***Important Author Note: ***

Okay, so this is the start of my new story. *does happy dance* Hopefully everyone will enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters. If I did then Harry would have some serious mental issues from being neglected and actually tried to survive on knowledge not luck.


"Damn Dursleys." Harry muttered darkly as he practically stomped down the road that lead to one of the parks in Surrey. "Damn Dursleys for making me do EVERYTHING! Damn them for hating me and trying to always make me miserable!" He practically growled at that last point. Thinking back to later that evening he recalled exacting why he was stomping around on the streets of Surrey in the middle of the night.



"Potter!" A horribly obese man yelled as his face turned from white to purple.

"Vernon? What has to boy done now?" The horse shaped woman questioned with a sneer to her husband.

"That-that Freak! That Freak did this!" Vernon shouted as he pointed with his fat finger at the mess that was the living room. They had just come back from a lovely evening out with Vernon's sister, Marge, only to come home to see their perfect living room practically destroyed.

"Boy!" Vernon bellowed in response to Petunia's gasp. "Get down here now!"

With hurried steps down the stairs, one Harry Potter appeared. "Uncle Vernon? Wha-?" Harry asked in confusion only to be grabbed and slammed against a nearby wall.

"Look at what you did Freak! After all we've done for you!" Vernon shouted into the wizard's ear. Wincing, Harry tried to ignore the onslaught of continued ranting with the usual 'feed you, cloth you, house you' coming from his uncle. "This is what you do to repay our gratitude?!" Harry's relative continued to yell out at the nearly deafened teenager.

"Uncle Vernon it wasn't me! Dudley –ah-!" Harry was once again cut off as he slammed against the wall again; fully knowing his mistake of bringing Dudley up. Stupid.

"Don't you dare blame my Diddlydums!" Petunia screeched at the wizard that she would have liked to forget even existed.

"How dare you blame Dudley for your own Freakishness! That's it!" Vernon hollered enraged.

"Vernon?" Harry's aunt asked in confusion.

"No more!" Vernon roared as he picked his nephew by Harry's collar and practically threw him out the door. "We don't want you anymore, Boy. After all we've done for you-"

"You've done for me?! You've done nothing for me and it wasn't my fault! It was your fat son's-!" Harry cried out at his uncle only to be cut off by a harsh slap to his face. Picking himself off the ground, he winced as he felt the effects of being slapped to the ground.

"Be gone Boy!" Vernon barked as he slammed the door shut on his nephew.


Well at least all of my valuable stuff is at Grimmauld Place, since I inherited it from Sirius…I wish I hadn't though…I would give anything to have him back. Sighing, Harry stopped stomping on the pavement; his anger giving way to melancholy as he remembered the death of this Godfather. Harry had moved into his Godfather's house over the last winter break, but he had been forbidden to live there during the summers by the Order and Dumbledore.

"Right, because I'm just so protected at the Dursleys. I bet the blood wards don't even work…" Harry muttered angrily as he thought back to the conversation he had with Dumbledore. At least I had the pleasure of seeing their faces when I magically banished them from my new house. Dumbledore's was probably the best. As of right now, I really want nothing to do with the Order or him.

I suppose I should eventually head over to Grimmauld…He didn't need to worry about getting there, of course. He had already taken his Apparation test early; perks of being the Boy-Who-Lived.

He had adjusted the wards to only let him in and anyone he allowed in. He had found it all rather interesting; the wards would let anyone in as long as he was thinking about allowing them access, however it was only a one time deal. In order to gain long term access, all he had to do was to key them to the wards with a small amount of blood. Of course that was how he had set the wards up after his tiff with Dumbledore and researching the best ward magic by books and contacting Bill Weasley. With how Dumbledore had them set up, anyone could have come in if they got past the Fidelius Charm.

"Stupid Dumbledore." Harry grumbled. He was about to head over to Grimmauld, only to notice some red liquid on the sidewalk besides one of Surrey's parks. Blood?

As he looked at the blood in confusion, Harry noticed a trail of droplets leading to the thinned out tree line on the other side of the park. The blood was still very wet and glistened in the light of the street lamps. No doubt an injured animal, maybe it got hit by a car…

After a moment of contemplation, Harry started after the blood trail. Curse my curiosity and conscience. I just know this is going to come back and bite me. The young wizard thought in annoyance as he neared cautiously the tree line. As he reached the trees, Harry looked around not seeing anything at first, only to glance back at a shadowed area of slightly more condensed trees. More ideal hiding spot…

As he moved closer, Harry caught sight of an arm that was dripping with blood. Fuck! That's a person not an animal!

He rushed over only to stop dead in his tracks. After a few moments he took a shaky breath in. There, in front of him only a foot or two away, leaning against a tree unconscious and looking half dead, was one Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Ooh, shit.