A/N: Hey guys, I'm back! This is (obviously) the first chapter to my sequel! I hope that this pleases you, and surprises you just a bit! And if some of you don't understand Uther's behavior, I was just trying to make him kind of cool.
Alright, so I also hope that all of you who have Syfy channel know that Merlin season 2 is now showing!!! I couldn't believe it! I hope that they will show season 3 also or else it's back to youtube with me. They just showed the first episode of season 2 last night and I was thanking Syfy about a million times! Just thought you guys should know that.
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin still, but I do own a laptop to write about him!
Today had been just another day that I had to go through. Things quieted down for me. For one, I wasn't being attacked by druids, dragons, or helping keep Merlin's magic a secret. Now, I'm being attacked by essays, teachers, and helping keep Sarah's boyfriend a secret from her parents. All the things that I went through really felt like a dream now. I know that it really happened and all, but to me it just doesn't feel that way anymore.
I was missing Arthur terribly, and I know that I need to move on and I try! People have asked me out since my return to the twenty-first century, but saying 'yes' just doesn't feel right.
"Jen, do you want to go on a date… with me?" Sam had asked me one day after my math class, twiddling his thumbs. Sam was tall and lanky. His hair was so blonde it was almost white. He had his glasses on which made his eyes look three times as big as they were. I looked down at the ground, wondering how I could answer him.
In some sense I knew that I should accept his offer. I needed to move on from Arthur because I was never going to see him again and he didn't remember me. For some reason I felt that I was betraying Arthur if I was to say 'yes,' though I don't know why exactly. That's when my annoying voice came back to me. "Don't you dare accept Sam's date! You know that you don't even want to, so why go on a date with him! What about Arthur? What would Merlin say if he saw you accepting?"
That was one of the rare times I chose to listen to that voice.
"I'm sorry, Sam." I said with a faint smile. "But I'm seeing someone." The lie came so easily that it almost scared me. Perhaps my time in Camelot did teach me a thing or two. He lowered his head and nodded. I saw that there was some disappointment in his face, and I began to regret what I had said to him.
"It's fine. I'm not surprised that you are. See you later, Jen." With that, he walked off.
I came back to reality. I looked over at Sarah's empty bed. She was out of state visiting her parents for two weeks. I had asked her why she was going to be gone so long, but that's when she reminded me that it was Spring Break.
Now, I was alone in my dorm. There was an eerie silence to the room that sent shivers down my spine. Normally Sarah would be brushing her hair, babbling on about how unfair her teachers were to her today, but tonight, there is nothing but the wind rattling the windows.
I placed my head down on my pillow and snuggled up under my sheets, falling into a deep sleep.
Back at Camelot…
Merlin was polishing Arthur's boots as the prince was sitting at the table eating breakfast. It was quiet, too quiet for the warlock's liking. Arthur had been acting not like himself ever since he had that dream two months ago. He had been asking questions day after day about this mysterious girl who he keeps dreaming about.
"Why does she seem so real to me, Merlin?" Arthur finally spoke. Merlin stopped applying the polish and looked up.
"Perhaps because you want what you can't have." He offered and continued with his chore. Arthur put down his fork and walked over to stand above his servant that was leaning against his bed. "What? Do you want me to wash your royal socks, too?" he teased earning himself a slap on the head.
"Yes, in fact you should wash my socks, but stop changing the subject!" the prince ordered. Merlin shrugged. "It seems to me that you know who she is and you also have a secret that you're not telling me about." He scolded. Merlin's heart stopped beating for a split second. "I feel as if I recognize her from somewhere, like I've seen her before."
Merlin looked up at the prince. "Arthur, should I be concerned for you?"
"Don't be an idiot, Merlin! I know that you're keeping something from me." Arthur put his hands on his hips.
Merlin gasped playfully. "I am an open book."
"Yeah, that's what you want me to think." He began pacing his room, trying to remember his dream perfectly. "Merlin, I know that you aren't telling me something, and it's killing me!"
"Well, why do you care if I have a secret? I mean, I'm just a servant." Merlin said quickly.
Arthur couldn't help but roll his eyes. "You're my friend, too, Merlin. Besides, I'm the prince, so don't make me order you to…" he paused, getting the sense of déjà vu. "To tell me," he finished.
"What is it?" Merlin asked seeing the look of confusion on the prince's face.
"I feel as if I have said that before, to someone I know, to whom I care about." He crossed his arms, looking at the floor as if it was going to provide him with the answers that he needed. Merlin put the shoe down and began walking towards the door. "Just where do you think you're going?" he asked before the manservant could grasp the handle.
Merlin looked over his shoulder. "I'm going to get Gaius." He said, talking as if it was an ordinary thing.
"Why would you be going to Gaius?"
The warlock shrugged. "You've obviously gone mad…sire."
"Merlin," Arthur exclaimed.
Merlin nodded, putting his hand on his chest. "Yes, I'm Merlin, and you're Arthur!" he said slowly, like talking to a five year old. Arthur unfolded his arms and stared at Merlin with totally annoyance. The manservant walked over to him and put his hand on Arthur's shoulder. "Come on, sire. It's alright, just sit down on this bed here-"
"Merlin!" the prince yelled. "I'm not going mad and I'm not dumb. You're a horrible liar and it's palpable that there is something that you are keeping from me." Merlin bit his lower lip. "Whatever it is it can't be that bad. You know that you can tell me?"
"Yeah, I know." Merlin lowered his head. The clock chimed and Merlin knew that this was his chance to escape the conversation and he must take it. "Well, it looks like it's time for you to go train your knights. Don't want to be late for that do you?" Merlin said wanting to go already.
"Right," Arthur said slowly. Merlin quickly dressed the prince in his armor, not wanting to get the conversation going again. Once finished, Arthur let himself get pushed out the door. They both walked down the narrow hallway that led down to the courtyard. As they passed an empty room that had previously belonged to Jen, Arthur stopped in mid step. "Who's staying in here?" he asked pointing to the door.
Merlin walked back to where Arthur was standing. "No one," he said simply. "Come on, we're going to be late." He said trying to push the prince along.
"No, wait a second." Merlin stopped and turned back around. Arthur opened the door and stepped inside. Merlin groaned and went in as well. Arthur went over to the bed and placed one hand on it. He walked over to the wardrobe and opened the wooden doors. Inside there were many dresses, but folded neatly at the bottom was a pair of brown pants. He could picture someone wearing them, but he couldn't put a name to the face because he could barely make out the face itself!
"Arthur, how long are we going to doddle in an empty room?" Merlin complained.
"But it wasn't always empty." Arthur stated to no one in particular.
"Of course not, Camelot does have guests you know." Merlin reminded him with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. "Arthur, can we please get a move on before Uther puts me in the stocks for keeping you from training?!" Merlin pleaded. "I have never been able to look at a vegetable the same way again!"
Arthur looked at his servant and nodded. "You're right, which is strange, but true." They headed out again only to run into a guard.
"Prince Arthur, the king requires your presents immediately." The guard bowed and headed off.
Both boys rolled their eyes and walked down to the great hall. Two guards opened the doors to show Uther sitting at his chair thinking hard about something. The Lady Morgana was looking off into the distance with a tired look in her eyes. When they came in both pairs of eyes fell on them.
"My son," Uther stood up and walked over to Arthur. "You need to get your men ready. There is someone or something attacking the outlying villages. It is believed that magic is involved." He informed the prince. "And I want you to inform that girl who is your servant's relative. She seems to be a good ally in the fight against magic." Uther concluded.
Arthur's eyes widened. "What?"
Uther closed his eyes. "I know that I don't approve of your relationship with her, but she seems to be an asset to this kingdom. Every ally is. She has helped rid this kingdom of the druids and that is a true sign that she is loyal to Camelot. Although, I must say I haven't seen her around…"
Arthur's mouth opened and closed without any sound coming out. "Girl… asset… who…?"
Merlin was about to say something when Morgana spoke up. "Ever since you spoke your disapproval of them being together, they broke up. Arthur is trying to forget about her. It would be best if she wasn't involved, My Lord." She lied, eyeing Merlin, trying to tell him something. "Isn't that right, Merlin?"
The king looked at his son's servant. "Yes, that is right, sire."
"I see. Well, I'm sorry about that, Arthur, I really am, but you must learn who is and is not right for you." He placed a hand on his shoulder. "Now, go get your men ready. I want you out of Camelot in half an hour. I want this magical threat destroyed."
"Y-yes, sire." Arthur bowed and headed out.
"Merlin," a voiced called. Merlin turned to see Morgana following them. The guards shut the doors behind them so that Uther couldn't see what was happening. The ward looked at her adoptive brother. "Can we have a moment?" It wasn't a question, it was an order.
"Of course," Arthur walked away. "Merlin, I'll be in the courtyard." He called over his shoulder.
"What's wrong, My Lady?" he asked Morgana.
She took in a deep breath. "I know who Jen is. She comes from the future, and somehow Arthur doesn't remember her at all, but that's all I know." Morgana said quietly in that confident voice that always made Merlin admire her. "I know that you know that she is from a different time, so there is no sense in trying to protect her."
"How do you know about Jen?" he whispered.
She tilted her head. "Merlin, I think we both know how. I had a dream of her coming; I just didn't want to say anything to anyone just in case I was mistaken, just in case it was only a dream." The ward explained. "Don't worry. I won't mention anything to Uther. For all we know she may come back." Morgana smiled. "I do miss her. She changed Arthur in ways others couldn't do. Jen was a good person, a good friend."
Merlin smiled back at her. "Yeah, she is." The two of them stared at each other for a few moments and a thought crossed the warlock's mind. Jen had said that she knew who Arthur was going to marry, and he assumed that Lancelot had something to do with that because of her obvious hatred for him. But who was he going to marry? Surely he would find someone… right?
Back to the Future…
I woke up the next morning. Luckily it was a Saturday and Spring Break, so I didn't need to panic about getting up late. I shrugged out of my bed and into my clothes; a baggy shirt and my favorite pair of sweats. There was a knock on my door as I got done putting a brush through my tangled hair. I got up and turned the handle.
There, standing at my door, was…Merlin!
I smiled so wide that it almost hurt. The sight of Merlin was so relieving that it made me feel truly happy. He seemed a bit confused but smiled back. My whole body was uplifted by his friendly presents that it was as if someone had offered me an unlimited supply of chocolate. I opened the door wider.
"Merlin, hey!" I greeted my old friend.
The man in front of me squinted his eyes, a bit confused. "I'm sorry, my name is Mason." He said. I replayed what he had said in my head and I noticed something different about how he said it. He… didn't… have… his accent…
I looked closer at this Mason. He had black hair, but it was a bit longer than Merlin's had been and slightly lighter. He was bulkier than the lanky boy I once knew. His ears didn't stick out as much, but then again, they were covered by his hair. He was still tall, but his eyes were so different. They weren't the usual blue orbs that I loved to stare into. These alien eyes were light green with a tint of grey that didn't have the magic in them that made him look like Merlin. The way he dressed was different, too. For one, there was no red neckerchief around his neck.
I shut my eyes and put my hand up to rub my temple. "Right, sorry. What brings you here?" I said feeling like an idiot.
"Well, you see I'm new to the Mythology class and Warren said that you were the one to talk to about our current subject. I'm really behind, and I need to catch up." He had his books in his hand. "Do you think we could get started? I don't know anything about this King Arthur stuff."
I couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Sure, of course we can. Come on in." I said stepping aside for Mason to come in. He walked in and sat his books down on my table with a slam.
"So, do you do any sport?" he asked, obviously not wanting to start immediately.
I shook my head uncomfortably. "No, I'm more brains than brawn." I teased. "Do you?"
"Yep, I do fencing. I made the state finals." He bragged. I had to try not to laugh. This man who looked like Merlin could sword fight, which was something Merlin couldn't do. It was hard for me to imagine Merlin being state final material when it came to swords. "What's so funny?"
"Oh, it's nothing. Why don't we start on the homework?" I asked with hope in my voice. Mason rolled his eyes and sat down at the table. I pulled up another chair and sat beside him, opening the book. Of course, the page that I just had to open up to was a picture of the old wizard Merlin who was dressed in blue robes and a pointy hat; the classic Merlin that I have grown to want to correct every time I see that picture. The only thing on Merlin that's blue is his tunic! Gosh, the publisher needs to get it right!
"That's that one wizard guy." Mason pointed out. "What's his name? Merlin?" I nodded sheepishly. "That guy's such a joke! There's no such thing as magic and there never was." Mason scoffed. I bit down on my lip as hard as I could so that a flood of swears and curses wouldn't flow out at this Merlin look-a-like. He continued to stare at the page, reading the caption below the colorful picture. I turned my head away from the book as he turned the page. There, standing proudly on a huge rock, was King Arthur with Excalibur in his hand. Mason chuckled at the pose he was taking. "Wow, can he get anymore conceded?"
I bit my lip harder.
"Yeah, he can be such a prat sometimes." I smiled to myself.
Mason looked at me with a strange look. "What's a prat?" I shook my head, waving off his question. He rolled his eyes, and from the corner of my eye I could have sworn I saw him mouth a 'wow.' I was wrong. This man is nothing like Merlin. He seems more pigheaded. Perhaps I'm being ridiculous, seeing as I don't even know this guy, but still. He looks almost exactly like him at first glance! "What do you know about this Guinevere chick?" he asked, snapping me out of my mental conversation with myself.
I looked over at the book to see a picture of a girl who looked nothing like Gwen. She had on a yellow, flowing dress and had glistening black hair running down her back. She looked more like Morgana if you ask me. There was a golden crown placed gently on her curls. Her brown eyes were staring attentively at me, staring deep into my soul. I looked away. In the background was Arthur (who looked nothing like my Arthur, mind you) smiling proudly at his wife who was secretly betraying him with his best friend and knight, Lancelot.
"Gwen is the wife of Arthur." I started, ignoring the formalities that I'm supposed to use when talking about the prince… er, I mean king. "She falls in love with Lancelot."
"Who is…?" Mason asked.
"Lancelot is a knight of Camelot that is also Prin- King Arthur's best friend… other than Merlin." I added quickly, remembering Merlin and Arthur's friendship so clearly in my mind. "Anyway, Guinevere falls in love with Lancelot and they have an affair behind Arthur's back." I smiled. "Although, I don't know why she would. Arthur's such a great guy and Lancelot is so…" I couldn't find a word to describe him. I hadn't spent much time with the man, but I knew I didn't like him no matter how good looking he is… or was. "Arthur was a great person. He always did what he thought was right and almost always put his people in front of his own needs. He loved to tease people. Arthur and Merlin loved to banter, despite status." I giggled at the very memory. Mason was smiling. "What?" I asked, blushing.
He shook his head. "It's just that you talk as if you've met all three of those guys. You must really love to read this stuff. You seem to get into their heads, like you know them." He concluded. My already red cheeks reached the point of an unmistakable crimson glow. He raised his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry," he laughed. "I didn't mean to embarrass you, though I have no idea how I did embarrass you." I giggled and looked up at him with a faint smile. "Ok-ay…" he said slowly, obvious confused. "I'm getting the feeling that I'm missing something here."
The rest of the morning went by pretty fast. Mason ignored my blushing and things weren't as awkward… for him at least. I was still in that stage that I wanted to call him Merlin. Once I did on accident, but he graciously ignored it, probably thinking I was joking with him.
He finally left, and I was able to be left alone.
Being alone doesn't last long enough though, especially when you want to be unaccompanied.
Back to Camelot…
Arthur was waiting impatiently in the courtyard just like he said he would be. Merlin quickly ran down the stairs to join the prince and his knights. They were already on their horses. There was one extra horse that was standing right next to Arthur's, so Merlin jumped up onto the animal ready to go. Arthur looked at his manservant suspiciously, but shook his head.
All seven of the men rode out the gates of Camelot Castle, heading in the direction of the forest. Merlin wondered how long they were going to be gone this time. This trip was going to be so quiet without Jen to bring up strange topics for them all to debate on or to ask her more questions about. Of course, Arthur doesn't share these pleasant memories… he doesn't think so anyway.
After about two minutes they reached the spot Merlin recognized as the place where he found Jen, and where she was sent forward. By now, their footprints were washed away by the rain and wind. The rock was in the exact same place which, for some reason, made Merlin smile.
There was a rustle coming from the bushes. Arthur, Merlin, and all of the knights got off their horses to investigate. The prince drew his sword. The young Pendragon and warlock walked closer to the rock. While Arthur was concentrating on the noise coming from the greenery, Merlin placed one hand on the stone. He missed Jen; he missed his adopted little sister. He smiled.
Suddenly, a light began to surround Arthur and Merlin. It was glowing, engulfing the two in a pool of golden light and swirling dust. Merlin turned his head to look at Arthur. The prince looked just as confused as the warlock.
Just then, Merlin's eyes flashed gold.
Arthur started wide eyed at his manservant. Merlin had that oh-no-what-did-I-just-do look on his face. He hadn't purposefully used his magic, it just acted on instinct. Arthur tried to shout something to him over the wind, but he was unable to say anything. The light had gotten so thick and bright that the two could no longer see the petrified knights on the other side.
In one flash of blinding light, Merlin and Arthur were gone.
When the dust cleared, Sir Leon ran over to the spot that both boys had been previously standing. He circled the area. Only one thing was on his mind;
"What the hell am I going to tell Uther?"
A/N: TADA! Please tell me what you think! I would love to know if this is an alright start to the story!
Peace. Love. Merlin!