Disclaimer I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of Hiromu Arakawa's works.

Just a sorta drabble written after listening to "I don't want to miss a thing" over and over… It fits Roy and Ed well. Kinda. Please review! ;)

Roy smiled, looking at his lover's face tenderly. It was somewhere around two in the morning but Roy could stay awake all night, just to watch that face. Edward looked so peaceful in his sleep, so child like. He would never say that out loud though, unless he wanted to get throttled.

The elder alchemist pulled his lover in tighter, wrapping his arms more securely around the boy. Sometimes he had feared, feared that he would wake up and find out it was all just a dream. Closing his eyes, he listened to Edward's long and timed breaths. He opened them again, and used one of his hands to twirl a strand of hair around his finger, playing with it.

He loved Edward's hair, his eyes. He loved everything about the Edward, no matter what the boy said otherwise. His fingers traveled down to lightly trace the scars that Ed had gained from the automail surgery and frowned slightly. He wished he had been there at that time, to hold Edward and tell him it was alright. To tell him that everything would be okay.

Another reason why he always loved Edward with everything he had, gave him everything his heart had to offer, to compensate in some way for not being there for him then. If only he had enough sense at that time, to see that Edward needed him. To see that Edward was the one he was going to love to the point where he would give everything for him.

Roy blinked, and then chuckled in his head. He had fallen so hard for Edward, and he knew it.

He was close enough to feel the steady beat of the younger man's heart, to feel the heat from its frame; he could feel it so close to his own. The blonde's head rested between the chest and his pillow, one arm wrapped tightly against Roy. The older man smiled as he snuggled closed and noticed a small smile had formed on the younger alchemist's lips.

The general wondered what his lover was dreaming about, and smiled smugly when his own name slipped from the younger man's lips.

But it was the same for him as well – Edward constantly plagued him in his dreams, not that he minded in the least. But still, no dream could ever compare to the real thing. Nothing could compare to having Edward here, in his arms.