A/N: So I'm going to be writing a few dream sequences based off of the events that take place during "Shadow Kiss." I love Dimitri/Rose together, but there's something about Adrian's determination that I just can't resist. Plus, Adrian is more my type. This will be updated as soon as I can. I would love some reviews if you're willing to take the time to do it. I just want to know if it's something you'd like to read more of or if it's a bust. Happy Easter!

Disclaimer: I own nothing; Richelle Mead owns it all.

Rose walked carelessly through a dead field of corn. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen a field like this, but she'd seen similar ones when they were living among the humans. That was when it hit her, this wasn't like her normal dreams and she knew instantly that it was one of Adrian's. She'd had such a headache on the plane and now that she was asleep he still wouldn't leave her alone. She took a few steps further into the field and felt his familiar hand grasp her wrist, pulling her toward him.

"My little Dhampir," he mused drunkenly into her hair.

"Ugh, as if my head wasn't hurting bad enough on its own," Rose moved out of his grasp and turned around to face him. "Why do you keep doing this Adrian?"

"You know the answer to that Rose, why do you resist." He stepped forward to close the gap between them. "It just makes me want you more."

She sighed heavily. "See Adrian, that's all you want. Even if I said I liked you for just one minute, all you would want to do with me is have sex and then once you got that over with you'd leave me to go find someone else to exploit."

He moved and took her face in the palms of both of his hands, "this is not true my love. You have bewitched me body and soul."

"I've seen Pride and Prejudice," she said sarcastically.

"So it's still true, I think of you constantly. You and your dark clouds, I want to take them away from you. Your safety is my constant concern, even as I work on Spirit with Lisa I think of you." His voice was like velvet as it worked its way into her ears.

"I'm bound to her Adrian; even if you wanted me as your guardian I couldn't leave her, I wouldn't have the heart to." She couldn't believe herself as she listened to her own words. Rose had spent too much time around Adrian even if it wasn't all that much. He was starting to work on her in ways that she didn't even want to consider.

Adrian smiled, "maybe I just don't want you as a guardian. Would it be so hard to think that maybe I want you to be something else?" He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. The taste of vodka lingered for just a moment; it was strong against her taste buds as she opened her mouth for just a moment. What she did mind was the kiss once she'd come back to herself, as much as Adrian's words had worked on her she couldn't forget about Dimitri.

Rose moved away quickly and scowled over at him, "please tell me you didn't just do that."

He smiled but she could tell he was slightly defeated. "Are my kisses so repulsive to you Rose?"

She sighed, "no but you know how I feel."

"About your pedophile boyfriend, yes I'm aware of that. I'm not going to give up, so you might as well get used to it."

Rose felt her clothes change instantly. Looking down Rose gazed down at the very black dress that Adrian had described earlier. It was beyond beautiful; or rather, what she could see of it was beautiful she wasn't sure how it looked on her but she was sure it looked as good as it felt. She brought her fingers up and traced the lace that lined the dress as it lay pristinely against her skin.

"Do you like it?" he asked as he flicked his wrist, sweeping away the field and procuring his grandmother's garden that they had visited once before.

"It's a bit much don't you think?" she replied lying.

"Nope, not at all, I actually think it looks quite lovely on you. Besides I saw how you looked at it and I know deep down you like it too."

Rose laughed, "You think you know everything don't you?"

"I don't think, I know." He motioned to an empty gazebo in the center of the garden where he escorted her to sit. Adrian's face grew serious as he moved to sit across from her, "this isn't why I've come here to be with you Rose."

"Then why have you?" she asked feeling a slight bit nervous as she rubbed the inside of her palm. It wasn't like her to feel nervous, but her head was hurting so bad she could still feel it in her dream.

"It's your headache. Lisa couldn't fix you and that's unusual from what I've been able to gather through our talks."

"How very astute of you," she replied nonchalantly.

"I'm being serious Rose."

She sighed, "I can see that Adrian and I don't know what to tell you."

"Do you get them often?"

"No, not usually, this is one of the worst I think I've ever had."

He stood and paced the wooden floor, "I get so worried about you Rose. So worried it nearly drives me crazy. Your aura…"

"Not that nonsense again," she sighed.

"Let me finish, your aura it's so dark and today it practically looked like you were a hurricane waiting to happen."

His uneasiness was making her head hurt even more than it already was. Gently, she placed her head against the banister that ran the length of the bench. Adrian came and sat beside her, "I promise you I'll find out what all this means."

"Oh there's no doubt in my mind."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, resting his hand upon her head. "I'll fix you, I know I can. Wake up, we're here."