A/N: I was on holidays and when I returned my computer broke down! *cries out*

I decided to explain myself first before you start hating me and then apologize!

So I'm terribly sorry!

I had to re-write this chapter in four days to post so be merciful.

Don't forget to review, please?

Well, I don't own it and


Chapter 12: To give the devil his due

"What're you doing out here?" I take in the fact that someone's close with an alarming coolness. Surprisingly. The autumn scenery being even for her hard to disrupt.

I watch quietly as her airy, elegant form sits next to me on the rock I'm currently occupying. You know everyone has his hiding place in this school. For Rose it's the Library, for Scorpius the Slytherin Common Room, for Ethnie the occasional deserted corridor.

And well, for me it's this small rock next to the Black Lake. Lame, I know, but here it is.
After an unnecessarily long pause I reply, "Just doing some thinking."

A muffled laugh comes from the short-haired intruder. I, too, manage a smile.

"Well, that's a surprise!" She jokes and I grimace offended.

"I'm being serious!" I make sure she clearly sees my pouting face.

"I see." I wish to tell her she is far from persuasive but she doesn't give me the time to retort.

"And what is it that the 'oh so serious and mature' Albus Potter thinking of?"
I cross and uncross my hands testily. Her mocking tone is kinda hurting my pride, but then again I really want to talk about it with someone. The fact that that someone could be Ethnie makes it even harder for me to resist the opportunity.

"Lies." I finally mutter.

"I've been thinking of people lying and pretending." She let's that clever little smirk of hers fade into a thoughtful pair of lips.

"Do explain…" I know well that I would have done so even if she hadn't asked, merely because it's impossible for me to find a better listener than her. Impossible.

"It's not hard to lie you know. All it takes is a relatively smart person and a reason." I comply with her request.

"Everyone can do it, to the extent that they may seem to be a very different person than what they truly are." Ethnie gives me a slightly puzzled look.

"Take Scorpius for example. Actually he's quite an awkward person. He has no clue as to how to say what's on his mind. So he ends up appearing cool and indifferent when in fact he's just struggling to hide his awkwardness." I try to clear it up for her.

"And then that prick, Edgecombe, he looked absolutely great when we first met. Smart, decent and all. But in reality that's just an act to make himself famous and successful." Ethnie nods frantically while recalling the way that stinking Wonder Boy tricked us all. I nod too.

"As for Rose, she just has an over-developed sense of righteousness." I see her raising an eyebrow and I nod frantically.

"Yes, that is possible." I assure. "She is actually too well aware of what's right and what's wrong." I rack my brains to find a solid way of explaining this.

"In a way it is harder for her to accept even the slightest bit of misbehaving than it is for the rest of us. That's why she was so quick to judge Scorpius, call him a 'cheap unethical, arrogant… whatever-it-was'. And that is why she could never admit being into such a profoundly shameless person." I mess my hair as I wait for her to say something. I sure hope she didn't find this as stupid as I thought it sounded.

Eerily enough Ethnie doesn't show the slightest intention of commenting. I feel tension rising inside of me. What if I didn't make myself clear? What if she finally got bored of my ranting and decided to ignore me? What if she thinks it's all just a load of…?

"Go on, I'm waiting!" She brutally snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Oh!" I almost fall off my spot. "Well, I was wondering, what's the way to tell those people apart?"

The cute brunette searches me with a pair of interrogating eyes. "How to tell the liars apart?"

I shake my head. "Well, not liars per se, just dishonest people, dishonest even to themselves."

"I take it you already have your answer?" She spares me a sneaky glance. I nod.

"You can't." I announce with conviction.

"You might make a lucky guess and hit the nail on the head," It is possible to just figure the truth out by chance. "but you can't really know. As long as it is a mildly smart person, that is."

"Which means we are bound to be lied at and deceived for the rest of our lives? Really Al, that's pitiful."Ethnie rests her head on my shoulder and pouts. I feel a quite welcome shiver running down my spine. I guess I'll never be comfortable around girls. So much training from Scorpius going to waste.

"I suppose it is." I refrain from shrugging to not disturb her. She snuggles closer to me.

"It's rather cold out here." She huffs on my arm and I pull away trying to take off my jacket. Suddenly an image of Alysia Thomas comes to mind.

I remember how in the previous Hogsmeade trip, when I went to that stupid date with her, she was cold and I handed her my jacket. Somehow this memory quite annoys me.

A guy is supposed to be able to tell what kind of girl he is supposed to hand his jackets to, what kind of girl he is supposed to take out on dates and all. It's not that I hate Alysia or anything. Only… now it is so obvious that she was not for me that I feel rather like an idiot for believing so once.

Ethnie, as if reading my mind, raises a hand and stops me. Looking at her face for explanation I see her shaking her head. I pose my silent question and she just blushes.
"You don't need to do that. Just…" She comes closer. "Let me… you know…" Slowly she catches my arm with her small hands and wraps it around her shoulders. And here I am with the prettiest girl resting against me, so close that she practically feels like something of mine. A wide smile spreads across my face.

And then it hits me.

"I've been dishonest too, you know." I mumble. She looks up from my chest.

"Well, all this façade with Alysia. Now, the more I think of it, the stupider it seems." I hug her tighter.

"I guess she has some charming characteristics, but truthfully she's nowhere near the kind of girl that could make me happy. Or the kind of girl I could make happy for that matter." And that is the truth.

"Still, I lied to myself. I persuaded myself that I fancied her. Because it'd be easier to fall for someone unattainable than to go all out and try a real relationship with a real person." I stop to take a breath.

Ethnie smiles weakly. "And how did you come to that conclusion?" She asks.

"It was unavoidable." I pause awkwardly. "Cause I saw a dream." She chuckles at my words.

"A dream?" She questions disbelievingly.

"A dream of how things could be with the right person." Here it goes. All out. If that stupid blonde could do it then so can I. Right?

"And how could they be?" Ethnie speaks in a shy tone that's so unlike her.

"Hm." I try to keep a smile off my face. "Something like this, I think." I massage her shoulder playfully with my hand. Then her face brightens amazingly. Her eyes sparkle and under her burning cheeks a smile breaks off.
Absolutely beautiful.

"Something like a dream." She whispers and I barely manage to hear her. "Yeah…" She adds and I can practically feel the excitement in her voice.

"Oh!" She suddenly exclaims and, to my dismay, pulls back.

"I got it!"

I look at her perplexed. She got it? It?

"Huh?" I raise an eyebrow, confused.

"You said you can't tell when people lie. True. But that doesn't mean they can't realize!" She spreads her arms in the air triumphantly.

"At some point, I think, something must –and will- happen to make the one who lies discover the truth." I stare at her sweetly. Honestly I haven't thought of that case. I always come up with the worst option possible. So it is a blessing for me that I have her here with me, to show me the best case, the 'up' side.

"For Scorpius it was when he got really close with Rose, that he realized how much it had cost him that he had been acting like he was cruel and heartless. For Rose it was when he came to save her, unconditionally, that she understood how important and indispensable he was to her despite his faults." Somehow all she says fits perfectly, like pieces of the same puzzle.

If others can't tell you're lying, then surely eventually you will be able to. There comes a time your lies sound too much like nonsense to keep defending them. And that's the time you, yourself, have to reveal the truth.

"I am impressed." I finally say. She shrugs and returns to her previous position in my arms.

"So you reckon it'll all be nice now that they're both honest?" I ask, feeling, strangely enough, a little uneasy trying to imagine walking in the Head's Common Room and not find them shouting at each other.

"I think it'll be perfect." Ethnie closes her eyes and smiles dreamily.

"Now that we're all honest." She finishes.

Trying to stop my heart from beating too fast I nod.

"So…" I let my best smirk escape my lips as I look down on the prettiest redhead this school has ever accommodated.

I can easily hear whispers around the place, which is to be expected. We are, after all, in the middle of the Great Hall.

I spot Al and Ethnie looking at us expectantly, almost bursting with excitement. Not Andy of course. Andy is just chuckling to himself while sending challenging looks my way. That jerk.

I turn my attention back to my fellow Head and, well, girlfriend of three days. Sure you'd say that's not much of a relationship. Hiding in broom closets for barely three days and pretend to hate each other in public hardly counts as quality time. But this is about to change soon.

Very soon.

"Time is almost up." Rose comments mildly but I can see her eyes throwing flames at me. How charming, having your girlfriend treat you like that! Where all those cute, sweet talking girls have gone to?


Really, who am I kidding? Peaceful, obedient girls are fine, I suppose, but I'll be eaten by a Hungarian Horntail before I give up a certain, fiery, stubborn redhead for one of them.

Funny, how I thought I could date almost any girl. I said I was ok as long as she was stupid and at least mildly good-looking. Cause frankly that's all it takes to get a good snog when you want one. I'd never considered the possibility to have something more. Sappy relationships made me sick. They still do.

So it's a good thing that I'm not in one.

And even if I act 'out of character' in very –and I repeat very- private moments, normally I can keep my natural cunning and ironic, cold self in front of her. I don't need to stick with her all day long, I don't have to praise her looks constantly so that she feels wanted, or pretend I don't care about winning the match against Griffindor enough to spare practices on her.

I wouldn't mind doing any of the above for her. Frankly I gather that, soon enough, I probably will do them, despite her complaints, but the fact that I don't have to, takes quite a heavy load off my shoulders.

All is simple and clear with her. I must be the first person who says such a thing after a three-day relationship. Still, somehow, I need to confess that, right now I feel capable of anything. Like I've got someone, holding my hand and pushing me forward.

The things I so much feared, choosing a profession, planning my life, committing, are easier with her by my side. Rose promised she wouldn't give up on me even if I failed; even if I was hated by everyone, she promised she'd be there.

And it was the first time someone said such a thing to me. My father's support –for he does support me, always- consisted of prays and advice on how to succeed. The chance to fail was neither mentioned nor considered possible. Probably because I was always thought to be talented. So this talent, in my head, turned into a curse.

If I couldn't win then it wouldn't matter if I lost.

But now it's fine. Making the right or the wrong decision, I know I'll be ok. Survive despite being flawed. That's what Rose, probably the most perfect person on earth, has taught me.

Hah, look at me dozing off like that. I'm so awkward some times.

Now she's poking me to see if I'm still alive. One, two, three times.

I decide to end her misery.

"Time is almost up." I agree with a goofy smile. She smiles too, and then puts her hands on her hips.

I cross my arms in front of my chest and look at her from above.

"So…" She comments.


"Just show us the results!" Ethnie shouts at the top of her lungs. How Al puts up with her I'll never understand.

"Oh!" We both exclaim. Rose takes out a piece of paper, which is my score as I search my bag for Al's score.

She clears her throat and reads out loud. "Forty seven date offers, for my awesome, heavenly Love team."

I snort. She sticks her tongue in my direction.

I scan the page with the names written in Al scatty hand-writing. Ten, fifteen, twenty –Hey! Last year that girl said I was the only one she wants! Well, whatever…- thirty, forty…- huh?

"Forty seven." My voice depicts all the shock I feel. A tie?
"A tie?" As if reading my mind Rose asks.

"Apparently." I shrug. I couldn't care less. I'm just glad I don't have to run around the Great Hall practically naked. Other than that, my pleasure lies on the sole fact that the deal is over and I don't have to pretend I care for any other girl except for the one I really…well, love.

"Oi, don't be such a spoilsport!" The Head-Girl scolds me. I press my lips together childishly offended about being called names by my 'very important someone'.

Wow, who'd have thought that I would need to come up with alternative ways of saying 'girlfriend' to avoid overuse of the term?

"It's not my fault we got a tie, you know." I retort, looking away.

"Yeah, but don't act so indifferent about it! We have to have a winner. I'm not going to admit that girls like bad-asses and devils as much as they like kind-hearted boys." I see she still can't get over this.

Well, I, too, maintain that ladies will always fall for bad dudes." I take a step forward stubbornly. If she doesn't give up then neither do I!

I barely register Andy's voice exclaiming something like 'And here you thought they were going to get along now' before I forget about everything and everyone and focus on the challenge and the girl offering it.

"As if!" She scoffs. "You know it's not true, you're just to full of yourself to admit it!" Now that is way overboard!

"You wish. Just like you wish every girl was nice and had her priorities sorted out. But they haven't." I snap.

"Ok, we need to get a clear result about this." Without even thinking of it I nod.

"What do you suggest?" I reply in super speed.

"Another deal!" She explains and I swear I was ready to say 'yes' and give it my all when suddenly realization dawned on me.

Another deal? That can't be. I cannot spend another month acting all nice and intellectual to get dates I'll never accept. Plus I can't possibly force Al stay away from his 'sweetheart' (am I the only one who thinks I should just stick with 'girlfriend' and accept overuse?) for so long.

"No way!" I refuse.

"Come oooon…" She pleads but I shake my head authoritatively.

"Show some self-control."

"No, you show some self-control." She smirks and I immediately flush bright red. "You should learn to wait. We're not short of Hogsmeade trips anyway. We'll have lots of chances to go out."

That little comment raises some curious remarks about the topic of our conversation and our relationship status. I let a smirk shine on my face, knowing that now she can't really have me flirting with girls when those girls know we're dating.

She seems to notice that too cause she sighs deeply and rolls her eyes at some stupid girl shouting that 'Scorpius Malfoy belongs to everyone' or something equally ridiculous.

I give the redhead a furious look admiring –or not quite so- how lightly she takes such comments. Rose, upon realizing my discontent bites her lower lip in a way that makes me forget exactly what we were arguing about in the first place and takes some steps closer to me. Now we're inches apart.

"Fine, let's have it your way, cry-baby." She shrugs. I lean forward.

"Whatever, spoilt brat." I breathe against her lips.


"Drama Queen."







And the next thing I know her lips are on mine and the whole Great Hall is gasping. I take it slow, enjoying the wild sensation of fire and ice duelling for domination, in a strange calmness.

Rose doesn't step away, like I had expected her to, in order to give the crowd some time to digest the sudden change in the scenery. Instead she searched my hand and holds it tight, firmly setting things straight. No more misconceptions such as the fact that I belong to all females or something in those lines.


When we finally break the kiss, under hundreds of dumbstruck gazes –and a few amused ones- I look down embarrassed. I wasn't expecting such a commotion.

"Great, now not only do we not have a result for the deal, but we have also become the gossip of the day." I mutter.

"More like the week." Rose corrects in a soft smile. "And we do have a result in the deal."

"Well, yes a tie…" I mention dejectedly, cause –let's face it- it's rather disappointing.

"No." Rose puts in. Huh? I stare at her troubled.

"Not a tie." She repeats rendering me speechless.

"I win." She declares and I narrow my eyes.

"No, you don't. It's obviously a tie." I mean it was pretty clear wasn't it?

"Nope." She insists.

"Forty-seven , forty-sever. It's a tie!" I cry out exasperated.

"No, no, no…" And she pecks me again and again making my stomach dance around the place. What's the meaning of this?

Suddenly she comes to a halt, much to my dismay.

"Say, will you go out with me next Hogsmeade trip?" She asks in a face that's ready to burst out in laughter. I weight my options, still puzzled.

"We are together aren't we?" I mumble, staring at my feet. "I mean I thought dating was pretty much granted." I blabber anxiously. "Do you mean we're not a couple or something cause-" Oh no!

Crap! How on earth did I fall for that?

"So now we're forty-seven, forty-eight. I win." She chirps and I smack my forehead with my hand. So much for being Head-Boy!

"Team Love, rules and you two little devils," She points at Al, who has by now come next to me, and myself "suck!"

Ethnie, Al and Andy applaud fully rejoicing in my defeat.

"You might be my girlfriend and I might love you," I mutter in Rose's ear, "but you're going to hell for this Rose."

"No, no, I'm not going to hell for this, Scorpius." She shakes her head dismissively.

"If I'm gonna go to hell then I'm obviously gonna go for making you go out with your Potion's textbook. No wait! With only your Potion's textbook." My eyes widen on their own accord upon recalling that little detail of the deal.

Damn it why did I have to be so stubborn and get myself wrapped up in this mess? If I hadn't proposed that deal none of this would have happened. Now, I'm going to spend the rest of my evenings in detentions with Filch. Crap, I might even lose my Head's badge or get expelled!

"So mean! You wouldn't do this to your lovely boyfriend, would you?" I clasp my hands together and beg.

"I'm very sorry, my lovely boyfriend, but that's what the deal said." She winks and then turns to whisper something incredibly funny –note the sarcasm- in Ethnie's ear.

If I'm going to hell then I might as well deserve it. I might as well enjoy it, better yet. My downfall, that is. Poor Scorpius had no idea whatsoever about what was going to happen to him. I feel almost regretful.

Besides I won the deal and you can hardly call that cheating. Honestly you couldn't expect me to settle with a tie!

But Scorpius looks pretty pissed off, if I'm any judge. Maybe I should show some mercy and spare him the humiliation. Oh, I don't know!

True it'll be extremely entertaining but I don't think McGonagall will agree on that and I'd hate to spend the rest of the year as the only Head. Besides, to speak more sensibly, that blonde really cares for his position. I dare say he'd be pretty annoyed and sad if he lost it.

To tell you the truth he's such a kid some times. A month ago I thought he was just a good-looking shell with no soul. Now I find myself more than once forgetting about his looks, too pre-occupied with admiring just how child-like, awkward and downright awesome he really is.

Even those times he feels like being cool and ruthless I know that he does it fully aware of the possible problems that might pop up. He doesn't push it too far, or aim the ones that can't defend themselves.

Four days is not much, truth be told, and only yesterday, after the deal ended we began dating publicly. So I couldn't possibly know how this is going to be later on; if it will evolve or die down.

Nevertheless I wish for nothing more than to spend many, many years with him, to experience things with him and hold his hand in all difficulties. And that counts for something, doesn't it?

So here I am, forcing my incredible –and incredibly stupid- boyfriend to make a fool of himself. Which he should have already done, as planned. Only he said he couldn't do it and then just dragged Andy with him to the Head's Common Room. And that was two hours ago.

I sigh deeply and knock on his bedroom's door.

"It's me." I call out and upon hearing Andy's voice inviting me in I open the door hastily. No flame throwers. Good.

I look up at the blonde who is sitting on his bed, arms still crossed. Andy is standing smiling apologetically towards me.

"Sorry for running away and hiding in here. It seems that his ego is too big to face such a situation. " The brown-haired Slytherin explains. I nod wordlessly and give him a meaningful look.

"Oh!" Andy jumps up in realization. "Yeah, I'll go out for a while, I just remembered I have to…- well I can't think of a persuasive excuse." And with that he closes the door behind him.

"Hey." I come over his head and whisper. He just grunts, still fully dressed.

"It's no big deal you know." I try to encourage him. Again he grunts.

"Relax, I'll hex everyone who laughs." Though I reckon that might take some time.
"Then you'd better start cause it's bound to take you a while." He says through a pouting mouth. I chuckle lightly.

"Stop reading my mind, it's creepy." He gives me one of those mature, half-glares he so often gives when he thinks someone is acting more stupid that he actually is which unfortunately is often.

"But seriously, it's not gonna be half bad." I recover quickly.

"Shut up, it is." He mumbles.

"Look, you brought it upon yourself, with those deals…" I move an authoritative finger in front of him.

"Fine, I admit it. I never quite think through the plans I make." Scorpius raises his voice in exasperation.
"But you could show some mercy…" I scratch my chin at that. I could indeed…
"Ok, ok, agreed." I nod. On Scorpius' face a wide grin appears as he grabs my waist and pulls me back, on the bed with him.
"So, do you still have that old pair of boxers with the little broomsticks?" His smile transforms into a grimace of surprise and nausea.
"No!" He hisses scandalized.
I kiss him lightly and whisper. "That's the best I can do. Take it or leave it."

Just like that I stand up, blow him a kiss and leave.

"So, how much of a show is this going to be?" My black-haired cousin stands over my head, his hands loosely handing from his shoulders.

"Should I cover the first years' eyes?" I shake my head at his question whilst looking around at the teenage girls going bonkers about seeing my –and I repeat my- boyfriend half-naked.

Good thing I agreed on him not going out completely –cause honestly what's a book supposed to do?- naked.

"Oh, here he comes!" Ethnie shakes my shoulder excitedly. Hey, why is she so happy about this?

"Oi, why are you so willing to see this?" Al elbows her lightly. She gives him an 'are you kidding me?' look and sighs when he doesn't respond accordingly.

"It's gonna be hilarious, that's why!" My short-haired, short-tempered friend explains.

"Merlin save us from his wrath afterwards." Al whispers under his breath.

"Merlin, save him from their wrath, I'd say." Andy, whom I just noticed standing next to me, mutters pointing at the hordes of hormonal girls.

At that I see every head turning towards the door of the Great Hall, where an amazingly handsome –well a girl's gotta be honest- blonde Head-Boy is leaning against the wall, wearing only a pair of boxers and holding a book which he seems to be reading as if nothing is wrong.

I sneak a look at him, notice how Quidditch practices have paid off and how his broomstick boxers hardly matter when they're worn by him. When I hurriedly look up to meet him eyes just inches over the Potions' textbook he pretends to be reading I see him staring right into my face. I feel a blush creeping up my face and curse the gods for my genes. He lowers his book and smirks playfully at me.

I dare say he's enjoying this more than he should. And so does the female population of the school for that matter.

"Ok, ok!" I call out and hurriedly walk his way. "I have an announcement to make."

All eyes turn to me. A few girls even glare at me from disrupting their show.

"This guy over there," I motion at him. "is not available for dating at the moment."

"And what are you? His girlfriend?" A shrieking, strikingly female voice challenges me. Suddenly I am reminded of that little event some time ago, when, trying to make sure Scorpius would get as many date offers as possible, I had announced he wasn't dating and someone had asked the same thing.

Recalling my answer back then I sigh.

"Yes, as I matter of fact, I am. I thought we cleared that up…" I put my hands on my hips glaring daggers at the girl who spoke.

Then I rest my eyes back on Scorpius. Luckily he's not smirking anymore. He is wearing now a pair of jeans over his underwear and before he froze up in surprise I believe he was trying to button up his shirt.

He stares at me dumbfounded at my boldness. Slowly he lowers his eyelids a little, relaxes his face from shock and graces me with a smile that could make an iceberg melt.

I swear my eyesight just got blurry from looking at this.

I must admit that he really is very charming, to give the devil its due.

I let my blonde boyfriend catch my waist and peck my cheek.

"Nice going." He whispers. I nod.

"You too."

A/N: So how was it, how was it?

Please leave a comment and give me any tips you have! I'd kill for a review!

Oh! I suppose it's time to tell you the poll results.

So, out of 68 unique voters,

28 thought it would be a tie.

25 thought Rose would win and

15 thought Scorpius would

I'd say you were all quite clever about it even though the majority didn't get it right.

Thanks a lot for reading

Be safe,
