A/N: Didn't I tell you that I won't be posting until may? Well sorry that it's june :( I am fine. I got through the surgery without much problems, I just had a fever that would not go away. Then I went on vacation with my boyfriend). But I am back now with a long chapter (A lot of things are happening) and it took me awhile to get it like I want it. I promise a back to back chapter update and it will be delivered. I might need an assistant to help me write these chapters (Any takers?)... Also after this last story I will be jumping over to CSI:NY to accept a writing challenge (My sister will switching with me to write a Kyle and Horatio based story and I will be writing a Reed and Mac based story line and the readers will vote on the favorite... But we all know who is going to win). Any way, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Thanks too everyone for their prayers and their comments... Keep them coming.

*Remember when a name appears in Bold it means a change in character and thought

Chapter Four: "I hate you"

"Who the hell does Horatio think he is?" Julia shouted in the back seat of the town car as her driver drove down main street. "Who the hell is Horatio to say those mean words to me?" Julia was beside herself with all different type of emotions, but anger was the primary emotion and revenge was a close second. Julia was not going to be made a fool of, nor was she going to let Horatio use her words and throw it back in her face. If Horatio felt that their power struggle for Kyle was really getting old, then so be it, but Julia was not going to stop until she got what she wanted and what she wanted was her son.

As the car pulled up to her home, Julia got out and stared at the enormous mansion. She has worked her whole entire life to live the life she was living now. She had done all her cons, all her criminal acts to get the money to take care of her son. Everything that she has now, the house, the cars, the money, was to take care of her boy, to give Kyle the life she has never had. And now that he is gone, living with a low-budget detective, Julia felt that everything she has ever done did not matter because Kyle was not there to enjoy the fruits of her labor with her. It would be an understatement to say that Julia was bitter, but what is a mother to do when she is told that she can no longer have any contact with her child.

Julia followed the driver, who was carrying her bags, to the front of the house and after she was inside she dismissed him. Walking around she felt weird. A lot of drama had unfolded inside that home, and the last time she was there she had gotten the news that her son was lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life. Walking into the kitchen, Julia looked around and felt tears begin to well inside her. Kyle's bowl from his cereal was still on the table, it had been over four months and the bowl was still there growing moldy. It was obvious that the cleaner stopped coming; and as Julia walked through the house, the memories of her son being there just all began to flood back.

Walking upstairs to Kyle's bedroom, Julia stepped into a room that looked like a tornado had just ripped through it. All of Kyle's belongings were gone, his computers, his game systems, everything. His closets were bare and his bed was stripped. There was nothing in the room that reminded Julia that there once was a boy there other then the rock posters on the wall and some old socks and clothes on the floor. Julia was certain that Horatio had come and packed up all of Kyle's things, something that she was against. Now sitting on the bed and looking around the room, the reality of the situation hit Julia hard and it caused her to release all the emotions and pent up rage that was welling inside her and she began to sob. It was official Kyle was gone.

Ron Saris waited quietly by the back entrance of the prison for the others to come. He had paid a crooked cop to have three of the most dangerous men in the prison escorted to him. These men where not only the most dangerous men in Miami, but they all have one thing in common: Horatio Caine. Ron wanted to have a meeting with them to begin setting his plan in motion, a plan that would catapult him out of jail and back into the Caine and Winston lives in a major and deadly way.

Kyle sulked in the back of the hummer. His father was making him annoyed. His dad was chatting with Calleigh, who came along, and purposely ignoring him and that made Kyle all the more angry:

"Dad!" Kyle whined as he folded his arms.

"Yes son?" Horatio looked at Kyle in the rearview mirror

Kyle hesitated,"Umm can we have pizza instead of burgers?"

"Calleigh," Horatio looked over at her," Do you want pizza instead of burgers?"

"I don't mind, I'm just starved." Calleigh looked back at Kyle and winked.

"Then pizza it is." Horatio smiled at his son.

Kyle huffed and refolded his arms. Kyle knew when his father was being dishonest with him because he would always avoid the topic, and tries to appease him all the time. Kyle always gets angry by this because his father tells him all the time that he's growing into a fine young man, but then treats him like a child when it comes to personal matters.

As they pulled into the pizza joints parking lot, Kyle looked out the window and groaned. Of all places to go they went to the number one pizza joint in Miami, which also happens to be the number one skater hang out. Everyone was there, Kyle spotted his friends and unfortunately Rick Majors. Rick hated Kyle and Kyle hated Rick. Rick goes to the same private school Kyle goes too, and was the first one to start teasing Kyle about his mother and his shooting. But most importantly, Rick hated Horatio Caine, and took that hatred out on Kyle.

Before Horatio could stop the Hummer, Kyle yelled:

"Dad can we go somewhere else?"

"Why son?"

Kyle looked out the window at Rick:

"I just think it's going to be busy."

"I know the boss Kyle, we're old friends, I'm sure he can find us a table." Horatio assured Kyle as he parked the Hummer.

But Kyle would not budge:

"Dad please I don't want to eat here!"

"Why not son?" Horatio looked out the window to where Kyle was looking:

"Do you have a problem with those boys Kyle?"

Kyle did not want his father fighting his battles so he looked away from the window:

"No, Jason and Matt is over there and I owe Matt money."

Horatio laughed:

"Well Kyle we are not going to not eat somewhere because you owe your friends money, your going to have to face the issue like a man." Horatio got out of the hummer and walked beside Calleigh towards the eatery.

Kyle took a deep breath and got out the car. He walked behind his father with his head down hoping no one would see him, but his friend Jason called his name:


Both Horatio and Kyle looked over, Kyle waved back at his friend and Horatio continued to walk with Calleigh:

"Dad I will meet you inside okay!"

"Kyle don't take too long, you have to eat."

"Okay dad."

Horatio and Calleigh went inside and Kyle walked over to his friends:

"What up dude?" Jason asked as he high five Kyle

"Nothing man, just chilling with my dad."

"Whose the hottie with him."Matt asked

"Oh you mean Calleigh, his partner I guess."

"She hot." Jason added,"Your father has a lot of game, because your mom is hot and he works with hot women."

Kyle got angry," Jason stop talking about my mom, you wouldn't like it if I said your mother looked like a fat cow."

Jason shrugged," Well she does."

"Well if it isn't baby Caine."

Kyle turned around to face Rick, who had walked up to him with his posse of friends:

"I wonder Colt, does the Lt. keep a baby seat in the Hummer for his baby boy?" Rick laughed along with his friend Colten who was standing beside him.

"Rick, don't you have a store to be robbing or something?" Kyle asked.

"Don't you have an ass to be kissing?"Rick shot back.

"Whatever." Kyle turned to walk away but Rick continued:

"I heard your mother got out of jail today, I wonder if she will resort to whoring to get her money back or will she shoot another wealthy man just like she shot you."

Kyle stopped in his tracks and turned back around:

"Don't you ever mention my mother again or I'll"

"Or you'll what Kyle," Rick got in Kyle's face,"Hit me? Try it you punk."

Rick and Kyle stood staring at each other:

"Come on Kyle let's just go and get a slice of pizza." Jason moved to pull Kyle away...

Calleigh and Horatio were seated at a table near the parking lot window, so Horatio can keep a eye on Kyle, and they could be away from the prying eyes of citizens of Miami who regarded Horatio as a local hero:

"You know Horatio, if I didn't know any better I would think this was a date." Calleigh joked as she picked up the menu

Horatio smiled:

"Well if Kyle was not here, it would be."

"Well then we can always pretend until mini me comes in."

Horatio laughed:

"Alright," Horatio picked up a menu too," Then we shall pretend."

It was now Calleigh turn to smile. The two looked over the menu in silence, both happy to be in the moment together. When they had alone time, which wasn't very often, Calleigh and Horatio liked to enjoy it and not let the pressures of their jobs come into play. But like always, their conversation always reverted back to Kyle:

"Did you know Kyle was sulking when he was in the Hummer Horatio?" Calleigh asked as she put down her menu

"I noticed, but I figured it was something I would have to deal with when we got home."

"It's his mother Horatio."

"I know." Horatio put down the menu.

"You did say you spoke to her."

"She came into the office today, demanding to see Kyle. I told her that the only way she was going to see Kyle is over my dead body, and she stormed out." Horatio took a sip of water.

"Horatio did you tell Kyle?"

"Nope, and I won't"

Calleigh shook her head:

"That is what got you in trouble the first time mister."

"I know Cal but he's not ready yet." Horatio reasoned

"Or could it be that your not ready Horatio?"

Ron spotted the guard and the three prisoners coming towards the entry way to the back of the prison and he stood up. The time had come for him to begin to take matters into his own hands, and he was more then ready to accept the challenge. Once the prisoners were in the room, the guard went out the room to act as a look out and Ron took over:

"I called you three here today because we all have one thing in common and that is Horatio Caine."

Roy Majors, Rick Majors father, was one of the three prisoners and he was possibly Horatio Caine's biggest arch-enemy. Horatio and Roy had danced the criminal tango for years, until Horatio finally took him down after Roy killed Judge Holden. Now, with his release date approaching, Roy was ready for retribution:

"Saris," Roy spoke up,"Let's step the formal introductions and speeches and get down to the point, what is the plan?"

"It's simple," Ron formed a evil grin,"I want to kill them all."

Kyle would not back down and he ignored Jason, pulling his arm from his friend:

"Rick, My mother made a mistake just like everyone else."

"Would that mistake be you?"

Kyle took a deep breathe:

"I am getting sick and tired of your mouth Majors."

"Well if you feel froggy..."

Kyle knew what that meant and before Rick could finish his sentence Kyle punched him. Rick was stunned for a second then he lunged at Kyle. A circle formed around the two as the struggled to the floor, rolling on one another as they punched and kicked.

Horatio, who was avoiding Calleigh's question, looked outside the window just as the circle around the fight was forming. He jumped up and ran out, followed closely by Calleigh. As he pushed his way to the middle of the circle, he found his son on the floor wrestling with some kid:

"Kyle Harmon-Caine." Horatio shouted as he pulled his son off the boy

Kyle did not know when his father arrived, but he was seething:

"You dumb mother-fu-"

"Kyle." Horatio cut him off, sending him a death glare that instantly silenced the angry teen:

"What is going on here?"

Rick wiped the blood off his mouth:

"I was giving your son some tough love, but being that he is a pussy and likes to hide behind daddy."

"I'll show you pussy" Kyle lunged at Rick but Horatio pulled him back:

"All of you go home now or I will call the cops."

"No!" Rick shouted

"Go home now!" Horatio shouted as the crowd began to turn and leave. Horatio grabbed Kyle by the arm and dragged him away:

"See Kyle is a baby, Daddy's going to probably kiss his boo boo's and make them all go away."

Rick shouted as Horatio pulled a fuming Kyle into the pizza shop. Once they were in the shop Horatio spun around and angry shouted:

"What were you thinking Kyle?"

"Leave me alone dad."

"Answer me Kyle!"

"Why do you always have to do that, I did not need you to come and save me.."

"Kyle I want an answer.."

"I was thinking about how much of a liar you are and how much I miss mom... I hate you dad, thanks to you they are going to tease me more now!"

Kyle moved from Horatio's grip and ran out of the pizzeria, leaving a stunned Horatio looking after him.

I hope you enjoyed