This is my first story I've written so please give me advice if any to help me later on. The next chapters with be in POV's of Kyle and Stan ^^

Kyle was at his locker getting his books for his next period. He was standing by himself, surrounded by other smart people like him.


Kyle missed the old days like elementary and middle school, back then he wasn't separated from everyone he knew. Since they've been in High School, Kyle has been placed honors classes which are located in a separate building. The only class he has that isn't honors is Gym, but he only has Tweek, Kenny, Clyde, and Butters. Not that he doesn't like them but he always hoped that Stan would be in his classes. They always had this close relationship, where they can always talk about everything and not feel weird or awkward.

Kyle closed his locker and was about to walk towards his next class.


Kyle stopped in mid step, and put a confused face. That voice sounded familiar to him.

"Butters??" he whispered to himself. He turned around and eyeballed through the crowded hallways, trying to see if he could spot the little blond to see if he was going crazy or not.

"Hm, I must be imagining things." He said to himself. Kyle began to walk away from his locker.


Kyle turned around really quick and he saw a little blonde boy running towards him, while bumping and apologizing to people. By the time Butters arrived in front of Kyle he didn't waste time. He grabbed Kyle's orange sleeve and started to pull at it hoping to get him moving.

"Butters what are you doing??" Kyle was trying to stand firm while Butters tried to get him moving. "Kyle there's no time!! You got to hurry!!" he turned towards Kyle and looked at him in the eyes, his big blue eyes looked so serious and worried, that Kyle started to follow him to wherever the blonde kid was taking him.

"Butters where are we going, I'ma be late for class!!" Kyle yelled at him while trying to keep up with him. They were both running outside of school heading towards the football field, where Kyle saw a crowd of students. "Well I'm sure being late for the first time won't hurt you, Kyle. This is a very serious manner," he said with worry in his voice.

Kyle and Butters headed into the crowd. Kyle heard people arguing, but he couldn't make out the voices due to the curious spectators. When they both reached the front Kyle saw Stan being held back by Craig. Mostly all the guys where there Craig, Clyde, Token, Cartman, Kenny, Tweek. In front of them were these bunch of seniors.

"Butters what's going on?" he asked without looking away from the two groups. Butters turned toward him, "Golly I don't know, well you know how every time when we switch classes we always meet at the football field, well except for you since your classes start early, but anyways w-we met up here but I came a little late but when I c-came here I saw Stan got punched by the senior in the front with the spiky hair. Oh Gee!!" Butters started to play with his fingers in worry.

Kyle looked closely at Stan's angry face and saw that he was bleeding from the top of his head."S-Stan??" he whispered to himself.

"Now what are you little fags going to do huh?" The senior with the spiky hair shouted, feeling superior. "I told you Marsh, you and your lil gay ass friends can't do anything to us, we can kill all of yall if ya don't watch your gay ass backs!!"

"Hey it's not our fault that your slut of a girlfriend has eyes for out little Stanley here, though I won't blame her." Kenny said laughing. Everyone in the crowd was "ooooo" "he got told".

So this is what this is about, the girlfriend is after Stan, not much of a surprise there. Kyle sighed. "Oohh Kenny better watch what he's saying, I-I don't want him to get hurt." Butters mumbled.

"Watch your mouth McCormick!!" one of the seniors snarled. Kenny just smiled and put his hands up. "Whatever dude." The tall blonde just smiled at them, but his eyes were filled with hate. Craig still was holding Stan, probably just being cautious to make sure Stan won't start a fight. "Gah!! H-Hey shouldn't we go, the bell is ngh going to ring." Tweek was standing behind Clyde, shaking as crazy as ever.

The senior in the front looked at Tweek and did a evil smirk. "Yea, why don't ya listen to your little twitchy freak as a friend, and go to your classes before ya get late passes." The spiky headed senior started to laugh and so did the rest of the other four guys. Tweek hide behind Clyde saying something to himself while hugging his thermos tight. Next thing you know it, Craig let go of Stan and jumped on top of the senior and started to punch him in the face.

"Don't call Tweek a freak you asshole!" Craig shouted as he punched the off guarded guy on the ground. "Oh hamburgers!!" Butters yelled and covered his eyes. "Craig stop!!!" Clyde yelled as he ran towards him. The other four seniors just stood there with shocked faces, not knowing what to do. It took Clyde, Token, Kenny, and Stan to get Craig off the bulky but now bloody senior.

"You little bastard." The guy said as he was coughing up blood. His so called friends tried to support him up. Obviously he couldn't stand straight and his face was all bloody from Craig's amazingly good punches.

Everyone knows not to mess with Craig, especially not to talk bad about Tweek in his presence. Craig is one of the most respected people in this school, mostly because they don't want to be on his bad side, but also because he holds records of being into fights and leaving with only a few scratches compared to his opponents.

Craig walked away from the everyone and went to comfort Tweek, who was on the ground hugging his knees. Criag put his arm around Tweek's shoulder and started to soothe him.

After a few seconds the bloody senior could stand on his own and looked at Stan with fierce eyes.

"Remember Marsh, I know everything about you, I have my sources, I can get anything I want in a blink of an eye."

"Ha except your girlfriend," Kenny joked while scratching his cheek. The senior walked towards Kenny and was standing right in front of him, just barely touching chest. "You better watch it McCormick, don't think I won't kill you just cause your poor." Kenny smiled, "Wasted planning on it."

Kyle couldn't handle this situation anymore. He ran towards the two and pulled Kenny away, and got between both groups. "That's enough guys. Stop acting like a bunch of kids." Everyone looked at Kyle with confused faces except for the pack of seniors.

"Kyle? What are you doing here; shouldn't you be in class by now? The bell is going to ring any minute now?" Stan asked amazed that his best friend was there, probably watching the entire time. The spiky haired senior looked at Kyle with amusement and chuckled, "Ah, Broflovski. The star pupil of South Park High, the only kid who actually gives a damn about school, the most precious and nerdiest kids here, what do you thinks you're doing here?" The beaten up senior walked towards Kyle, sizing him up, hungry for a fight, obviously knowing that he'll win.

"Hey, leave Kyle alone!" Stan shouted as he pulled Kyle behind him. "If you mess with Kyle, you'll have to mess with me and everyone else here." The senior looked behind Kyle and Stan, he eyeballed the group and turned around, and apparently they were a threat at his conditions.

"Whatever Marsh, but hear me, if I hear that you're messing with my girl again, I swear that you won't come back to this school again." Those where his last words and then he lead his pack out of the football and went to the direction of the student parking lot, apparently leaving.

"Stan? What was that about?" Kyle asked confused. Stan turned around and smiled "To tell you the truth, I don't know," then he started to laugh.

Kyle looked at him and laughed, "You idiot." and smacked his shoulder.

"Hey come on everyone, the crappy show is over!" Kenny shouted at the crowd of people that were still surrounding them. Kenny started to shoo them away. When they all left Butters ran towards Kenny, "Geez Kenny, you better watch what you're saying, they might hurt you." Butters said shyly. The orange hooded blonde just stared at the worried kid and just smiled, "Don't worry, like they'll ever do anything. Anyways I think Craig just scared the living shit out of them." Kenny laughed and turned towards Craig, who was standing beside Tweek looking at Kenny with a blank face. "Whatever" Craig just flipped Kenny off.

"Well those guys had it coming anyways, they always come over just to bother us," Clyde stated closing his eyes and yawned. "Besides I believe Damien was going to something to them anyways."

"Damien? Why?" Token question amused to the fact that even Damien was tired of those stupid thick headed seniors.

"I don't know, I forgot, he told me that two days ago that he was going to entertain himself with the seniors when we were at Biology...I guess we'll figure out what he did when he comes back on Spring Break."

All the guys shrugged. "Well I guess we better get going to class before they send to cops after us, saying we're trying to skip class, and you Kyle," the tall jock said while putting his arm around Kyle's neck. "What are you doing here in the first place, your classes already started." Kyle felt uneasy in his stomach, "Well," he took Stan's arm off him, "Butters came and got me, saying it's an emergency, so here I am." Stan looked at Butters who was scolding at Kenny, "That kid never stops to worry about others. Well I guess it was worth it, because I got to see you during the school day besides lunch." Stan smiled at him, Kyle felt his face turn red and looked away, and the jock just stared at Kyle with amusement.

The bell rang, and all the boys decided to go to class.

During fourth period which is their last class if the day, Kyle spent the whole time thinking about what happened at the football field.

"Remember Marsh, I know everything about you, I have my sources, I can get anything I want in a blink of an eye."

Kyle blinked and put his head down.

"Man I hope those stupid seniors won't do anything." Kyle thought. He put his head back up and looked out the window that was beside him. He saw a pair of birds singing on a branch. Kyle smiled and admired the bird's beauty. "Hey wait…that stupid fatass didn't do anything, that cartman is still a wuss after all these years I guess." Kyle giggled to himself and let the time go by on its own.

At the end of school Kyle was waiting for Stan and Kenny outside under a tree at in front of the school, as usual. "Hey Kyle!" Kyle turned around and saw his favorite hooded friend walking towards him. "Hi Kenny. Where's Stan?" Kenny turned around, "Hmm I swear, he was behind me." Kyle looked at Kenny and gave him a face. Kenny turned back around and looked at Kyle. "Dude, don't give me those eyes, he probably forgot something at his locker or something…..or…" Kenny trailed off.

"Or what?" Kyle questioned, Kenny put a worried look, "OR WHAT DUDE!!" Kyle yelled. Kenny looked at Kyle, "I think we should go and try to find him." Kyle and Kenny both ran back inside into the building, hoping to find the lost Stan.