A/N: ...I guess I should've realized... Going to an art school for writing... doesn't leave you much time to do recreational work.


I... have not updated. In a long while. So here is my weak compensation, written as I wait for my homework to f3cking load... Dammit, I have about... 7 fics started, and none but this one finished. It's a travesty to all that fandoms stand for and aspire to be. I apologize profusely. I really do.

Not my best work, but... it's 8059. Happy reading?

"Ushishishi~ You can't sing the song, bomb brat. The stage was made for The Prince, after all, so hand it over~"

Can you feel me?

When I think about you,

With every breath I take.

Every minute

Don't matter what I do

My world is an empty place

"...It is none of my business, Gokudera, but this problem... you should go solve it soon."

Like i've been worderin the dessert,

For a thousand days ( oooh ).

Don't know if its a mirage,

But I always see your face, Baby...

"Gokudera-kun? Is that a picture of Yamamoto...?"

I'm missing you so much

Cant help it I'm in love

A day without is like a year without rain.

I need you by my side,

Don't know how i'll survive

But a day without you is like a year without raiiiiiin (oooh)

"Band 'Scarlatto Tempesta' start the year off running with their new hit single, 'A Year Without Rain', music composition by Fon, lyrics by Hayato, and performed by Belphegor. Since Belphegor joined their ranks as the lead singer, Scarlatto Tempesta has been at the top of the charts ever since. Belphegor's solo single, Love The Way You Lie, music composed by Fran..."

Hayato pulled the scarf tighter around his neck and the bottom half of his face, not wanting anyone to recognize him. Not here, not now.

The stars are burning,

I hear your voice in my mind ( in my mind )

Can't you hear me calling.

My heart is yearning,

Like the ocean thats running dry

Catch me i'm falling...

"The song that's topped the charts since its debut a week ago, however, is by rival band 'Blue Requiem'. The song 'Monochrome Kiss' is a duet sung by composer Squalo and vocalist Takeshi."

When the song floated over the market square speakers, Hayato groaned a bit, and quickened his pace, eager to escape the familiar voice that surrounded him. Before he knew it, his steps had quickened to a jog, a run, then a full-out sprint that brought him, panting, into an alleyway by the side of a designer's store. But it wasn't far enough. Nowhere is far enough. Hayato couldn't escape the song, the sound, the voice. He couldn't escape the charismatic Takeshi, and his overwhelming tranquility, the peace he brings Hayato. They were the lead vocals of rival bands, sure. They were at completely opposite ends of the spectrum, sure. But that won't change the fact that they were...

What were they? Best friends? They seemed to be so much more than that.

It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet, (Won't you save me),

There's gonna be a monsoon when you get back to me...

When you get back to me( ooooh Baby )

But Hayato was out here for a reason. He ventured out into the wild world of New York City, risking fangirl attacks everywhere, to make his purpose known. That is why he looks up at the skyscraper lining the edge of the busy markets, to the side window with the photograph of a desert in the middle of a sandstorm.

Takeshi's room.

I'm missing you so much

Cant help it I'm in love

A day without you is like a year without rain.

I need you by my side,

Don't know how i'll survive,

But a day without you is like a year without raiiiiin (ooh)

Hayato's hand froze above the door. There were voices inside-familiar voices he had just heard over the speakers outside; two voices many females in the world would give so much just to hear like... this.

"No- Squalo- I, no, wait-!"

"Fucking brat, you said you wanted this yourself! Don't go changing your mind now!"

"But I- I'm not ready yet! I still don't know-"


Hayato almost spun and ran away, had the door not flown open at the last second, missing the vocalist's face by a mere breath, and a cold, silver hand yanked him inside the apartment by the collar. In surprise, Hayato switched to his default expression, and glared up at the long-haired musician holding him. A pair of hands yanked at Squalo's hand and pushed Hayato gently down behind him, but Hayato was too caught up in the stare-down with Squalo to care particularly much.

"What the hell, you stupid bastard?" Hayato yelled, shoving the prosthetic hand away. "The fuckin' hell-"

"VOOIIIII!" Squalo's yell effectively quieted all the sounds in the living area. Even then, he didn't bother lowering his volume. "YOU TWO FUCKING BRATS! SORT YOUR PROBLEM OUT RIGHT NOW, OR I'M FUCKING KICKING YOU OUT OF THE BAND, KATANA-BRAT!"

With that eloquent adieu, the musician left and slammed the door behind him, leaving the two teens inside the echo chamber, heavy swallows and awkward blinking covered by the swirling sound. Hayato took a steadying breath, because he came here for a reason, and for one reason only. He was going to sort this out right now, and there was no reason to not. Forgetting to exhale, the vocalist turned, and faced Yamamoto with a steady glare.

Takeshi grinned ruefully at him at the same second.

Somehow, in that brief second, everything that happened... didn't matter anymore. The distance, the fight, the split... Nothing happened where everything happened, because this happened. Chemistry. Electricity. Whatever books and teens called it these days. But if Hayato had to put a label to it, he would say neither.

He would call it familiarity.

So let this drought come to an end

And make this desert flower again,

I'm so glad you found me, stick around me

Baby baby baby ( ooooohh )

Takeshi took a step forward, and Hayato was overwhelmed with the desire to run forward and fall into those outstretched arms. And, for once, he let his inhibitions go, figuring Why the hell not, at a time, in a place like this? His action surprised Yamamoto (it was a pleasant sort of surprise, though, Hayato could tell by the dimples in his cheeks), and the two crumpled to the floor in a heap of cold skin and damp sweaters. After they've struggled out of their knotted state, there was an innocent staring contest, re-familiarizing themselves with each other (the deepening lines on Hayato's brow; the crow's feet around Takeshi's eyes), then a chaste kiss. Lip to lip, the two smiled through their reconciliation, and stood up in a warm hug.

It's A World of wonder,

With you in my life

So hurry baby

Dont waste no more time

I need you nearer,

Can't explain

But a day without you

Is like a year without raiiiiiiiin (oooh)

"You're selling your vocals too much, Bel-sempai," Fran commented, turning the volume slightly down on the stereo. Bel reached over the pianist's shoulder and turned up the knob in response, relishing in the sound of his own voice.

"Ushishishi~ I'm the Prince, Froggy~ If I don't broadcast my talent, what else does this group have left~?"

Bel fiddled with knives, and Fran poked at the root beer float in front of him.

"You can't be too selfish," the pianist finally announced, sticking a straw-ful of vanilla ice cream into his mouth with relish. "That's not the way a team works."

I missing you so much

Cant help it I dont know,

A day without is like a year without rain.

I need you by my side,

Don't know how i'll survive

But a day without you is like a year without raiiiiiin (oooohh)

Fucking brats! Little selfish bastards that tie themselves to too many things. Can't they understand life is about dedication? There's no changing half way through, because if you do, you'll only end up screwing yourself over trying to get back on the "right" track. They were ignorant, arrogant fools that won't listen to someone who's fucking been through all that shit, and want to do things their own way so they end up fucking dying, penniless, on the side of a road somewhere out in Montana...!

"Oi. Scum. How long are you gonna fuckin' sit there?"

Squalo blinked out of his furious inner colloquy, and grinned at Xanxus, giving his naked torso an appreciative look before clambering onto his lap. The silver-haired man offered a burning kiss-Squalo brought the cold, Xanxus brought the heat, and the two melted together in an impossibly well harmony.

"Shut up," Squalo breathed, biting at his lover's bottom lip. "And fuck me senseless already..."

"Blue Requiem once again tops the charts with a new single, "Shut Up and Sleep With Me", written as a collaboration work between Squalo and Takeshi..."

A/N: ...It's not so much a fanfic, or a songfic, but more of shameless advertising for Selena Gomez's new single, A Year Without Rain. I think it's a wonderful song, and had to stick it somewhere, so... Curriculum Vitae was victimized.

Shut up, and sleep with me shut up shut up and sleep with me~

...Sorry if it's not a really great chapter... I promise I'll compensate with something a lot better. Like a series of oneshots, completely unrelated to this. Any suggestions for those (I love Varia Crack. I love it so much, I could die from overcrackness) are more than welcome, but please don't take it personally if I fail your request!

Review, please...? I'm having a crisis, here. My teacher hates genre writing, and the entire class hates fanfiction. All I do is genre and fanfiction. What to do, oh, what to do...? (about my lost ego and confidence)...