Yay! A new chapter! I have really felt the writing mood these last few weeks, hurray!

Disclaimer: do not own, do not earn.

Kiba could hardly believe what was happening, his pulse ringing loud in his ears.

It had finally happened, the he he wanted, had accepted him and were taking him away. He didn't know where they were going, and he couldn't care less. The man could take him to a trash can and say that he lived there, and it would be the most glorious trash can Kiba had ever laid eyes on, he was certain.

A small part of his mind was trying to scold at him, saying that he behaved like a girl, but he couldn't care less about that right now. The simple fact that they were holding hands made his head feel dizzy, and that smell, oh god that smell...the smell of power, control, raw and wild sex, it just kept rolling of the man in waves. This man, that had just accepted Kiba, had fucked THE Hatake Kakashi. This man could have anyone he wanted if he could get a man like that, and yet, he had accepted Kiba. And the brunette wouldn't mind sharing a little, as long as this Alpha took good care of him, he would be okay.

Like in a daze, he followed the man, this man, his dream, and the man lead him in silence. With the use of a few transportation justsu, they had finally arrived at a door. Such a simple, but elegant wooden door, and once again, Kiba's heart was racing. Anubis turned, and looked Kiba over. He could see the desire in the younger man's eyes, he could see the will of fire. With just the touch of his hand, and a small burst of his chakra into the seal inside the door, and it opened. The eyes of the two men meet, and Anubis pulled on Kiba's hand, asking him inside. Kiba had never been more happy to follow an order. He stood inside, as Anubis closed and locked the door behind them. Kiba could feel a shiver go down his spine, a shiver of pleasure. The air inside the apartment was filled with the smell of Anubis. It was his favorite smell. As he stood there, the older man came up behind him, laying his hands softly over his hips and his breath warm against Kiba's neck.

"Aren't you going to undress?" And Kiba shivered again.

"Yes...Alpha.." Like a mere whisper, but a confession, a promise, and a question about what they would become for each other.

"That is a good puppy...my puppy." And the man promised back, promise so subtle, and yet true, that Kiba could almost feel tears in his eyes. He kicked of his shoes, and then looked over his shoulder at the man behind him. Anubis leaned in, and whispered;

"All of it." And he just had to lean back, feeling that chest against his back, those hands on his hips, that warm breath over his neck.

"Yes, Alpha..."

He pulled of his arm shields, gloves, and Anubis hands, warm and soft, helped him to get his silver ANBU vest off, as well as his black tank top. Those warm big hands then guided his own hand's down to his pants, and undid the belt and zipper. When the pants fell down, he stepped out of them, and a thin layer of perspiration had begun to cover his body. Anubis hands stroked his belly, and then just let then lie over Kiba's most private parts. For a few moments they just stood there, feeling each others heart beets, feeling each other.

"I'm going to make you mine tonight, puppy." Kiba's heart skipped a beat. He swallowed, his mouth suddenly so dry.

"Yes, Alpha..."

They hadn't had sex that first night, when Anubis came to him in his bed. He had made Kiba submit, he had explored his entire body, and made him cum without as much as once letting him touch himself. He had dipped his fingers in Kiba's cum and made the brunette lick them clean, he had done everything except undress himself and have sex with the submissive in his arms.

Tonight was not like that night, it would become so much more then that first one.

Without turning Kiba around, Anubis pulled off one of his arm shields, and let it fall to the floor. It hit the wooden floor with a small 'clunk' but in the silence that echoed through the apartment, it sounded loud in Kiba's ears. First that one, then the other one, and once again, Kiba's heart skipped another beat. Next was the gloves, sliding to the floor, right next to Kiba's feet.

Anubis hands stroked over the warm body in front of his own a few times, enjoying the now naked skin on his hands and arms. He stroked his hands over Kiba's erection, softly, gently, and his head had never left Kiba's shoulder, his neck.

Another 'clunk' was heard, and for a moment it confused Kiba, until he felt lips on his neck, kissing, licking and breathing hot air over the now wet skin there. His mouth opened, and he was panting. He had never seen Anubis face before, and now that the man was without mask, he didn't have the courage to turn around and have a look.

Anubis kept up this act of foreplay for a while longer, and then Kiba could feel the man move again, removing his own silver vest, and also his black tank top while he was at it. Naked skin came back to Kiba, warm and naked against his back, and he leaned into it. Anubis hummed in satisfaction at the feeling, he had always loved the feeling of skin on skin like this, truly loved it.

This time, Kiba felt a little more brave, and he let his hands go up behind him, holding Anubis head close, and also exposing himself a little more to the man's touch. Once again, Anubis hummed his approval, and let his arms lock over Kiba's chest and shoulders, holding the younger nin close. He may not be an expert, but he had seen and lived through enough sexual situations to know that they did not need to rush this. But even he had a limit to his patience. The fact that he had been forced to seek up Kakashi to relieve his tension was a proof of this.

He kicked his own shoes off, and guided Kiba's arms down. He placed his hands over Kiba's eyes, to play a little game. He led the brunette through his apartment, and Kiba followed his guidance without any problems. When they got to the bedroom, he guided Kiba up onto the bed, and down onto his knees, with his head against the bed.

Kiba was in heaven, he was on a bed, inside Anubis apartment, and the bed on which he laid on was frequently used by the man, but he could not smell anyone else, just Anubis. Somehow that made him feel happy. He could hear the other man moving around in the room for a while, and then he was back. This time however, he had something with him.

"Do you want to be my puppy?" And what could Kiba answer to that, there was only one answer to a question like that.

"Yes, I want to be your puppy, please make me yours." Anubis hummed, and let something slide around his neck, something leather. It was when he made it tighter and buckled it up that Kiba realized that it was a collar. He was getting collared, and it made him so happy that ihe once again felt like crying.

"Thank you, Alpha." And he meant it, he meant every word of it. Anubis ruffled his hair, and huffed in agreement.

Anubis got up from the bed, and Kiba could hear the man remove his clothing. Although he wanted to do no more then to jump around, throw his fists in the air, or something similar, he kept still, in the position that he had been placed, knowing that this would most likely please his partner.

When completely naked, Anubis got back up on the bed with him, behind him, and the moment Kiba could feel the other naked against him, he could have died a happy death.

"Although I had all the plans to drag this out...how about we just get to business. I can hardly wait to be inside of you" And while he said those words, he stroked Kiba's backside with his hands, the tips of his thumbs just barely touching the place that was in both of their minds. Kiba moaned, and his fingers were holding onto the covers on the bed for dear life.

"Yes, please, Alpha, Anubis...master...please." He couldn't even figure out what to call the man any more, he just knew that he had been waiting on this for his entire life, and he needed it.

"Good puppy, so good."

And he let his first lubricated finger penetrate that soft, pink little entrance that he already considered to be his belonging. Kiba gasped, and whined as he was stretched by rough fingers, eager to get him ready. Kiba's dick was drooling with precum, and he could feel his need building even more for the other man.

He tried to keep his noises down, and threw a look over his shoulder, eyes instantly locking with Anubis. It was the first time he had seen the other man's face, and he lost his breath. The man was by no level a model beauty, but he was manly. His eyes was intensive and focused, his face had a few scars, but nothing big, nothing ugly. Kiba could feel his dick twitch at the sight, and he knew that this was indeed his mate, the one.

"Like what you see, little puppy?"

And it was most definitely that voice, now coming out from those moving lips, on that face, his Alpha's face.

"Y-yes, Aplh..ha...I do..."

The man was getting more rough with his fingers, and Kiba could feel his body starting to rock slightly with the movement. Those fingers suddenly hit something extremely intensive inside of him, and he let out a long whine, pressing his head down into the bed.

"Ah...found it." And Anbuis kept up his massage of that place, making Kiba cry tears of pleasure, making him whine, buck, squirm, even making him beg.

"I hope you are ready now, my gorgeous little puppy." Kiba's brain could just barely register those words in his moment of high, then he gasped. Anubis was entering him, and he gasped, pushing back tentatively, wanting more, fearing more. This was it, it was for real.

In the Inuzuka clan, the mounting itself, along with the spoken words of "mine" and "yours" were the actual mating ritual. He was getting mated, and with every inch that entered, he became more and more bonded to this male. He had been lucky before, he was no virgin, but a mating was completely different from just having sex.

By the time Anubis was all the way in, Kiba's body was covered in sweat, and feelings he had never had before took over his body. Submission, extreme loyalty, love, and devotion towards this very man all flowed through him, and he could feel so much at the same time, that it felt like if he would break from it.

"So good, so warm and tight you are, my little puppy." Anubis moaned, this was different from many others he had been having sex with. It was tighter, warmer, it fitted around him like a tight glove. He started thrusting, and for the next few minutes, they were lost in each other. It was nothing special, but to them it was so intense.

After a while Anubis wanted to see the face of those moans, mewls, and all the other delicious sounds, he wanted to see the eyes, the mouth, the feelings.

He pulled out, for just the briefest of moments, to flip Kiba around, and Kiba's legs opened to let him in, to guide him right, to accept him back, and he had no hesitation about accepting that. In just one short moments time, they were joined again, and this time, they could see each others faces.

Anubis was fascinated with those slit eyes, almost feline like, and he let his hand stroke that face as he thrust into that warm heaven, those gorgeous catlike eyes glazed over with lust and feelings. He placed his fingers inside Kiba's mouth and moaned as Kiba licked them, and sucked at them, in complete submission.

Kiba's arms were around Anubis chest, holding him tight, pulling him in, and his legs were wrapped around his hips, giving them a good angle.

He grabbed that jaw, with those red markings, and pulled in Kiba for a kiss. Their first kiss.

Kiba closed his eyes, and held on tighter. He had never, ever, in his life felt something so intense. He could feel Anubis inside of him, outside of him, inside his mouth, over his entire body.

Anubis thrust hard into that tight heat, feeling like his entire body was on fire, and he knew already that this little one, this puppy that he had claimed for himself, this one was addicting.

His thrusts were growing in speed, and power, Kiba's whines, moans and hissing were growing as well, and Anubis understood that this would not last for very much longer. He could feel Kiba clenching around him, and his own peek was approaching fast, much faster then it would usually do. He could not hold it back, his thrusts were growing desperate, his lungs were on fire, his blood was on fire. He reached down between them, and started to jerk Kiba off, wanting the other to come before himself. And judging on how Kiba clung to him, arching his back, his guess was that it was not to far away into the future.

Kiba knew that it would happen, it was so close, and he knew that the semen of his partner would mark him, bind him, and complete their bond. He held tight onto Anubis, wanting the man as deep as they could get him, and then he could feel the fire starting in his belly, making his toes curl, making him tense up in his entire back and belly. With one last, dragged out moan, Kiba came in between them, coating Anubis hand and their bellies.

Anubis moaned, and then he could feel his own peek coming, with Kiba clenching so tight around him, he could not hold back any longer. Pushing in the furthest and hardest he could into that warm cavern, he let his semen go, filling Kiba up, seeing white spots dancing before his eyes from the intensity. Kiba arched his back again, gasping, as he could feel Anubis complete himself inside of him, he could feel the man's sperm inside, and also the sperm that had been pushed out.

It marked him in his mind, collared him more then any leather collar ever would, and as his back relaxed again, he knew for sure, that this was his mate. Although he did not mind sharing Anubis with others, then this man was the only one he wanted to mount him like this ever again.

"Puppy...we're not done yet. We've got all night, and I intend to use it."

Kiba moaned, loud, and although it did wake up their neighbours that night, the neighbours assumed that someone moaning and wailing that much could not be anywhere close to dying, so they did their best to ignore it.

After all, this was a ninja village, a lot of really weird shit happens there.

I am so in love with this character, damn you sexy man! WHY DID I MAKE YOU GAY?