When I Am King

"But I thought Eärendil was a Mariner."

"Yes, he was."

"Then how can he be a star? I was told he was a star."

A sigh. "The star is Eärendil. He sails through the skies with a Silmaril on his brow."

A pause, and then—"How can he sail a ship through the skies?"

"...He just does."

Pout. "That is not an answer."

Frustrated noises. "Then go and ask someone who can give you an answer, child!"

Sulking. "Ada said you were not to shout at me."

More frustrated noises. "Your ada knows nothing of the annoyance you cause me. Away with you. Find someone who is willing to answer your questions."

A sigh. "Very well. But when I am King, my sons will come and annoy you with questions, and I will have revenge!"


"My sons will annoy you—and worse than I am now, because there will be more than one of them! And—and they will be twins!"

Laughter. "Now you are being ridiculous. And I may not be around by the time you have sons—or daughters."

"Yes you will. I will not allow you to leave."

A groan. "And I had hoped to be safe in Ithilien by the time you were grown and had children of your own. Away with you. Find your naneth; she will know the answers to your questions."


A raised eyebrow. "Did I not say, 'away'?"

"You did...but..."

"What is it?"

"You—you do not truly wish to go to Ithilien, do you?"

A sigh, and a smile. "Only when I am extremely annoyed. Go, find your naneth. I am not leaving Minas Tirith any time soon."

"I am glad." And there comes the pattering sound of a child's feet going out the door.

A relieved sigh. "Finally," comes a mumble. "Now I can finish this..."

Characters: Eldarion (the son and heir of Aragorn and Arwen; as a child, perhaps seven or ten);

King Elessar (aka Aragorn; mentioned here as 'Ada');

Queen Arwen (mentioned here as Eldarion's 'naneth');

And an Elven OC/canonical character (truthfully, an OC who could easily be canon. This Elf is one who decided to go to Minas Tirith, however temporarily, instead of Ithilien or Valinor.)

Characters/Things in Eldarion's questions: Eärendil (a Mariner; the father of Elrond and Elros. He sails in his ship in the sky as a star. His star is the brightest in the sky because of the...)

Silmaril (a jewel, one of three, that held in it the light of the Two Trees of Valinor. This particular one is carried on Eärendil's brow, and provides the light of his star. The Silmarils were crafted by Fëanor of the Noldor; Morgoth [the Dark Lord before Sauron, and more powerful] stole them, and Fëanor and his seven sons swore an oath to, more or less, kill anyone who kept a Silmaril from them. This caused a war, Kinslayings, and other things, all of which can be read about in the Silmarillion, which was written by, who else?, JRR Tolkien)

This story was written in appreciation of JRR Tolkien's amazing Lord of the Rings series. I make only happiness off of this.
