A/N: Because I truly believe that "I pick Quinn." was the best thing ever to leave Finn's lips. Oh, second only to "I have to go, they think I'm pooping." Haha, oh Glee, how I miss thee. 10 more days!!!!!! I just wanted a happy little Finn/Quinn one-shot, since my past FQ one-shots have been angsty.

Disclaimer: I would love to own Glee, but I sadly don't. Sucks, don't it?

"I'm nervous."

The envelope was laying on the table, begging to be ripped open, but Finn was steering clear of its path, not even daring to look at it.

"So am I."

You could usually tell which was the acceptance letter and which was the rejection letter, but in that moment, Quinn wasn't really thinking about anything. Instead, she was hoping and believing. Believing in what she was hoping.

"Do you think I got in?" he asked her, his voice sounding like that of a child who was scared that their parent was angry with them, and she smiled at her little analogy, nodding to assure him.

"Yes. But there's only one way to know for sure."

He gulped, and she was pleased that he had asked her to come. Pleased that, somehow, he thought of her as his glue. The one thing that could hold him together when everything was falling apart.

"I got in!" She jumped up and down, squealing happily before running, throwing her arms around his neck and embracing him fiercely, pride swelling in her heart for his grand accomplishment. "I'm going to Ohio State!" he shouted, big grin stretching his lips apart.

Her returning smile was equally as dazzling, and she gazed up at him beneath her eyelashes. "Don't you mean we're going to Ohio State?" She didn't really know how he would react to the news, so it came out sounding meek and totally out of character for her. She let out a quiet sigh of relief when she was met with another grin.

"You got accepted!" He had her in his arms again and was spinning her around before she could confirm it, and her breath came out in a whoosh of air, but she managed to get out a laugh of pure delight nonetheless. She nodded, placing her hands on his broad shoulders, indicating that he put her down.

When nothing was blurry anymore, she straightened out her cheerleading skirt and sighed at the multitude of wrinkles that wouldn't go away despite her efforts. "Yes, I was going to wait until after you opened your acceptance letter so I could tell you."

His eyebrows knitted together. "Why were you so sure that I'd get in?"

She placed her palm against his cheek and he couldn't resist the urge to press his face into her hand. "Because I believe in you," she answered truthfully. She always knew he was smart and that he could achieve so many great things if he put his mind to it, and although she blew up at him sometimes, it was only because she felt obliged to keep pushing him further. "Looks like you'll be stuck with me through the college years too."

"I couldn't ask for anything better." She grinned up at him and he looked down at her hazel eyes, which were full of nothing but love for him, and once again thanked the heavens for giving him the most precious gift in the form of Quinn Fabray. "I love you, you know?"

It didn't matter that Puck and Rachel would be going off to NYU, and that every other student in their glee club was leaving to expand their studies in other states. He didn't care, as long as he had Quinn by his side.

She nodded. "I do. But frequent reminders are always greatly appreciated," she teased, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him, wounding her arms around his neck once more, pulling away only to bore her eyes into his. "I love you too."

The sound of her giggling as he leaned down to press his lips to the nape of her neck was music to his ears.

REVIEW, my lovelies!!!! :]