Calculation to Disaster

Chapter 1


AN: This is an idea from the Disney series Suite Life on Deck. This is one of my favourite comedies! And if gave me a...decent idea (at 2:46 in the morning...) that I'd like to play with :)

I hope you guys like it! And Thanks for reading ;)

Roll `em!


"What in the world compelled me to do this?"

"Maybe the fact that you're sick of being alone and unwanted..."

"Well one, why did I ever go on this cruse with you? And two, it has nothing to do with me having a boyfriend, it's having to do with you begging me to do this stupid thing!"

"One, because we both wanted to head to Kanto. And two, because it's not boring... It's fun!"

"I don't believe in all this internet match-making stuff anyway... How can a computer decided who you should fall in love with?"

"Because computers were invented by smart people... now just hurry up and finish! I'm getting hungry."

"Ughh... Fine." Dawn said in frustration, noticing how Kenny eyed the details on her screen.

After Dawn confessed she wanted to go to Kanto for school break this year, Kenny almost flew out of his chair, telling Dawn they should go together! Dawn, for some reason, decided it was a great idea; after all, Kenny was one of her best friends. Though, she really wished May was coming, but apparently, she was busy. Busy meaning she had already planned something special with Drew...

So now, both her and Kenny were taking a Love Calculation test that the ship was holding. Apparently, in the next two days, after everyone had submitted their details, everyone would be paired up with their perfect match and live happily ever after. Although Dawn thought it was all a bit of mumbo-jumbo, Kenny had convinced, if not, forced her to take the test.

So, why not have a little fun with this stupid game of hearts? She wasn't very interested in meeting a sex-driven, teenage boy just yet, so why not play with her answers?

The first four questions consisted of the following:

What is your name?

How old are you?

Male / Female?

What relationship are you looking for?

Of course she decided on truthfully answering those, thinking it would be the best way to avoid an awkward situation. But when it came to questions like:

What do you do in your spare time?

What's your favourite food?

What is your favourite flower?

And things like that, she answered a little... un-honest. Maybe not call it a lie, but... a fib instead.

"Hey, you almost done?" Kenny blabbered. Making Dawn sigh at how impatient he was being.

"Yeah yeah... Almost." She looked over to Kenny's computer. "What are you up to- Hey! It's not even on! And you're telling me to hurry up!"

"Uh... I uh... finished ages ago."

"We've only been here 10 minutes." She sweatdropped.

"So? How hard is it to fill out things about yourself? It's not a maths quiz Dawn, gezz..."

"Whatever," she sighed. Getting up from her seat, she turned to Kenny and spoke. "I'm gonna get some hot chips while it loads, you want anything?"

"Nah, I'm fine. I'll stay here encase anyone steals out computers."

"Ok," she chirped, happy to be away from that glowing screen of stupidity. Sure, she liked going on the computer, but this was suppose to be a relaxing cruse, and what was she doing? Filling out a profile with her favourite flower in it.

"Ok..." Kenny said eagerly, leaning over to Dawn's screen. "Here we go...send!" He panicked, noticing Dawn coming back. He defiantly didn't want her catching him as he sent her new profile to himself...

"Kenny, what are you doing?"

"Nothing..." Said Kenny, lying on the floor. "Slipped...?"


"Yes!" He hissed, noticing the new e-mail in his inbox; titled: Dawn Berlitz – Love Calculation Profile.

His plan was ingenious, unstoppable, fool-proof, flawless! his own mind anyway.

Truth was, he never filled out his profile, he was waiting for Dawn to finish hers so he could take this new Match-making craziness into his own hands...

"Ok..." He licked his lips in excitement. "What do you do for fun?" He read out loud.

I love soccer. I used to play it all the time in my backyard. I think I had real talent too! I even tried out for the school soccer club last year, but then I broke my ankle and couldn't quite make it to the dead-line. Though, since it is school break, I'm looking forward to getting 'on the ball' again. Haha.

Ok... This was all new to Kenny. How could he not notice this?! It was true that she broke her ankle last year, just before the teams were picked, but the fact that she had even tried out? Nope. That was all new...

But of course, being Kenny, he believed it; and wrote down in the little box on the screen how much he adored soccer. I mean, it seemed believable?

"Alright, next... What is your favourite food?"

Well this one was easy. She loved pasta- Wait. That's not what's written here...

Oh definitely inago. I loved when mum made this! For those of you who don't know, it's cooked grasshopper. Most people find it disturbing, but me? I LOVE it...

Kenny looked at the screen in shock. After all these years of knowing Dawn, and spying on her, he had NEVER seen her eat, or even touch a grasshopper. But...that's what the profile said, so, it must be true...

Wait – did he just say 'all these years of spying on her'?! How he hoped no one could read his thoughts...

Kenny continued to read the long and, not to mention, secret profile. Shock after shock! He had to check the e-mail 28 times to make sure the one he was reading was hers!

But, all of this was in the profile, written by her, so it must be true...

He copied all her answers, and put them in his own words. What if he had to prove to Dawn all of this?! Oh well... If it meant eating bugs, and wearing an Elvis Presley cape to bed, so be it.


The next two days came quickly for them both. Kenny was almost counting down to the second. Soon Dawn would see they were perfect for each other...

IF his 'fool-proof' plan even worked...

"Here's your number... Enjoy!" Said the lady at the desk. She was wearing a short, pink, cocktail dress, with an oddly shaped beret; shaped more like a heart. In fact, everything here was shaped like a heart. Rather... overdone.

Dawn looked down at her number: 13

"Go figure..." She sighed. Who knows? Maybe it would be fun.

She looked around the room. She had to admit, there were some attractive, dare she say, cute guys here. But none she really noticed matched her number.

"Hey Dawn!" She heard Kenny's voice. Seriously, would he ever stop hassling her?

She turned around, forcing a smile on her face.

"Hey Kenn-" She stopped. Her eyes almost feel out of her head, and it seemed all the air had been sucked out of her. You could say... she was breathless! But that would be sugar coating the actual fact. 'Oh god no...'

"K-Kenny' you're number..." She shuddered, mortified.

If she was fully concious, she would be able to noticed the expected grin that was spread across his face.

"Hey!" He said with enthusiasm. Once again, if Dawn wasn't in such shock, she would be able to notice that he wasn't as surprised as she was...

"Number 13! Same as me..."

AN: I think now is a good place to stop.

This is only gonna go within 2-3 chapters. Nothing big.

I hope you all liked it! More to come! ;)