Okay, this is an idea that I've had on my mind for a while. Please tell me what you think. It is a one-shot.

Also, please note. I own nothing except for a cat... And homework... And that's it!

He watched her breath. She breathed just like the ocean, her breath going in and out with the comings and goings of the waves just outside the cottage. The moonlight gleamed on the scars of her back, the ones that would fade within a month. The ones he had said were beautiful, because they were. The ones he had kissed gently every night just to prove to her that they were okay, that they were marks of her being a warrior, a soldier, a survivor. She smiled in her sleep; no dreams disturbed her while she slept now. All those monsters from the past, all the problems and people that had come between them did not matter now. He loved her. He loved her like the moon and the stars and the sun in the sky. She was like the sunset, the ocean, a force of nature. You could maybe get her down for a while, you could hold her back while attempting to escape, but you could never stop her. He smiled as he remembered their wedding, the event that had just happened today. She had looked beautiful. Dressed in white, Abby her maid of honor, Gibbs walking her down the aisle as he should… They had gotten this cottage on the coast of Mexico for an entire two weeks. Two weeks of no work, of no Gibbs or McGee or Abby or Ducky or the Gremlin or Vance… Paradise, thy name is Mexico. He glanced over to her sleeping form as the moon crept up a little higher in the milky indigo sky. She was indeed so beautiful. He looked up at the starry, starry sky and wondered how the heck he got so lucky. He smiled as an arm snagged him around the waist and dragged him back down. Ziva kissed him on the lips with a sleep-blessed mouth and said, "Come on, we need to sleep. Because tomorrow, we will do nothing but…"

She didn't continue the sentence, but Tony had a pretty good idea of what she meant, and so, he kissed his sleepy angel-princess-former probette-crazy ninja chick turned wife on the lips and fell to sleep. As these two people, these two unlikely heroes slept, they slid closer until her head rested on his chest and his arm was wrapped around her waist. And unconsciously, as the moon crept higher, their breathing came in tune with the waves that carried old things out into the sea and brought back so many better things. And as the waves rolled in and out, pushing and pulling with the moon, these two people slept with smiles on their lips and a sweet dream in their heads, a dream that had once seemed impossible but was now a reality.

Quote- "I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out. - Roy Croft (Don't ask me who he is.)