A/N: (read at the bottom)

--Lexis P.O.V--

I heard my heart beat so loud it hurt. I looked back at the doctor who looked back up from his paper work.

"Miss Curtis, I'm very sorry.. But-" I didn't let him finish, I just looked down and let tears stream down my face. It was lost. "It has deceased in the womb." At that, I just fell back, landing my head on my hospital bed pillow. I held it all in. I wanted to scream but I held it in.

"Erm.. Does someone know what deceased means?" Two-Bit said killing my moment. Before anyone could answer I sat up, giving him a cold glare.

"IT MEANS ITS FUCKING DEAD. I KILLED THE FUCKING KID." I said coldly and clenched my teeth.

"You may leave the hospital tonight, but if you feel weak you may stay till tomorrow" The doctor said leaving. I sighed and looked away.

I felt bad about what I said to Two-Bit. I know he didn't like grammar or anything like that to learn it, so why should I yell at him when I know he really doesn't know? The room was silent. Dally put his arm around me and I laid in his chest. Dally tried to keep his cool. Soda looked away, Darry too. Two-Bit just bit his lip feeling bad about what he just said, It made me feel worse. Ponyboy drifted into space and Johnny was looking at Dally, probably wondering what he was thinking about. Steve was biting his cheek to not curse the hell out of the Socs.

"Two-Bit.. Im sorry, I didn't meant to yell at you.." I looked down sadly and he just grinned.

"Its alright Lex, Don't worry about it" just then Angela was looking at the door, noticing someone coming.

"Tim?" She said raising an eye brow. Tim Shepard, yes, 19-going-on-20 year old Tim Shepard walked in and took a good look at us.

"Angel," He greeted his sister. "Hn…3 of ya in the hospital all in the same week, and you twice" He said motioning to me. He visited Dally and Johnny a couple days ago when they were in here.

"Hey Shepard" Dally greeted, with me still laying on his chest with his arm around me. He took a seat and looked at us wondering why we were so quiet.

"Dally." He gave him a nod. "So how's the chick?" I twitched. I got off of Dally's chest.

"I HAVE A FUCKING NAME" I yelled and Dally just rolled his eyes, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me onto his chest again for comfort. It worked, and I shut up. I loved laying on Dally's chest. It made me feel safe. Tim smirked.

"Well, well.. What do we got here? Dallas Winston and Lexi Curtis.. didn't know you were pickin' up another broad after Sylvia for at least a couple months"

"IM NO FUCKING BROAD!!! AND FYI--" Dallas put his hand over his mouth. Why was he keeping his cool so well?!?

"Shepard, shut it before she snaps. And you don't want her to snap" and again, he was good with lying… I was just about to tell him about the pregnancy.

"Alright, Alright. Just came to check up on ya'll. Might have struck a nerve." He got up and yawned.

"You goin' home?" Angela asked and he nodded.

"Gotta huge hangover" He said and she got up to join him. He gave a nod and walked out, Angela following him.

"Feel better, Lex" Angela said looking back at me while walking out. I felt horrible. How could I feel better?

I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier until I felt them close and went blank. I fell asleep.. I think.

--Soda's P.O.V--

A couple hours past and I was at the DX station with Steve. Darry took Pony home since he had to go home so he could get rest for school tomorrow, and I'm sure Darry intended to make Johnny do the same, so he was probably at our house too. We cared a lot about getting Johnny to pass school, even more then his own folks. Two-Bit walked home, but I'm sure Dally was still at the hospital by Lexi's side. By the looks of how he was acting at the hospital, I don't think he intends to leave unless he knows she's fine.

I was pumping gas into some car that rolled up 2 minutes ago, and Steve was fixing a car. I finished up and leaned back on the car Steve was working on.

"So when are ya goin' to pick up Lexi" Steve asked grabbing a wrench from the tool box next to me.

"After work" I answered and looked at my watch. Thirty minutes. He looked at me and I looked up. "What?"

"Don't sweat what's goin' on with her Sodapop, Lexi can get over anything, remember?" I sighed at that.

"Yeah, but this ain't just anything, Steve, She really dug Dally and I think she was startin' to dig the kid too."

"I know what ya mean.. Did you ever think Dally would get soft ofn us?" He said grinning and I laughed.

"Nahh, he ain't goin' soft. I'm sure tomorrow he'll become the same Dally bad-ass Winston we all know, But he sure does got a soft spot for Lexi" I snickered and we laughed a bit. Just then another car pulled in.

"Finish up that car, then go ahead and take Lexi home" Steve advised me. I still had almost a half hour left of work, but I'm sure Steve can cover for me. besides, my replacement should be here soon enough.

I walked back to the hospital in a hurry. It's been nearly 4 or 5 hours since we visited Lexi. Right now it was almost 10 pm. Walking into the waiting room, I noticed the nurses all looked up at me, its like they knew me by now, I came her like 6 times in the past week.

"Ugh… Lexi Curtis?" I said to a nurse. I had no idea how to ask if I could see her so I just said her name and she understood.

"Go on in, you are her brother, right?" to the I nodded and ran in.

I grinned as I saw sleeping Lexi nuzzle into Dally's chest. Oh yeah, he was wake alright. He heard me come in and turned his head, careful not to wake her.

"I knew you'd still be here" I said walking in.

"Yeah.." He just looked down at Lexi and moved her hair out of her face. "When do ya think all this static's gonna clear up?" I shrugged at his question.

"I don't know, a couple days, we've all been through a lot this week and I guess it'll take that long to get back to normal.." I snickered at what I was gonna say next. "Who knew ya had a soft side?" I saw him glare and shrugged trying to keep my laugh in.

"So you gunna take her home?" He asked and I nodded. He sat up, pulling Lexi into his arms bridal style. He stood up and I did too, then he put her in my arms. I felt her wake up and look up at me.

"Hey, S-Sodapop" She smiled weekly. I laguehd.

"Hey sleeping beauty, or should I say knock out beauty! Ya slept for 5 hours on top of the entire night!" She just yawned and nuzzled her face into the fold of my elbow. I looked back at Dally.

"You comin' over?" He shook his head.

"Nah, got a race to get too. Starts at 10" After he said that, I looked at my watch. It was 9:58. I raised my eye brow.

"Ya got 2 minutes Dally, im sure Buck's gunna kill ya when your late." I said and he snorted, then rolled his eyes.

"Oh my, my. I'm scared of big bad Buck." He said sarcastically. "I don't give a fuck what he thinks, ill sock 'em if he gives me any static" he said casually. I laughed. And we thought was going SOFT? Yup, we were wrong big time.

"Same old Dallas" I said as he walked out. After explaining to the nurses that Lexi was good enough to come home, I took her home and she woke up before we walked in. I set her down and we saw Darry in the arm chair reading the paper and Ponyboy finishing up his home work.

"Where's Johnny?" I knew he would be here.

"He left home, said he needed a change of clothes and he guessed his parents were sleeping by now" Pony answered. I nodded and Lexi sighed and took a seat on the couch. I just turned on the Tv and did the same. That is, until Darry and Pony got into another fight. Something about his school work, then mom and dad, then not caring about him enough, then the trial, and then I was brought up in the subject.

"Soda dropped out and he's doing just fine!"

"You're not going to drop out. Listen, with your brains and grades you could get a scholarship, and we could put you through college. But schoolwork's not the point. You're living in a vacuum, Pony, and you're going to have to cut it out. We all have to go through this trial and I aint so happy about it either! Mom and Dad were important to me too but you don't just stop living after you lost someone! I thought you knew that by now. You don't quit! And any time you don't like the way I'm running things you can get out."

"You'd like that wouldn't you?! You'd like me just to get out! Well, Maybe I will!"

--Lexi's P.O.V--

I jumped off of were I was and stopped them. I only got into their fights to protect Ponyboy sometimes but I kept my mouth shut besides that, Soda on the other hand was always brought into it. They'd mention him for no reason and he's always caught up in the middle.

"No ones going anywhere!" I looked mad. "Pony isn't leaving here--"

"YES I WILL! I will if I have to Lexi! Its what Darry seems to want!"

"Now wait just a damn minute-" Darry started.

"No! I wont wait! It ain't that easy, right Soda!" There he goes again. I looked to my left and Soda got up and barged out.

"OH WHY CANT YOU TWO JUST GIVE IT A REST!!" I heard the hurt in his voice as he ran out.

"Soda.." I ran after him followed by Ponyboy and Darry.

We caught up to him and all stopped for breaths. I laid back on the grass and looked up at Soda.

"What were you thinking? You ran across town.. How far were you gunna go?" He shrugged at that.

"I..I just cant stand you two fightin' " He said looking at Pony and Darry. "... it's like I'm the middleman in a tug o' war and I'm being split in half. You dig?" They nodded and I looked away. I never liked watching them fight. I may not have been pulled in like Soda, but I saw how often he was pulled in. It just wasn't fair to him. "I mean, I can't take sides. It'd be a lot easier if I could, but I see both sides. Darry yells too much and tries too hard and takes everything too serious, and Ponyboy, you don't think enough, you don't realize all Darry's giving up just to give you a chance he missed out on. He could have stuck you in a home somewhere and worked his way through college. Ponyboy, I'm telling you the truth. I dropped out because I'm dumb. I really did try in school, but you saw my grades. Look, I'm happy working in a gas station with cars. You'd never be happy doing something like that. And Darry, you ought to try to understand him more, and quit bugging him about every little mistake he makes. He feels things differently than you do." Just then his head turned to me.

"And Lexi! don't think your out of this!" I really had no idea what he meant, I never fought with Ponyboy or Darry much, so im sure I didn't pull him into anything. "You gotta stop acting like nothing can hurt you, you aint invincible! Darry only over reacts for you because he don't want you getting' hurt. He cares extra for you because you're a girl Lexi-" I bit my lip. I hated that explanation. "-I know you don't like it Lexi but you gotta be protected for more then me, like what happened yesterday, when those Socs got you in that ally.. That would happen a lot more often in Darry let you out all day with out no explanation, ya dig?" I just nodded. He had a point.. " And all that thinking' mom and dad hated ya--"

"Mom and Dad?! They don't care about me! They never did! They were going to set me up for adoption the day I was born!" I tried not to cry. " How do you think you'd like that? Knowing your folks didn't even want you! Since they couldn't do that they sent me off to bording school! That proves it Soda! I aint lying!" Just then It was quiet. Darry sighed.

"Lexi.. You got it all wrong.."

"No I don't Darry!" okay, now I was crying. "it's the truth! They don't care about me! Why else would the--"

"ALEXADRA CURTIS!" Darry yelled and I shut up. He only yelled my name like that when he was pissed off. I looked at him and wasn't, he only did that to shut me up, and it worked. "Now listen here and listen good.. I never told ya this because I didn't want you to worry or anything.. But you shouldn't go around thinking like that so im gunna tell ya. Mom and Dad didn't hate you Lexi--"

"Then why--"

"They didn't want this for you. You were a girl, yes, that's part of it and they didn't want you getting hurt or anything like that, they wanted you for adoption because they thought you'd get a better home Lexi, and bording school was the next best thing to keeping you outa here and safer" My eyes got wide. This wasn't true, was it?

"T-That's not.."

"Yeah it is." I looked to Soda who nodded. He believed him right away, why couldn't I?

"I-..How come you never told me before??" I was biting my cheek so hard right now.

"I thought you would try something stupid you'd regret later on.." I understood what he meant. Its true, I would do something like run away to make there lives easier, that's just how I thought.

"We're all we've got left. We ought to be able to stick together against everything. If we don't have each other, we don't have anything…" Soda said and looked down. "I just wish you all would stop blaming each other for everything… Darry blaming pony for making everything harder, Lexi blamin' Mom and Dad for almost leavin' us, Pony blaming Darry for always blaming him and caring too much, Lexi blaming Darry for bein' too over protective, I cant take it! Can we just… stop it?" He looked at us with a pleading look. They nodded at each other and I looked down. I began to have something else on my mind.

"Sure little buddy.." Darry said smiling at Soda. They looked at me and I laid back looking up at the stars. I felt the cool grass touch my back. I sighed.

"Can I ask you guys something?" I said in a low tone.

"Sure.. What?" Soda said wiping his eyes.

"Do you think everything happens for a reason?"

"Sure.. I guess" He yawned.

"Of course it does" Pony said sitting down on the grass too.

"What makes you ask that?" Darry said. This time I was gunna be truthful to him, I cant lie no more, I'm sure he can take anything I throw at him after the week we've had.

"Well.. I've been thinking.." I looked away. "I'm not mad about losing it anymore.. I'm actually.. I think I might be.. Relieved.. Well, Its just.. I haven't given much thought to it.. The neighborhood ain't no place for a baby.." I bit my lip. "I wouldn't even know what to do.. I'm no mom, and Dally's not a day over 18. I keep remembering Darry and how he changed a bit after being granted custody of us since he had so much more responsibility.." I looked away from darry and he didn't say anything so I continued. "I don't think..-Its just..-T-The kid just deserves better.." I felt Soda's arm go over me and bring me into a hug.

"Lexi, that is true, everything happens for a reason, Like Sandy leavin' for Florida.. If she didn't leave, I would have never knew that I wasn't in love with her.-"

"But she was pregnant" I interrupted.

"Bein' pregnant don't change anything Lex, Just like how you bein' pregnant don't change how the whole gang loves ya and how Dally loves ya" I smiled. Soda always made me feel better..



"You may be alota things.. Lazy, childish, funny, and very cute- but you ain't dumb.." I smiled and he snorted. It was the truth, he cant keep saying he was dumb when he was the smartest person ever to me. Sure not book smart, but way more then street smart.

"Aww, ya think I'm cute?" He laughed and Darry and Pony joined in.

"Well, duh, your related to me" I stuck my tongue out and we all laughed.

We raced each other home after that.

--Dally's P.O.V--

I finished the race, and as usual, I won. Buck better pay me big time for this. As I walked home I remembered something. I grabbed the letter from my back pocket. I forgot I didn't finish reading Aly's letter.

I got home and kicked open the door, unfolding the letter. My dad wasn't home, he wasn't home for a couple of weeks now. Who knows where the hell he's off at. I'm glad he's gone. I laid back on my couch, reading it from where I left off:

'and I'm sure your busy getting into trouble right now, but I just wanted to say I'm excited to see you soon, Yup, you heard me right. IM COMING TO TULSA!'

I smiled at the first part, heh, she knows me well. When I got to the bottom my eyes got wide.

"She's coming to Tul--Wait, WHAT?!" Aly was coming?! When?! Why?! Why didn't I read this sooner?? I read what was next in the letter:

'Yeah, your gunna be stuck with me, haha.'

I smiled, its better knowing she'd be here then over there with mom.

'I would have stayed here but Moms just pushing me to the limit, you know? I don't know when ill be there, but ill tell you as soon as I can. Should be a month or 2 before I can be there so don't get the place ready for me just yet.

--Ill see you then, write back Dally!'

--Lexis P.O.V--

Its been nearly 2 weeks since I lost the baby. Me and the entire gang had a talk after and decided to forget everything that happened that week. The running away, the killing bob, the fire, the secret of me and Dally, how I got pregnant, and how I lost it. We decided to never speak of that again, and no body besides the gang knew about it, so the memory was hopefully lost.. Forever.. Everything happens for a reason doesn't it?

Johnny was out of his wheel chair by now, and Dally's wrist burn healed. The hearing was over and we ended up winning, due to the unexpected Cherry and Randy testifying for us. Now every thing went back to normal. Greasers were Greasers and Socs were Socs.

I smiled at my thoughts as I walked down the side walk, the gang with me. Everyone but Dally that is.

"Ha! Come on Lex! Its only Booze!" Two-Bit said laughing and drinking next to me.

"Yeah, may be, but you get near me with that stuff and ill sock ya with one punch Two-Bit!" I laughed with him and he shrugged putting it away.

"Sute your self" just then I felt strong arms hug me by my waist from behind. I giggled.

"Hey, look who's here" Ponyboy said. Dallas turned me, then spun me around, stopping at the wall and pushing me agensied it.

"Dallas" I greeted and he smirked, pushing me to the wall and kissing me forcefully. I grabbed onto his collar and pulled him closer, laughing. I heard Two-Bit chant and Steve howl while laughing , and Soda just flat out laughing. Darry rolled his eyes.

"Alright stop makin' out before people start to throw quarters at you" He said and I laughed, and Dally smirked, pulling back from me. I loved kissing Dally in public now, it felt better then hiding it.

We began walking again and Dally had his hand in mines. I smiled at everything. Dally, The gang, and just plain life. It was going so perfectly now, well we still struggled with bills and such but that didn't matter, I was happy no matter what.

Just then I heard a car motor. A car drove past us and stopped, reversing back to where we stood.

"Socs" I glared and I was about to jump at them, but I restrained myself.

"Ha, looks like we got a couple of Greasers here boys!" I saw him take a shot of his alcohol bottle and they all laughed. "White trash with long hair!" One of them spit at me and they drove away quickly.

"Well.. We are still Greasers aren't we??" I smirked and then they returned the smirk. We grabbed any weapon we could (busted bottles, blades) and just ran after the now scared car of Socs. Lets see how funny they think that joke is now.

Once we got home we weren't hurt too bad, just bruises. I was on the phone with a familiar face. Aly Winston. I was talking to her about how she was coming in a couple weeks. And to not tell Dallas she was coming that week, since she wanted to surprise him. I finished as Soda and Steve rolled into the room I was in, wrestling. I shut the phone and glared at them

"What are you 4?"

"And a half" Soda corrected and I laughed. He got off the floor, helping Steve but ended up tricking him into a head lock.

I walked into the living room and messed with Johnny's hair like usual.

"You seen Dallas?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Maybe he's--" Johnny began but was interrupted.

"right here" I felt Dally's arm go across my shoulders. I grabbed his chin and kissed him, then pulled back so our noses could touch.

"You never told me Aly was coming" I smirked and he laughed.


A/N: YUP! Last part!! WOOOO!!! I finished!! Haha okay I didn't really finish because.. THERES A SEQUAL!!! YUP YOU HEARD RIGHT! (or read, lol) you didn't think I'd just leave it off there did ya? Anyways I will post the new story under these things:

Name: Life as Winston's sister

Character A: Dallas W.

Rated: M

So I will post it in a couple of days! (2 days or less) and I hope all my reviewers come read that story as well (: