A/N: This is written was written by RawrDinosoar. She really wanted to right it in return for me redoing both of her stories when I get the chance. She didn't have to, I think she just did it so that this would be updated lol, she's a good friend. We hope you guys like it, and thank you for the reviews.
"Kiryuu-kun let's get one thing straight right now, don't touch anything in here."
The two had finally arrived in the Moon Dorm inside Kaname's room. Zero could tell by looking that Kaname's room was much bigger than his, not that he was surprised by it or anything. Everything was much darker to Zero's dislike, the only other color than black was red. If Zero wasn't a vampire he probably wouldn't see anything.
"Well where do I sleep?" Zero asked annoyed Kaname's statement.
Kaname chuckled at the question as if it were obvious. "On the floor."
Zero glared at Kaname after figuring that he wasn't being sarcastic and then walked over to and sat on the king sized bed. This made Kaname's face scrunch up in disgust before sitting on the bed alongside Zero.
"Kiryuu-kun, if you're going sleep in my room you have to abide by my rules and-, " Kaname stopped midway in what he was saying and began observing Zero's ear.
"Kuran, what's your problem?" Zero asked blushing a bit at the purebloods intense stare. Kaname then ran his pointer finger along the outer shell of the hunters' ear causing Zero to shiver and slap Kaname's hand away; causing Kaname to quickly snap out of it.
"You don't have earrings in your ears anymore, I just thought of it as strange without seeing them in your ear." Kaname explained. This made Zero bring attention to his ears as well, he began rubbing the spots where his earrings were before and as Kaname has said they were gone.
"… I want to get them re-pierced." Zero said looking down at his feet. Kaname looked at Zero curiously, was Zero asking him if he could go with him? For now he ignored it and got off of the bed.
"Kiryuu-kun I'm going to announce your situation, after I have class I'll take you into the town. You'll need more than just an oversized t-shirt to wear if you're going to live here. Maybe if we have time, while we're out I'll take you to go get your ears pierced. Stay here, I'll be back." Kaname stated before getting up and leaving the room.
Zero looked up to the door as soon as the pureblood left. To his surprise the pureblood actually seemed nice, at least when he wanted to. The hunter hopped off of the bed and began exploring the rest of the room. The older male had no pictures of himself or anyone else in his room, and he seemed to have nothing that a normal teenager would have in his bedroom which didn't really surprise Zero. He wasn't a normal teenager, but he could've had something to spice up the room a bit.
To the right of the room there was a door that Zero suspected to be the bathroom. A bath was sounding pretty good to him about now too. So he decided he would go in and take a bath. Zero began unbuttoning his shirt, in his current form it looked more like a dress. After the bath he decided he wouldn't put it back on and would wear some of Kaname's clothes.
He looked at himself in Kaname's mirror which gave him a full view of himself. He felt so small and helpless. He touched the outer shell of his right ear just as Kaname had. He hated the older vampire but allowed him to touch him anyway. He then looked at the left side of his neck noticing that his hunter tattoo was also missing. He would have to ask Kaname if he could get that done too while they were in town.
Zero saw that on the right side of the bathroom was a bathtub and on the left side was a shower, he decided that he'd like to take a bath like how he did when he was a child. He got into the tub, sat down and then turned the water on. It felt so relaxing, he could just remember how he and Ichiru used to take baths together and play around in the water. They would pretend to be a team who stole treasure and money from the vampires and gave it to humans who really needed the money. He laughed to himself thinking of how silly the idea was.
He quickly snapped out of it when he heard knocking on the door. At first he thought maybe it'd be Kaname but that wouldn't make any sense since it was Kaname's room; the last thing the pureblood would do is knock. Suddenly the door opened violently.
"Where the hell is that Level D vampire!" Someone yelled, now Zero knew it definitely wasn't Kaname.