no offense Kay, Duncan sorta screwed her over, but I want at least one of my friends to chill with me. Chodź, Mar, kupiłem wódkę z bezcłowego na lotnisku. Będzie fajnie. [Come on, Mar, I bought vodka from the duty-free at the airport. It'll be fun.]"

"Ugh, fine, you had me at kupiłem wódkę [I bought vodka]. I'll come when Kayla lets me. Save some for me though, and probably Kay."

"Yes. I fucking love you guys, you know that? Przyjdź dziś o 10. Ja, chłopaki, wódkę i kilka kieliszków. [Be here at 10. Me, you guys, the vodka, and some shot glasses]"

"Going hard tonight?" Marek says with a laugh..

"Tak pierdole! [Fuck yeah!]" Damon says. "See you tonight, then, lady and gentleman."

"See you, man, bye."

"Make sure D's is the sober, brata [bro]. Bye," Kayla says and ends the call.

"So what are we gonna do about dinner?" Marek asks.

"Whatever you want, we've got 2 hours."

"You up for something fancy?"

"Anything you want, love."


"Damon! I was wondering when you'd turn your phone on."

"Listen, I need you to stay sober tonight."


"You were requested to be the sober, by your ex."

"So nothing would happen."

"Exactly, because she and her formerly prudish boyfriend are planning on getting fucked up with me and the boys tonight at the party. I bought Smirnoff, Absolut, Svedka, and pretty much every expensive brand of vodka in the airport."


"I'm legal, krewnej [cousin], so chill your nips, all right?"

"When did you start speaking Polish?"

"Forever, Duncan. I'm a Klechanek, remember?"

"Oh, right, I forgot you're a Polak."

"Look out, man, your genius is showing. So we have two hours."

"Two hours? How in the hell am I gonna get everyone chill and hammered on nattys in two hours?"

"I don't know, man, serve it in glasses and mix it with vodka. Your mom's Polish; she'll probably let you."

"Yeah, right. She stopped drinking because of my dad, so she's not even qualified to be Polish."

"Skip the nattys and get something stronger."

"But I stocked up on that shit, man."

"Get more!"

Duncan sighed, defeated by his cousin. "Cie spierdola [Fuck you] Damon."

"Kocham cie, krewnej [Love you too, cuz]. Bye."

"Bye, you douche."


So here it was: the shitty seventh chapter.

Yeah, that's what it was.

Damon, Duncan and Marek were speaking Polish. If you guys didn't notice, I put the translations in brackets next to the Polish sentences/phrases.

The Polish might be a little screwy, but my friends/translators haven't spoken it in months, so yeah. My Polish is pretty broken too, because, well, I'm still learning.

Hope you enjoyed,

TWTS/Kaia Minaj