
Last time on To Love Again

"Si felt so guilty that he had to end the relationship soon after"

That was the final straw I stood up and slappedrubyacross the face

Jean pov

Ruby was frozen in place, her eyes as wide saucers staring at me like I was crazy.

Maybe I am.

I mean I am not like this I have never been a violent person... I've barely ever even risen my voice to someone before!

Suddenly a waiter rushed over and took Ruby away before she could say anything.

Joey paid the bill, took my hand and we left in silence. We walked to a bench. It was clear he wanted to talk

"I'm sorry" I whispered

"For what? You did nothing wrong" he replied calmly

"I ruined our date" I said with a tear running down my cheek

"Hey, hey. Look here! You did nothing wrong it was that crazy girls fault." He said

He took my chin to make me look at him and whipped my tears away with his thumb; it remained me of how Simon used to comfort me so I told him everything and he listened.

When I was finished he sat there in silence for what felt like hours even though it could not have been more than a few seconds.

"Do you want to know what I think?" Joey asked

I nodded, my voice failing me.

"I think there is more to this story than meets the eye. Jean go to him, hear him out. You have never stopped loving him." It was not a question

I shook his head

"It will go two ways 1. You and him will get your acts together and admit your feeling for each other and move on from this or 2. You can finally get closer and move on. Even though I hope it will be number two I will respect your choice. Good luck." He told me "If you go tonight call me in the morning and tell me how it goes"

He kissed my cheek, got up and walk away

Simons Pov

Knock, knock

I paused the sappy chick-flick I am currently watching; I only watch them when I feel I need a good cry, like now Jeanette is on a date with a fireman! I could never compete with that! I've lost her for good.

I looked at the clock it was nearly eleven; who would be at the door at this hour?

I wiped my tears away before I opened the door.

Standing there was... Jeanette!

Looking as stunning as ever.

She looked up to meet my eyes and it was clear she has been crying. Before I could say anything she stepped forward and slapped me across the face

"I'm sorry I had to get that out of my system" she said "can I come In? We need to talk"

I nodded, putting a hand to my cheek; man could she slap

"Do you want a cup of coffee?" I asked

"No thanks" she replied

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked ushering her to the sofa

"That day" She shot back

I knew what she was talking about.

I leaded her over to the sofa and we sat down, for a long time we just sat there avoiding eye contact. Finally Jean looked up at me to show she was ready and not to interrupt.

"Simon for a long time I felt I was the problem, that I was not good enough for you! God! Simon you broke my so bad! I tried to go on dates but I always compared them to you! I was even on a date with a great guy tonight, but here I am!" she exclaimed flinging her arms around "all I want to know is why? Why did you cheat? Why...was...I...not... good...E...enough?" Her chocked sobs come more forceful near the end

It was official I am the stupidest smart guy EVER!

I watched as this beautiful women cried her heart out all the while listen to my heart breaking

'Do something about it asshole. Tell her the truth. She deserves it, like how you don't deserve her.' My brain and heart screamed at me.

I took her face in my hands to make her look at me –like I used to when I was telling her the truth- "Jeanette Miller, you ARE good enough if anything you too good for ME! I want you to really know what happened that many years ago and I want you to know it may seem farfetched but it is the truth"

So that is what I did I told her the whole heart breaking truth, all the while never breaking eye contact with her so she knew I was telling her the truth.

When I was finished, she looked deep into my eye's searching for any sign of deceit.

"Really?" she asked shyly

"Yes, Jeanette really" I replied "I would never purposely try and hurt you... I love you... always have always will."

It was my turn to look away shyly.

She took my face in her hands and kissed me sweetly on the lips "I love you too" she murmured on my lips

Alvin pov

The day that we all have been waiting for as finally arrived... The wedding!

I looked over to Simon and smiled. I don't know how they did it but they finally got back together and ever since then they never stopped smiling (if it not so sweet it would be sickening).

I was so happy for them.

The door's opened and the two bride's maids walked down the aisle looking equally as breathtaking.

A vision in white walked down the aisle with Dave given her away. She was beautiful. She wore a

simple white wedding dress that was sleeveless and exposed her back. A long vile covered her face.

Dave led her to the alter and uncovered face revealing a breathtakingly beautiful... Jeanette Miller.

Simon shook hands with Dave and led Jeanette to the altar.

The priest introduced the couple and blabbered on for half an hour (A/n He would so see it that


"Simon Seville do you take Jeanette Miller-" the priest started but was interrupted by Simon

"I won't be here if I didn't... I mean I do" Simon replied

Everyone chuckled

"Jeanette-" the priest started only to be interrupted by Jeanette

"Same goes big nose" she said, blushing when she realised what she said "Sorry, I mean I do"

This time everyone in the church burst out laughing except the priest who covered his nose


"You may kiss the bride" the priest mumbled

Simon placed a hand on her check and kissed her sweetly on the lips.

I looked over to my beautiful wife and winked.

Mission Accomplished.

The End

I want to apologise for the long wait for this chapter and hope it did not suck.

Thank-you to all who did not give up on this story and reviewed, added to favourite... ect

As Alvin said mission accomplished.