I just noticed a typo in chapter 20! In the first paragraph it says:

Hope was fading fast and still they no leads on Lilith.

I didn't mean to write Lilith! It was supposed to say the contract!

When i was writing chapter 20 i was thinking ahead to the next chapter! Sorry for any confusion!

Wow I just watched the new Pepsi commercial twice because Gabriel is the Pepsi guy! I miss Gabriel!

"And I say we're going back!" Tamara argued fiercely.

"Just hold on a second-" Sam started but Tamara just cut him off with a desperate cry.

"I just left my husband bloody on the floor!"

"Look lady," Kate interjected, "Your husband is gone, he's dead." Tamara swelled with anger and started to protest but Kate cut her off before she could start, "It's harsh, I know, and believe me I am so sorry but I'm not going to let you go off on some suicide mission just because your upset."

"You're damn right I'm upset-"

"Look I'll go with her." Dean said trying to play mediator.

"It's suicide, Dean!" Sam shouted.

"Yeah well I'm dead already."

Kate let out a strangled gasp. She glared at her brother and took a step forward slapping him across the face. With tears in her eyes and spun on her heel and stalked into the living room. She could hear everyone shouting, their voices mingling together and causing her a headache. She slumped down into the couch and closed her eyes. God, she thought my brother is a total ass hole. She sat there a while trying to calm herself down. She heard the sound of footsteps by the door and ignored them, she didn't feel like talking. The footsteps came closer and after a pause someone sank down into the couch next to her.

"I didn't mean that." Dean said quietly.

She closed her eyes tighter and sighed.

"I know you can hear me." He said in an exasperated tone.

"What do you want?" She asked with her eyes still closed.

"To say... well to say I'm sorry and to tell you we aren't going to have to go to the bar."

She crakced open one eye to stare at him suspiciously, "What does that mean?"

"It means," Dean sighed, "That 6 of the Seven Deadly Sins are coming to find us."

She sat up and looked at him, "Well thats great, how in the hell are we going to kill them all? I only have one knife and I dropped my stele at that bar. I don't have the time or energy to make another right now."

"We'll manage." Dean said grimly. "We'll have too."

"Come on then." Kate said standing up, "Let's get to work."

They lined all the doors and windows with salt lines, loaded all the shotguns with salt rounds and filled all the sinks and the bathtub with holy water. Kate also had to deal with the demon they had trapped in the devils trap, regrettably killing the demon's meatsuit.

They waited silently by the doors knowing somehow the demons would find a way in. "Tamara! Tamara!" Her husband's agonized voice came calling from outside. Kate glanced up at the older woman who had tears running down her face. Kate looked away and closed her eyes, trying to block the screaming from outside. "God, what I wouldn't do for a good silencing rune right about now."

Finally the screaming became too much for Tamara and she ripped open the door screaming, "You son of a bitch!"

"Go!" Kate yelled and everyone scattered backing up into the doorways to the different parts of the house. Demons surged into the house. An attractive blonde demon raced after Dean up the stairs and a fat looking man followed Bobby into the Kitchen. A demon with a brunette host went after Kate and the remaining two went up the stairs to where Sam and Dean were.

"So you're the great Kate." The demon said mockingly and she sauntered towards Kate arrogantly. "I have to say, not what I expected."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Kate replied snarkily she held her knife loosely in her hand, waiting for an opening.

She demon smirked, "You're supposed to be some huge threat to demons everywhere, but honestly, I just don't see it."

The youngest Winchester tilted her head and shrugged, "You'll see it." She said and lunged catching the she demon on the shoulder and she tried to spin away from the knife. The demon's eyes seemed to flash an even deeper black and her lip curled up in a snarl. "Ah you're catching on." Kate taunted, and it worked the demon attacked and Kate ducked down to run the blade under her chin and up into her skull. The demon flickered orange around the knife and when she pulled out the blade sunk lifelessly to the floor. With a grimace Kate wiped to blood off with the rag in her back pocket. She really hated killing demons because it killed the human trapped inside, but it never felt like enough to send it back to hell.

"Everyone ok?" She shouted through the house.

A chorus of four yeses came from different parts of the house. Sam's heavy footfalls came quickly down the stairs. "Did you see her?"

Kate frowned, "Who?"

"That girl! The one with a demon killing knife!" He said earnestly.

"Sam I didn't see anyone come in or out." She said quietly.

Sam looked confused, "Well she was definitely here, she killed the two that came after me."

Kate and Dean shared a disturbed look and Kate glanced around the room. "We've got to clean up." She said effectively ending the conversation about the girl.

With the bodies burned and the living ones properly told all about what goes bump in the night the siblings were off. When they got to their destination they checked in at a motel. "What do we know?" Kate asked Sam.

"Five suspicious deaths in the last three weeks, only connection is they all had kids." He answered her, "Dean was pretty gung hoe to take this case."

She frowned and glanced out the door at Dean who was putting some weapons in the trunk. "Why?"

He shrugged, "Something about a girl."

Kate rolled her eyes of course it's about a girl, what else? "He's such a man whore."

Sam snorted and then sobered immediately, "We shouldn't even be working a case, we only have less than three weeks."

"I know." SHe checked to make sure Dean was out of earshot and whispered, "What else can we do? From what Seb's been telling me Lilith isn't someone you just find, she finds you."

"So we should be doing something!" He whispered shouted back.

She pulled on her jacket and put her new stele into its holster next to her gun the was hidden under her shirt, "We are doing something, we're hunting. Come on." She left Sam inside and went out to Dean, "What's the plan?" She bent down to fix the seraph blade in her boot.

"You and Sam are going to go eat, and I am going to visit an old friend." He replied with an easy grin.

She raised an eyebrow, "An old friend, really Dean?"

"Yes, now get in the car I'll drop you somewhere."

She ducked into the backseat and Sam closed the motel door and got in the front.

Dean dropped them off at some diner and drove off.

They got seated and ordered food when Sam pulled out his laptop and a notebook. He started to take down notes after he found the site he was looking for. She sighed and got up from the booth, "While you do that, I'll be in the bathroom."

Sam nodded not even looking up from his work. She rolled her eyes and headed to the bathroom. She washed her hands and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked tired and she was surprised her hair didn't resemble a rat's nest. She pulled out her cell and called Sebastian.

He answered on the first ring. "Hey you."

She grinned, she always felt better after hearing his voice. "Hey."

"Everything okay? Bobby just got back, said things got pretty heavy."

"Yeah, no everything's fine. Dean just ditched us for an old girlfriend actually."

"Really?" Sebastian asked slightly amused.

"Well, I don't actually know he said old friend, but you know Dean he doesn't have friends he has dates."


"Well it's true!" She laughed.

She heard him sigh, "It's good to hear you laugh, I miss you."

"Yeah." She said wistfully, "I miss you too."

"When do you think I'll see you?" He asked apprehensively.

"I'm not sure." She said avoiding the subject but he could hear in her voice what she was trying to hide.

"No matter what happens you are coming home alive, do you hear me?" His voice was loud in her ear, scared and angry.

She closed her eyes, "I'll try."

"No dammit!" He shouted, "Don't try! Make sure you come home!"

"Sebastian," She sighed and hesitated, "We don't know what's going to happen, how its going to happen. But Sam and I are not going to leave Dean to die alone, if he dies he's not going to be alone." Her voice broke and she had tears in her eyes.

"I know." He said quietly, all the anger had fled from his voice now it was only scared and concerned. "But please, please, do whatever you have to do to make it back to me. I can't lose you too."

She leaned her head back against the wall and forced the tears back, "I'll try."


"No, I'll try. " She said her voice soft, "I'm sorry Seb. But right now that's all I can offer you."

"Please." He said his voice choked with grief and he hung up.

She clutched her phone to her chest and forced herself to breathe. In and out, in and out. She put her phone away and walked back into the diner. A blonde girl was sitting in her seat and Kate sped up to stand at the edge of the table. "Who are you?" She asked harshly.

The girl narrowed her eyes and glanced up at Kate, "Well lookie here. If it isn't miss 7th Heaven."

Kate stiffened, "Answer the question who are you?"

"A hunter." The girl said with a smirk, "And a damn good one too."

Kate stared down at the girl, "You're the girl with the knife aren't you?"

"Smart girl." The blonde said dryly.

Something about the girl just felt off and Kate couldn't figure out why, but before she could ask anymore questions Sam asked. "What about my mom?"

Kate tensed her whole body going on red alert.

"You know, what happened to her friends..." She said giving Sam a meaningful look. "You don't know. You've got a little bit of catching up to do my friend."

"Nobody's friends here." Kate said sharply, "Not if your holding out info about our Mom."

"Look it up. " The girl said with a dangerous glint in her eyes, "You'll find out everything you'll need to know and when you do..." She pulled out a pen and wrote a phone number on a napkin, "Give me a call." She made to get up from the booth and Kate blocked her way.

"Fine, we will." Kate said. "But first, how did you get that knife, it's not angel."

"Ah you are a smart one," She said crossing her arms over her chest. "I know about your brother." She said sidetracking both of them.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked eagerly.

She shrugged, "I can save him, oh and I can get the colt working too."

Kate shook her head slowly, "You lying bitch." Sam looked shocked. "I knew there was something off about you." She lifted her left arm and bared her wrist, the girl's eyes flashed black and then went back to blue.

The blonde was angry, "I'm not a liar." She glanced back at Sam who looked wary. "I really can save your brother."

"Even if you could, though I seriously doubt it, we could never trust a demon." Kate growled.

"Look, if you want your brother to die, fine." The demon shrugged, "I don't have to help you."

"What's in it for you?" Sam asked.

"Pissing off Lilith is enough."

"How? How can you save Dean?" Sam asking too trusting for his own good.

"Sam! You can't seriously be buying this! She's a demon!." Kate whispered urgently. "We're leaving Sam! Now."

"What? No!" Sam argued. "This is our chance."

"I mean it." Kate said, "We're getting out of here or I go postal on a demon in public." She threatened. Sam glowered but pocketed the napkin and nodded to the demon. He gathered his things and stalked off. Kate Glared at the demon still trapped in the booth, "Sure you're not a Hell's angel?" It asked her sarcastically.

"Stay away from Sam, or I'll kill you." Kate warned and walked away, hating the feeling of leaving her back open to a demon.

"What the hell was that?" Sam snapped as soon as she was outside, "We're leaving Sam." He mimicked.

"You weren't seeing what was right in front of your face Sam." She said walking down the street with him keeping up next to her. "She's a demon Sam, demon's lie."

"Maybe she can help!" He shouted.

"Help what? Help you lose your mind!" She yelled back, "If you had listened to her, you would have been filled with hope to have her let Dean die and crush you while your down."

Sam scoffed, "I can't believe you!."

Kate set her jaw and started to walk faster, "And what about me is so hard to believe."

"I thought you wanted to save Dean! You were the one who was looking for every possible way, and you just called the only way a lying bitch"

"Because that is what she was Sam." Kate said quietly, "We are done talking about this." She pulled out her phone and called Dean.

"Can you come get us?" She asked.

"Yeah, you still at the diner?"

"Yeah. see you soon."

She closed the phone and turned around walking back the way they came.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked in angry exasperation.

"Dean's picking us up at the diner." She said shortly and ignored him.

"No, you go." Sam snapped, "I'll get back myself." He turned around for the second time and headed back up the street. Kate stopped and watched until he turned the corner and was out of her sight. She ran a hand through her hair.

"Dammit Sam." She muttered more out of regret than anger. It wasn't that she didn't want to save Dean, she did, but she wasn't going to trust something pure evil to save him. Look where that got him in the first place.

Never trust a demon. It was so obvious it didn't even need to be a rule, did it?

She slumped down on a bench outside the diner and waited until Dean pulled up.

"Where's Sam?" Dean asked when she got inside.

"He walked." She said shortly.

"What's with the stick up your ass?" Dean asked.

"Your brother's an idiot."

Dean raised an eyebrow and glanced over at her. "My brother? What did you two get into a fight or something?"

She sighed and leaned her head on the window, "Just drop it Dean."

He made an annoyed sound but said nothing.

"So how did it go with Liz, or whatever her name is?" Kate questioned trying to diffuse the tension in the car.

Dean snorted, "Lisa. She's got an eight year old kid."

Kate frown at him, "So?"

Her brother shifted uncomfortably, "Last time I 'saw' Lisa was almost nine years ago."

"Oh." Her face lit up in realization, "Oh." She turned in her seat her attention fully on him. "You don't think he's... you know?"

He scratched his ear in agitation. "I don't know, she says he's not mine but... the kid is like a mini me it's insane."

Kate grinned, "So what you think she's lying to you?"

He sighed, "No but I mean once you see this kid you'll understand. He loves ACDC, he's a ladies man... He even looks kinda like me."

She smiled gently, "There isn't much you can do if she says he's not yours. I mean you don't want him to be yours do you?"

Dean frowned and his expression turned thoughtful, she turned away to let him think knowing if he answered it probably wouldn't be the truth.

"Changelings? What the hell is a Changeling?" Kate asked Sam back at the motel.

"Creature's that take the place of children to feed on the mothers." He said simply.

She shuddered, "Gross." She stopped twirling her stele between her fingers and started using it to file down a sharp corner of her nail. "How do we kill it? Stake's? Headshot?"

"Fire." Dean answered reading over Sam's shoulder. "What happens to the real kids?"

Sam squinted at the screen. "Looks like they keep them alive, usually hidden somewhere underground."

"Sewers?" Kate suggested.

Sam shook his head, "Too wet."

Dean looked up suddenly, "I know where they're keeping them come on." He walked swiftly over the the dresser and picked up his gun and jacket. "But we have to make a pit stop."

"What?" Sam frowned as he followed his siblings out the door.

"Lisa's got a kid." Kate supplied and Sam nodded in understanding. "Oh."

Dean drove to Lisa's speeding the whole way and ran up to the front door. He rang the bell and waited impatiently, shifting from foot to foot. Lisa opened the door with a surprised look. "Dean. What do you want?"

"I- Uh-" Dean answered not really sure what to say.

"Make him leave mommy." Ben's voice sounding strangely too young and flat comes from behind Lisa.

Lisa gives Dean a somewhat triumphant look and says, "you heard him. Leave."

She shuts the door in Dean's face, "Lisa! Come on!" He calls through the door. Kate watches as he runs around the back of the house. After a minute he comes runs out to the car and gets in, "They got Ben."

"Damn." She hissed, she hated it when cases involved kids.

Dean drove like a madman through the neighborhood. Until he came to a half built house. The three siblings flew out of the car ad Sam ripped open the trunk and got out two makeshift blow torches. Dean held out a flashlight for his sister and she took it. They didn't need guns tonight.

"Kate go around the back, be careful." Dean told her and she nodded and circled around to the back of the house. The place where a sliding glass door would be was just a big hole and she walked through it quietly. She couldn't hear anything unusual in the house other than her own footsteps. Kate took a turn and start downstairs and into the basement. Structural beams and plastic were placed throughout the room. She spun quickly on her heel as she heard Dean start down the steps he walked over to her with a nod and they continued to search. Dean walked around a wall and saw metal dog kennels lining the wall, with each one having a child inside and the last had a middle aged woman with red hair. Dean reached his fingers through the bars of one as Kate walked towards him. "Ben. Ben?" He nodded at the boy, "It's okay we're gonna get you out of here."

Katie walked over to the cage and scribbled a unlocking rune into the lock mechanism. She repeated the gesture to each cage. Dean crouched down to get Ben out of the cage and the boy wrapped his arms around Dean as Dean stood. With one arm Dean cradled him and took a few steps before setting him down. Kate glanced at her brother and the kid and shook her head in disbelief at the obvious resemblance. Ben helped the siblings empty out the cages and soon they had a troop of eight year olds surrounding them.

Dean walked over to the window and smashed it in. He looked around and Ben shrugged off his jacket, "Here use this."

Momentarily surprised Dean took the jacket and draped it over the broken glass. He tried to usher Ben over, "Alright come on come."

Ben pushed another boy in front of himself, "Him first."

Dean hoisted the boy up to the window and Sam came crashing into the basement, "There's a mother."

"A mother changeling!" Kate asked loudly.

"Yes!" Sam made a hurrying motion with his hands, "we have to get these kids outta here."

Kate helped Dean get the kids out while Sam went over and helped the woman out of her cage. One of the little girls suddenly screamed and Kate turned to see a perfect copy of the woman standing there. She went after Dean first, throwing him through a couple of support beams. Kate charged as Dean yelled, "Ben, get 'em out'ta here!" The changeling ducked Kate's swipe at her neck and swung out with her leg knocking the shadowhunter off balance. Sam fumbled with his lighter and the changeling kicked it out of his hand. She kicked at Sam and threw him into a pile of sheet metal. When the woman turned around Kate chucked the blade and struck the creature in the middle of her chest. The Changeling gave a brief smirk before realizing it wasn't just any blade, it's face showed pure terror before it burst into flames and disappeared.

Breathing heavily the Winchester's stared at each other. After a moment they gathered everything they had brought into the house and made their way outside. They got into the car and one by one dropped off each changeling victim, saving Ben for last. It was daylight before they pulled into Lisa's driveway.

She came running out the front door just as Dean opened the passenger door to the impala and got out. He smiled at LIsa before taking a step back so Ben could get out. The boy ran at hims mother with a cry. Lisa wrapped her son into a huge hug, practically sobbing into his neck. Dean walked towards them with Bean jacket in his hand. The remaining Winchesters got out of the car and stood by the open doors.

"What the hell just happened?" Lisa asked Dean when she set Ben back on the ground.

"I'll explain everything if you want me to, but trust me you probably don't." He half smiled, "The important thing is Ben's safe."

"Thank you." Lisa said weakly and hugged Dean.

"We'll give you guys some time." Sam said and he and Kate got back in the car. They waited in silence for almost ten minutes before Dean walked outside with a strange look on his face. He shook his head before hooking his thumb, "Move over Sasquatch." Kate smirked and climbed back into the backseat.

"What happened?" She asked as soon Dean sat down.

"Nosy." Dean muttered but turned to look at her, "Told her about the Changelings."

"And Ben?" She pressed, "You absolutely sure he's not yours?"

Dean snorted, "She said his dad was a guy she met at a biker bar. I don't think she has a reason to lie."

"And your going to buy that? The kid is exactly like you!"

Her brother turned around to glare at her, "And what if he was mine?" He raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, "Hm? I could be his dad for two seconds and then I'm dead. I don't have much to offer LIsa or the kid. So drop it Kate."

He turned back around away from her shocked expression and started the impala. Sam, who had watched the whole exchange quietly, hesitantly asked, "Where to?"
