Look!! Another chapter!! Sorry for not updating in so long. I have this stupid thing called SCHOOL :'(
btw, i'm going to a prep boarding school next year :P just thought I'd want to announce that.
Also, this chapter kinda sucks. Really sucks. I was having severe writer's block while writing this, and no real fresh ideas were flowing. So, this is mainly a filler chapter.
Sorry... :'(
k enjoy~
Angel POV
Mind blocks. They suck. I feel like Helen Keller, stumbling around, having no idea what's going on.
Well actually… I feel like a normal person, which is sad.
So I guess on the day of my birthday, I wasn't happy. At all.
You see, there have been only a few things that I've caught this week from the entire flock. Those things included revenge against me, my birthday, and a bomb.
I hate to say this, but I was actually scared. I always knew what was going to happen, and what everyone else was plotting. Always. But right now, I knew nothing.
The only person not conspiring against me was Fang. He was actually happy that I'd finally gotten him and Max together.
But what about everyone else? Nudge? She helped me get them together! Gave me the idea, even. This was bad. Bad bad bad.
Of course, Iggy and Gazzy were happy as long as they had bombs. Bombs are just… another story.
So, it was the morning of my birthday, Fang was really happy like the great big brother he was. Max and Gazzy looked… Suspicious.
We were all sitting around the breakfast table. It was just us, at our little house out here in the middle of nowhere in some forest.
Someone had decorated the entire room pink. The tablecloth was pink, the chairs had a pink cover on them, and there were pink balloons everywhere. It was so cool!
"Happy birthday," Max said, giving me one of her big-sister/mother smiles. I smiled back at her. Everyone else in the flock wished me a happy birthday too, some more enthusiastic than others.
"Iggy baked you a cake!" Max exclaimed, then ran into the kitchen. While she was gone, a strange silence overcame the flock. Everyone kept giving each other looks, and sneaking glances at me. I looked down at my pink polka-dot toenails, and tapped the ground with my foot.
"TA-DA!!" Max shouted at the top of her lungs, then carried a humongous cake into the room.
My eyes widened at the sight of it. It was white, with pink and purple flowers all over it. Immediately, I yelled, "I want that flower!" and pointed to the big pink flower in the corner.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Iggy hand Gazzy $10 under the table. Stupid boys.
"Sure," Nudge said soothingly, which made me really suspicious. She should've been arguing with me. I knew she loved pink flowers as much as I did.
Max reached out for the cake cutting knife thing (A/N: What are those called? You know those plastic white things that come with cakes? Yeah those!) and proceeded to cut out a big piece of the cake around the pink flower.
I knew it. Something was wrong with the pink flower.
I smiled slyly, then said, "Max, I changed my mind. Since I'm turning 8, I think I should get the purple flower."
Everyone froze.
I put on a face of concern, and looked at everyone, confused.
"Umm," Max said.
I saw Gazzy hand the $10 back to Iggy.
Okay, please in your review, don't just say "update" or "add more."
some actual SUGGESTIONS may help. Or at least point out some specific things that you liked, or didn't like.
Thanks SOO much!!
Hugs, Fang, and Chainsaws,