Tsubasa: Retrograde Chronicles

Summary: Syaoran, Fai, Kurogane, and Mokona continues to travel the worlds without stopping for too long just as how it should be. Two years have passed since the day all four of them left Clow Country, leaving behind Sakura. Just when the two slow years had passed, their time for a new journey soon begins when they entered a world filled only with the ocean's water. Soon, they find themselves entangled with Clow Reed's legacy, the Clow Cards and then a priestess who are able to summon them. Slowly, they find clues to another new danger and villain after the powers of Clow Reed –and soon are on a journey to save the worlds again! What obstacles wait for them as they are joined with this new and mysterious traveling member? This is the continue story of Syaoran and his gang. Will this be a happy ending or another journey that is neither happy or sad?


In his usual cloak, goggles, tunic, brown pants, and boots, Syaoran stood at the edge of a mountain cliff. There were no sounds that surrounded him other than the sound of the petals of flowers landing on the rocks. His golden brown eyes could easily see the small houses of a town right at the edge of the mountain base. People looked like ants from where he stood. He looked up at the sky that was clear blue with some dark blue shadows in the sky that seemed to move like the ripples in water. He stared at the sky as if he had seen the scene before.

"Ah. Syaoran-kun?" A soft female voice said.

His eyes snapped behind him instantly.

"Or… should I say, Tsubasa-kun?"

The dark brown haired guy had not heard anyone coming from behind. Then again, the only sounds he heard were only the petals falling in midair and then landing. Then soon, the sounds of four bells hitting each other caught his ears. His eyes immediately landed on a young woman, dressed in a long red kimono. The kimono loosely hung on her bare shoulders, an obi was the only thing that kept her heavy kimono up. In her hands left hand she carried a scale that lightly waved back and forth from side to side. Her long, untied violet hair reach passed her lower back, the front part of her hair grew up right at her hips, and her short bangs were cut right above her dark red eyes. In her hair, on both sides of her head, was two bells each tied to a ribbon headband that formed a bow at the top center of her head. Her long violet hair reached down to her thighs. However, her kimono dress were dragging behind her a couple of feet.

Syaoran looked into her dark eyes that seemed to have stared straight at him with bliss. "And you are?"

She seemed to have ignored his question. She chuckled and smiled brightly at the 18-year-old boy. "I see you are finally coming."


She giggled this time. "I am waiting." She looked up at the sky. "This blue sky… is utterly endless." She then turned back to Syaoran with a small sad smile. "Are you ready, Syaoran-kun? It comes again. Time with hindrance. Your journey is only now longer than ever."

"Time with… what? What are you talking—?"

The taller young woman had turned around, walking straight ahead at a large arch that lead to stairs curved in from the mountain. She had walked so sorrowfully that Syaoran simply watched the lady go, still with questions in his head. The environment around him soon turned black, leaving only one Sakura tree with its falling pink petals and the figure of the lady in the red kimono walking up the steps of the long stairway to the top to the mountain.

With haste, Tsubasa-kun. Come to me. We've been waiting for so long for your arrival as well as your three other traveling companions. This is where another trial will run for not only you, but also everyone around you.

A/N: Chapter one coming soon! =) So please stay tuned!