I waited in the gym, Dimitri was late, which had never ever happened in this universe. I was the late one, he was the one that would yell at me when I was late, not the other way around. I knew something was up, but I just didn't know what when he burst through the doors.

"Comrade, you're late," I said, a little smug. But once I took a good look at his face, my smugness wore off. He was pale, even for a dhampir. He had sweat covering his brow, and he definitely didn't look like a bad ass god just then.

"Dimitri, you ok?" I asked him, worried.

He nodded, "Yeah, come on do your stretches and then we'll spar."

He ran a hand through his damp brown hair and sat down on the mat; he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

I sighed and started stretching. As I was touching my toes, I kept my eyes on Dimitri. He really didn't look good at all.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and caught me looking at him.

"Are you finished?" He asked.

I nodded and stepped to the center of the mat. Dimitri followed me to the center of the mat. He gave me one nod, and we started our session.

I immediately noticed that he was slower then usual. I quickly blocked his kick that he aimed for my stomach. I followed it with a kick towards his stomach which he failed to dodge, and he fell on his back.

"Holy crap, Dimitri you ok?" I asked as I ran over to help him sit up.

He nodded, wincing in pain.

"Yeah, I'm ok," He mumbled.

I sighed, his face was turning red and my hand that was pressed to his back was on fire.

"No, you're not! Dimitri, what the hell is going on?" I asked, frustrated.

His breathing was getting heavy, and I realized that he was sweating bullets. I tore off his shirt and put a hand on his forehead. I immediately pulled it away.

"God Dimitri you're burning up!" I exclaimed.

His chest was covered in sweat, and yet I couldn't tare my eyes away from it. Wow, six pack wash board abs, you didn't find that lying around every day. Or even every year!

I sighed and tore my eyes away. I grabbed his shirt and whipped away all the sweat.

"I'll be right back," I told him, grabbing the soaked red shirt he was wearing. I went over to my gym bag and grabbed a grey sweatshirt. I walked back to Dimitri who was panting slightly and slipped it on for him.

"Rose, I'm fine really," He panted.

I sighed, "Then please explain to me why you're covered in sweat, and feel like you're on fire?"

He gave me one glare as I helped him to his feet. I put my arm around his waist and guided him out of the gym. It was a good thing the school day didn't start yet or I would have attracted a lot of glances and the rumors would be unbearable.

We arrived at his door and I patted his pockets for the key and opened it. Boy was he heavy! My Russian god was all muscle, so I shouldn't have expected him to be as light as a feather. I went over to the bed and gently lay him on it.

"Now you stay here while I go and get a wet cloth for your head," I told him.

He nodded, and gave me a smile. I felt my heart melt. Even when he was sick he still had that God-like appearance that I fell in love with the very first day I met him.

I went to the bathroom with that smile on my face and wet a cloth. When I came back, I stopped dead in my tracks. God did he look sexy lying there. I quickly shacked the thought out of my head as I rubbed the cloth over his body.

"Thank you, Roza," He told me.

"For what?" I asked.

"For taking care of me," He told me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I was so shocked that my hand stopped moving and stayed on his chest. God I hoped that Dimitri got sick more often, because I had just learned that he let his guard down when he was sick. And I was definitely storing that bit of information in my head.

"No problem," I told him, smiling.

I put a hand to his forehead and discovered that his fever was going down ever so slightly.

"Do you have a thermometer?" I asked him.

He nodded towards the draw beside his bed and I opened it. I took off the cover and smiled at Dimitri. I loved playing doctor with him.

"Open up," I told him, poking the thermometer at his lips.

He gave me a smile and opened his mouth. I stuck the thermometer underneath his tongue and waited for the beep. I looked at Dimitri and almost chocked on laughter. He looked absolutely ridiculous with the white end sticking out of his mouth, and his eye going cross eyed because he was trying to look at it.

"Stop it, you're making me laugh," I giggled.

He looked up, "Stop what?" He asked. He sounded pretty weird but I could understand.

"Trying to see the thermometer," I giggled again.

Beep Beep. I took the thermometer out of his mouth, and gasped.

"You're temperature's 102.5!" I exclaimed. "Do you realize that you could have died if I listened to you?" I continued.

He merely shrugged, "I didn't know, but I'm sure I'll get better, don't worry Roza."

My heart leaped in my chest as soon as I heard the nickname Dimitri had given me.

"How come you never accept help easily and gracefully?" I asked him, a little annoyed.

His brow furrowed in thought, "Because I'm used to doing things by myself, I guess."

"Well you need to learn to let people in," I whispered in his ear, inching closer to him. My heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest.

T o my amazement, Dimitri put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. After a while, he fell asleep. I looked at his angelic face, so peaceful and relaxed during his slumber. But so alert and wound up so tight when he was awake. I liked him when he was asleep, relaxed, with his walls down.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, but I banged on it to be quiet. God, I had the worst headache ever, and my body felt like it was on fire. I could barely breathe through my stuffed nose. I sighed, this is what I get for offering to cover Stan's shift by standing in the cold while the wind and snow blew at me.

I groaned and got out of bed, feeling like I had been run over by a truck. I grabbed a shirt and slipped it over my body. The cool fabric made me feel slightly more alert. But when I stood up, the room spun before me. I knew that I didn't feel well enough to go to my practice with Roza, but I couldn't stand missing her beautiful face and dazzling smile, even if it were only for a day.

I glanced at the clock and realized that I was already five minutes late. I pulled on a pair of sweat paints and pulled on my sneakers and I was out the door. I quickly walked to the gym, and saw that Roza was already here. I couldn't believe that she was earlier then me; I was usually the early one.

"Comrade, you're late," She said smugly.

Then she looked up at my face, and the smugness was instantly erased from her face. Crap, did I really look that bad?

"Dimitri, you ok?" She asked me.

I nodded, "Yeah, come on and do your stretched, and then we'll spar," I said, instantly going into mentor mood. God I hated that I had to be all serious around her. Hell, I couldn't even crack a smile or roll my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt my headache worsen, and I sat down on the mats. I ran a hand through my already damp hair and I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. I heard Rose sigh, and opened my eyes to see those deep chocolate brown eyes staring straight at mine.

"Are you finished?" I asked her, trying to wipe my face of any signs of pain.

She nodded and walked to the center of the mats. I followed her and realized that today might just be the day that she was going to beat me and mentally groaned. This day totally sucked. I nodded to her, signaling that I was ready to get my ass kicked.

I immediately went on the offensive side and tried to kick her in the stomach. Fat load of good it did me. She immediately blocked it in the blink of an eye and suddenly I was on defensive. She aimed a kick for my stomach and I didn't even see her lift her leg until it made contact with my body. I felt the wind get knocked out of me and I fell straight on my back. It wasn't a hard kick, but I was pretty beat up even before this so I wouldn't have expected to win.

"Holy crap, Dimitri you ok?" She asked, concern and worry were filled in her voice as she leaned down to look at me. She put a hand underneath my back and lifted me into a sitting position. I was so weak that I could barely sit up by myself. God, and they called me the most "bad-ass Guardian" here, what kind of Guardian can't sit up by himself?!

"Yeah I'm ok," I mumbled, I tried to put enough strength into my voice to make Rose think that I was fine, but she wasn't having any of it. Just like I could tell when she was lying, she could tell when I was lying. We knew each other that well.

"No you're not! Dimitri what the hell is going on?" She yelled at me. I didn't blame her. If we switched roles, I would have asked her the same thing.

I felt my shirt sticking to me and realized that I had completely drenched it and I hadn't even done anything yet! God, what is wrong with me, I silently wondered.

"God Dimitri, you're burning up!" Rose yelled and tore off my shirt. It reminded me of the night we both fell prey to Victor's lust charm. That was the best night of my life, but I couldn't help but feel guilty for taking advantage of her like that.

Suddenly I realized that she was wiping away my sweat with my shirt, and wondered what I was going to be wearing now. I wasn't going to go around half naked around the school that was for sure.

"I'll be right back," She told me, and walked away.

I nodded ever so slightly, but wasn't sure if she caught it. I watched as her little ass moved away across the gym. God did it look--------what the hell?! Did I just seriously think that about my student?! God, she was right, I am really sick.

I zoned out afterwards, barely able to stay awake. I remember her sliding a gray sweatshirt onto my sweat covered chest, and then going to my room, but that was it. I blacked out after that, but then I suddenly remembered that I kissed her. God, I was in deep shit now!