wuzzup peoples! I randomly thought of this while watching my brother in an Easter bunny costume.
Have you guys ever seen the movie '10 things I hate about you'?? Well, if you haven't you need to watch it! It's awesome! There's a poem in it and I luuuuv it!! So I changed a few words and came up with this!! So i'm gonna shut up now so you can read it! =D
DISCLAIMER— really? Why do I have to tell you guys that I don't own SWAC, or 10 TIHAY… obviously I don't. But I do own my iPod (which I wrote this on first)… his name is Luigi… ;)
Each chapter is going to be short…there's gonna be like 13 chapters maybe?
review review review!!
(Sonny POV)
"Ok class, before you leave id like to tell you about your assignment. It's due in a week. You must write a poem…well, that's it" says dully. A girl from meal or no meal sheepishly raised her hand, and asked, "what does it have to be about, and how long?"
"It doesn't matter what it's about and it doesn't matter how long it is. Just write a poem…but it has to rhyme. Oh, look at the time, class dismissed!" miss. bitterman says dully again. Everyone shuffles out of the classroom, talking and whispering about what they're going to write about.
I go up to Tawni and ask, "what are you gonna write about?" "Myself of course! Why wouldn't I? So. What about you? What are you going to write?" she asks. "I really don't know. Sorry but I got to go Tawn. See yah tomorrow!" I say and wave her goodbye. But rounding the corner, I bump into something and fall to the ground. I look up expecting Chad, but no…it's the wall.
But Chad ;think of the devil, he comes; steps out in front of me with a hand held out to help me up. I accept, and say, "Thanks Chad. Sorry cant talk, I have to get going." and start to walk away but Chad grabs my wrist -that sent shivers up my spine- and says, "Hold on, I'm leaving too so we can talk. So what are you writing about?" he asks, walking next to me heading to the parking lot.
"I don't know. Maybe life. Maybe anything. It'll come to me." I say smiling up at him. "I know what I'm writing about- but don't even ask because I'm not going to tell you." he says already knowing what I was thinking, and sticks his tongue out at me.
"But I can tell you this, I know that Blondie is writing about herself, Cloudy is writing about food, well…cheese. Rainy is writing about either video games, girls, or both. Weird Girl is writing about peoples secrets. Need I go on?" he says cockily.
At this he makes me laugh, "No I'm good. So what am I going to write about?" I ask knowing he doesn't have an answer. We've reached his car by now and he says while getting into his car and buckling up,
"Well, I can never say. You're an ever-changing color Munroe. Stay that way." and with that he winks at me and drives away. I can just feel the redness on my face. Now all I have to do is think of something to write about.