
Summary: Duncan breaks up with Kayla (OC) for Courtney, and Kayla's family moves to England for her junior year. She comes back during the summer before senior year and finds out about everything that happened when she was gone, including TDI and TDA. When Duncan and Courtney return, Kayla decides to get revenge on her ex and his girlfriend. She didn't plan on falling in love though. T-M, for language, citrusy situations, and straight up citrus.

Ch. 1: Hatred

Kayla's PoV

I took off my glasses and scrutinized myself in the mirror. My hazel eyes were puffy from crying through the night and tear tracks stained my face. Something came over me, and I picked up my phone and read the text message that was the source of my tears: kay, i don't think that being with u was the right thing 4 me or u. i kno i'm not good 4 u. im sorry. d. Tears were trying to escape me once again, but I tossed the phone back on my dresser and sat down at my desk. I went on Facebook on my laptop and noticed that, in all of the time I spent crying and death-glaring at my phone and pictures of Duncan and myself, I didn't change my relationship status. Before I changed my status, I checked Duncan's, and which read, "It's Complicated." I didn't understand why he would put that as his status, but I refreshed the page, and it read, "Single." I decided that I had the green light to change mine, and I unconsciously realized that he didn't have one pang of remorse for what he did. It doesn't even HELP that I know who he likes. As soon as I pressed "Save Changes," Duncan IM-ed me.

DCM4L: hey. u ok?

mrs_mikey_way: i'm ok, except for the fact that u BROKE UP W/ ME IN A TXT! wtf is wrong w/you?!

mrs_mikey_way: u kno what? i don't care what's wrong w/you, ur not even worth my pain.

mrs_mikey_way (Kayla X Mads) is now offline.

DCM4L: i'm sorry...

mrs_mikey_way is offline. You can send this to her in an email.

Duncan's PoV

I groaned as she logged off. I was pissed because she didn't hear me out, but felt like an idiot for not remembering that she was out with Axel and Demyx (Kingdom Hearts fanboys) that night. I keep feeling that it's kind of my fault, because I didn't give her the real reason why I was breaking up with her.

I didn't want to tell her that I met someone else, because Kayla and I both knew I loved (and still love) her [Kayla].

But I don't know why I had such an incurable crush on that girl. I mean, yeah, she was good-looking and all, but she was my best friend/ex-girlfriend's mortal enemy. I shouldn't like her at all. She was pure evil, and she mutilated Kayla's Barbies and left my Hot Wheels outside in 98 degree weather to melt when we were five. It doesn't help that I recently found out that it was a collector's edition vintage Camaro, either.

Even her evil deeds couldn't disgust me. Maybe I like demons that work at Hollister. Maybe I like wannabe surfer chicks even if they can't surf if their lives depended on it. Maybe I don't like girls that have been nice to me and vice versa that I've known for pretty much my whole life.

She's the reason why I go to Hollister whenever I go to the mall with Kayla. She's the reason I bought Kayla's birthday gifts from Hollister. She's the reason why I wear Hollister.

She's the real reason why I'm breaking up with Kayla.

My cell buzzed next to me and I crossed my fingers, hoping it wasn't Kayla or Courtney. I was too confused to talk to one of the two women in my life. I checked the screen, and I sighed in relief. It was my cousin, Damon, thank the Lord.

"Hey Duncan. How's it going?" Damon asked.

I didn't know whether I should lie or tell the truth, but this was Damon, and he knew whether I'd lied or told him the truth. I might as well tell him the truth.

"I broke up with Kayla last night."

"How? Did you call her, invite her over and tell her, what did you do?"

I sighed. "She wasn't answering her phone, so I texted her," I said slowly, trying to put off the yelling that was an unhappy Damon.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Is it that you always want what you can't have? Because that's how it was with Kayla. She was happy with Seth, but she loved you enough to leave him and you decide, three months later, that you don't want her anymore, and break up with her in the harshest, most insensitive way known to man. You disgust me, Duncan. You really should have known better." Damon hangs up the phone.

"Well you know what?" I whisper to myself, "It wasn't even like that."


Kayla PoV

I finally decided to stop moping and get breakfast, but when I walked past the dining room, my parents were waiting for me. Did they find out about Duncan and me? I hope they're still oblivious......

"Hello sweetheart," my mom said. "Your father and I have something to announce."

"What is it?" I ask. Please don't be pregnant, please don't be pregnant!

"I got a promotion," my dad says. That was a relief. A giant, fucking relief.

"Really? That's great!" I say enthusiastically.

"But there's one problem." Nice of you to kill my buzz, Mom.


"We have to move." Is that what you use for buzzkill? Because trillions of buzzes would still be alive.

"So? There's nothing here for me anymore. Just a bunch of friends, but that's what Facebook's for."

"But weren't you going out with that nice boy, Duncan?" Oh, yes, remind me of the bastard that made me cry last night.. Whatever, I'm gonna lie.

"We broke it off. We thought it was for the best, so that we could see other people. I don't want to marry the guy I was going out with in my freshman year." I sat down. "So, where are we moving to?"

"We're moving to London." Fist-pump! London, England. Basically the Seattle of England. For non-grunge and pop, anyway....

"I've always wanted to go to London. I've become very interested in the English music scene." My mom and dad had this priceless look on their faces. It was a combination of the look that your parents would give you if you tell them that you're pregnant (Secret Life of the American Teenager. We watched it during Health.) and the one when they say 'Oh...that's great, honey,' sarcastically. Epic expression. I wish I had a photographic memory. Well, at least my camera.

"Have you? Anyway, we're leaving in May, and I don't know when we'll be back. Is that okay?"

"When in May? My friend's little sister is getting Confirmed on the fourth, and I don't want to miss that." Confirmations are very important to me, even though I'm nowhere near being Catholic. I went through CCD, had a Communion, got Confirmed, the whole nine yards. I honestly enjoyed it. Even the sister that was straight out of Hades.

"Don't worry, we're leaving on the fifteenth." Major relief...

"Good. I owe Kat enough to make it to her sister's Confirmation." Now my mom's looking me straight in the eye. This is the moment of truth.

"Kayla, won't this take a toll on your friendships?" Aha! Easy question!

"No. I need a break from all of them. Don't worry. Again, I'll utilize Facebook for its full potential." Great answer! Right amount of dark humor, right amount of stated facts!

"All right, just get some breakfast and think it over. Maybe you're not thinking clearly.." I roll my eyes and head over to the kitchen. I grab a breakfast bar and takes a can of Nutriment out of the fridge. My mom groans. "Why don't you ever have a real breakfast?"

"Real breakfasts take too long, especially since my car is officially in need of an oil change, new tires, et cetera. My schedule's freeing up, but my mechanic decides he's not going to talk to me." 98% true.

"What really happened with him?" Ughhh. Do you really want to hear the gory details???? Whatever. She's looking me in the eye again, so I think I should tell the truth.

"Met someone else, but he stayed with me for four months after he met her. He's really into her, and the fact that he waited until I broke it off should mean something about his feelings for me, but it didn't, apparently. She's probably forbidding him to talk to me and he's so into her that he has to do it."

"I don't think that's how it is." Of course you don't. You barely know this girl.

"But it is," I insist, "she knows how close Duncan and I were. She doesn't want us to get back together because of our friendship." Mom gets silent, and I figure that I've won. Victory is mine....I think.

"Well if that's how you think it is....Anyway, who is this girl?" Good question.

"She works at Hollister, hangs around Bridgette, runs for student counciil president but always loses to me, thinks she's the BEST because she always flaunts her designer lingerie, and has been trying to make me lose the elections every year since third grade." Hopefully that sounds nonchalant, not bitchy.

"Courtney? That little girl who used to-" Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

"Live down the street before her parents bought the giant mansion across town? The one who mutilated my Barbies when I was 6? Yes mom, that Courtney." How many Courtneys does my mother know? And how many of them hate me? Sorry, not enough information is provided for me to solve that problem. "Oh, look at the time, I gotta get ready for school. Bye, Mom, bye Dad." I go upstairs to get dressed and I notice a text from Public Enemy Number Two: Duncan.

srry about b4. meet me in the parking lot. i think we shud talk. I rolled my eyes at the text, but took a double-take when my eyes glanced over the signature at the bottom: kayla=my eternal love 3. What the hell? He broke up with me. I doubt that the signature means anything, but I should find out...

nice signature j/a. what, u rethink your decision? Thank God I changed my signature last night. i rise with the moon, you rise with the sun. mk3 Let's show him how fast I rebounded.

nahh, didnt wanna change. the more things change, u kno. bf? what hppnd 2 ur bff, me? Ah, same old cocky bastard.

u've been replaced d. dont get jealous, its a necessity. nothing stays the same, u kno that. How I came up with that is a mystery to me. i'll c u l8r. cant miss precalc ;)

precalc? who is this guy and what did he do to u? Oh, so now he wants to ask questions?

q4q: who'd u break up w/me 4? i need a str8 answer.

tell u school. c u there.

Great, another day to look forward to.


Duncan PoV

She noticed that I didn't change my signature...I have to admit, I trained her well. I keep forgetting that she isn't my girlfriend anymore, and I doubt that she'd even want to be friends after last night's text. I'll find out sooner than I want to.

It's only been a few hours, and I miss her already. If we were still together, we could still hang out, or do something without that small tension between us. It's not like we can see it, but I'll know it's there.

I've been thinking, and I realized that Courtney's like the anti-Kayla in some ways. Courtney tries too hard, and Kayla doesn't try at all. Courtney has all these political aspirations, and Kayla wants to be either a writer, a CSI, or be in a band for the rest of her life. Courtney plays it safe, Kayla wants to live on the edge. Courtney's got her life planned out, and Kayla makes it up as she goes along. Courtney worries too much, and I don't think Kayla worries at all.

I don't know why my interests changed that fast. Courtney's probably just a casual flirt, not fun or exciting, but I think I'll pursue just a little bit longer, and see how it turns out.

A/N: So here it is! It's a love triangle thing right now...It'll flesh out later, honestly.