Thanks for reading my last chapter! …and Not REVIEWING IT…..Anyways, I hope everyone likes this next chapter. It will be shorter as I don't feel this chapter needs a very long one as I did with the last one. Please read and review!

Grimmjow had suddenly passed out last night….against the wall….yeah, don't ask.

Tatsuki had spent the night on the couch and Orihime was in her room.

Yesterday had been a Friday, so they didn't need to worry about school or homework today.

Grimmjow was now singing in his sleep, "I hate you, you hate me, let's get together and kill Barneeey! With a knife in hand and a gun to the head, Barney just got shot dead!"

Tatsuki sweat dropped as Grimmjow's singing had woke her up. She started sweat dropping some more as she heard the next song.


"You were doing that on purpose weren't you? I bet you were trying to annoy the neighbors." Tatsuki asked, very bored.

"Yuppers Mr. Duck!" Grimmjow replied

"What the HELL did you eat?" Tatsuki asked

"ugh, Orihime's cooking, remember?"

"Oh yeaaaahhh! Ehehehehehehehee…I guess I should of told you about that, huh?" Tatsuki remembered sheepishly.

"You think? How bad was I last night?" He asked

"Pretty bad." Tatsuki replied, short and sweet.

"Aha!" Grimmjow exclaimed.

"Aha! What?" Tatsuki asked.

" You just admitted that I'm bad!"

"I did not!"

"You did too!"

"You know you want me Tatsuki, just think-In a few years we can be married."

"Ugh, who would want to marry a stinky hairball like you?" Tatsuki shot back with disgust.

"You would too!"

"Yeah right."

"Well, we're already dating so-"

"Wait, WHAT? Since when are we dating?" Tatsuki was now hovering above Grimmjow with a dark aura.

"You kissed me." Grimmjow stated as if that explained everything.

"Yeah okay."

"Wait, WHAT?" Tatsuki exclaimed

"You-Grimmjow pointed his index finger at her-kissed-then he took his middle finger and his index finger to cross them and started rubbing them against each other-me"-Then he took his index finger and pointed it at himself.

"Yeah, You said that but I don't get it."

"Don't get what?"

"I don't get why you think that we're dating."

"Because you like me"

"Yeah, so what?"

"I also like trees, dogs, cats friends, fun, awesomeness, music, and stuff. Oh, and food…just not people's food" Tatsuki jerked her head torwards the room that Orihime was sleeping in.

'Okay then…….does that mean you have also kissed a tree, a dog, a cat, a friend, fun, awesomeness, music, stuff, and food?" Grimmjow asked in his mocking tone while smirking.

"I have done none of those things! Except for the food part, if anyone has ever had ice cream…..well, yeah-you get it. That's like making out with it right there. Hands down dude." Tatsuki answered in a 'I'm going to kill the shit out of you if you if you say anything to what I just said' tone.

"Well, I'm going to go make breakfast before she wakes up and insists on her making it….you know what happened last night." Tatsuki started wandering off to the kitchen.

She opened the pantry "HOLY SHIT!" she screamed.

"What is it? Did the poopy monster finally get you?" Grimmjow taunted.

Tatsuki sweat dropped, "No….what the hell is a 'poopy monster'?"

"You know, instead of the boogie monster who puts eye crust on your eyes and fresh boogers in your nose, the poopy monster leaves you full of-"

"I don't even want to know Grimmjow!" Tatsuki cut him off just in time.

"Well hey, you wanted to know."

"Okay so what is it then?" Grimmjow asked, now totally bored.

"She has a bunch of normal food in here!"

10 minutes later…

"Come on Grimmjow! I'm makin waffles!" Tatsuki was trying out her "donkey voice"
from Shrek.

Grimmjow silently crept up on Tatsuki. "Who's that laaadaaah? Sexy ladaaaah! "



"What the hell are you singing?"

Grimmjow started choking and coughing. "W-what? You haven't heard or seen the Swiffer commercial?"

"Nope and I don't plan to."

5 minutes later…

Grimmjow set a laptop on the counter next to where Tatsuki was making the waffles on the stove. Here is the video. He clicked 'Play' and the video began.

*Shows some dumb blonde woman cleaning stereo-type thingy.*

"Switch to Swiffer360 Duster Extender and you'll dump you're old duster."

*Shows the same dumb blonde woman in the attic with a box*

"But don't worry, he'll find someone else."

*Shows the duster sit up and look at scary doll*

This was the part where Grimmjow started singing along with the stupid commercial song.

"Who's that laaadaaah?"

"Who's that laaadaaah?"

"Sexy laaday"

"Who's that laadaay?"

*Shows the same blonde chick with a look of puzzlement on her face.*(I told you she was dumb!)

Then the commercial went on for another thirteen seconds and ended….with Grimmjow singing the song again and wrapping his arms around Tatsuki's waist.

Tatsuki kicked him….again….in a place….again.

"OWWWWWW! That seriously hurt! Do you do this to Ichigo?"

"No, he's not half as annoying as you are…at least when he hasn't had any sugar…..That day was not pretty…." Tatsuki then shook her head violently as if trying to get the thought/memory out of her head.

Orihime came walking into the kitchen just then and started making all these random cutesy faces.

First she made a 'I'm hungry' face then a 'I smell food!' face then 'I gotta go pee!' face and with that she went running for the bathroom…..which was in the opposite direction.

"Hey, Orihime!" Tatsuki called out to her.

"Yeah?" She calle back

"The bathroom is the other way!"

"I know, I just remembered!"

Orihime then came running back past the kitchen and into the wall….which was right next to the bathroom.

"Wow, is she always like this in the morning?" Grimmjow asked, totally surprised.

"She's even more of a slut than when she's tried than at school!" He exclaimed, still really surprised.

Tatsuki punched him in the face, so he would shut the hell up.

He did.

"So Grimmjow, when are you going home?" Tatsuki asked, now serving him a plate of waffles with maple syrup.

"When I feel like it!" He said with a mouth full of waffles.

"You're mom and brother locked you out of the house, didn't they?" Tatsuki asked.

"No they did not!-How did you know?"

"I have….ways" Tatsuki replied mysteriously.

"Whatever dude, you're just jealous that I know everything that's going on and you have no clue of who I am."

"Okay, first off, that sounded soooo much like a stalker. No wonder I've been cuddling my stuffed cat too hard at night….I was being watched." Grimmjow trailed off.


An annoyance mark popped up over Grimmjow's head and he clenched his fist while making a disturbing face and said, "IT WAS MEANT TO BE AN INSULT!"

"Sure, sure it was"

"Well it was!"

"How is THAT an insult?" Tatsuki exclaimed at Grimmjow.

"I don't know! It just was!" He threw back.

Orihime surprised them both and lifted Grimmjow up into the air, twirled him a couple times, and threw him into the wall.

"Holy shit! What the hell was that for?" He screamed at her.

"I felt the bad atmosphere and thought that you guys should stop fighting!" Orihime replied giddily as if that was the only answer.

"And you make the whole situation WORSE by flinging me across the room?"


Ok, I hope you all liked that chapter. I have a lot of catching-up to do so…..erm….yeah.

Please review!