The Proposal

(Chapter One: Trouble In Paradise)

Olivia opened her eyes in the darkness and reached to feel the empty bed beside her. She sat up slowly and squinted as she looked at the clock. She made her way down the hall to find Alex sitting on the sofa with a stack of papers in front of her and her laptop sitting in her lap.

"I thought you were asleep," Alex said looking up at her as the glow of the computer screen reflected off her glasses.

"I was," Olivia sighed combing her fingers through her wavy dark hair. "Until I woke up alone. I thought this was supposed to be our vacation? It is three o'clock in the morning. We should be sleeping….or…something."

Alex lowered her glasses to stare at the brunette as Olivia smiled at her.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm busted," she laughed.

"We only have one more day here in Cancun before we have to go home."

"I know," Alex replied. "But I have to be in court first thing Monday morning and I thought I could get a little trial prep done."

"Lex, come on. You were the one that said we needed a break from work in the first place," Olivia said as she curled up on the sofa beside her. "Take a break," she whispered against Alex's ear as she playfully bit her earlobe. "Come back to bed. I'm all alone in there."

"Aww," Alex mocked as she stole a kiss.

Olivia smiled.

"Actually, I'm awake now," Olivia replied. "I think I'm gonna go enjoy that Jacuzzi tub before we have to leave."

Alex watched as Olivia made her way across the room. She stopped at the hall entrance and pulled her tee shirt over her head tossing it back onto Alex's lap top. Alex raised her head to look at Olivia standing there wearing only her black lacy boy short panties. Alex moved her eyes up the curve of Olivia's body and over her bare back.

"I'm locking the door in twenty seconds," Olivia whispered with a wink then continued down the hall to the bathroom.

Olivia exhaled softly as she laid back against the beach blanket and dropped her sunglasses over her eyes. The beautiful Mexican sun poured it's warmth over her golden bikini clad skin.

"Do you need more lotion?" Alex asked with a seductive smile.

"No," Olivia answered softly. "I want to get in some sun while were here."

"You have gotten sun every day since we go here. I just wouldn't want you to burn."

"I don't burn," Olivia said as she rolled onto her stomach and untied the back of her bikini top. "Try not to worry so much." She reached over and brushed Alex's long blonde hair from her shoulders.

"You're lucky. I burn nearly every time I get in the sun. Most women here are using tanning lotion and I am applying sun block every two hours."

"Awww," Olivia replied making a frown face. "Would you like me to rub some sun block on your shoulders?"

Alex smiled as she placed the bottle of sun block in Olivia's hand. Olivia sat up on the blanket as she tied the back of her bikini back in place. She raised her sunglasses and sat them on top of her head, then squirted a bit of the lotion in her palm and began to massage it into Alex's shoulders.

"You have so much tension in your back and shoulders. You should lie down and let me give you a real massage."

"Maybe you should just focus on the shoulders for now. At least until we get back to our room."

Olivia laughed. "You're probably right."

Olivia smoothed the lotion over Alex's back then settled back into her place on the blanket.

"It's so quiet here," she said as she pulled her sunglasses back down over her eyes once more.

"Precisely why I chose this resort."

"Have you been here before?" Olivia asked.

"Spring break, sophomore year of college."


"Yeah. But the resort wasn't nearly this nice then and neither was the company."

"Good answer," Olivia said with a smile.

Olivia closed her eyes and within a few minutes she had fallen asleep in the sun.


"Yeah?" Olivia groaned as she opened her eyes.

"You have been sleeping for half an hour. You're starting to snore."

"I don't snore."

"Yes, you do. But I think it is cute. What do you say we head back to the room and I'll give you a massage?"

"Now that sounds like a plan," Olivia said with a smile.

That night Olivia laid beside Alex in bed wrapped only in a sheet.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"You have just been so quiet and it kind of seemed like maybe you were somewhere else."

"No, I'm just really tired. Things have been so nice and relaxing here, I guess I am kind of dreading going back to work in a few days."

"Me, too. Although it will be nice to sleep in my own bed again."

Olivia smiled and kissed Alex tenderly as she turned off the lamp beside the bed.

"Liv, can I ask you something?"


"And I want you to be completely honest with me. Even if the answer is one you don't think I will like."

Olivia laughed nervously. "What's up?"

Alex stared into her eyes.

"Do you miss it?"

"Miss what?"

"You know, it. The sex. Being with men?"

"Alex…I like what we have. I love you."

"I love you, too. But I get the feeling that something is missing for you."

"Alex, everything is great."

"Olivia, we have been together for just over eight months and practically living together the entire time. I can tell. I can see it when we make love, something is missing. I want you to be happy, Liv."

"I'm happy with you."

Alex smiled as she wrapped her arm around Olivia's waist.

"So you don't miss sex with men? It is completely different."

"Well, maybe a little."


"Sometimes I miss it, yes. What we have is amazing and I am crazy about you, Lex. But I can't help but crave that too. I mean, there is only so much a piece of plastic can do. Sometimes you need the real thing. Don't you ever want a man?"

"Sometimes I do. But I want you more."

Olivia smiled.

"What if you could have both?" Olivia asked watching Alex's reaction.

"You mean a threesome?"

"I don't really know what I mean. Just, maybe it is worth trying if it is something that we both want."

"I don't really think that I really want to be with men."

"This is silly to just sit around talking about it like this."

"It that something you would be interested in?"

"It doesn't matter, Alex. Not if you're not."

"I don't want to have sex with a man, Liv. But we could still find a guy and bring him home and do things. Then you could get what you need."

"What are we talking about here, Alex? Picking up some strange guy in a bar for a one night thing?"

"What? Have you never had a one night stand?"

"Once or twice."

"It would be just like that. Only I would be there with you, too."

"You're serious?"

"Olivia, we live in New York. People do things a lot stranger than this all of the time. It could be a lot of fun. And it is the only way I can think to get you some…."

Olivia placed her fingertips over Alex's mouth and smiled.

"I know what I would get," she laughed.

"It would be better this way. Some smoking hot stranger, a couple shots of tequila and one night of sex none of us will ever forget. Besides, two attractive women looking to hook up with a guy for one night of commitment free sex….that is every straight man's fantasy. Hell, it just might be one of my fantasies, too."

"Are you sure that you really want to do this?"

"Yeah. We could have a lot of fun with this. Come on, Liv."

"Okay. But no nasty guys. He has to be attractive. Young and hot with a smoking body, would be ideal."

"I'll tell you what, you can pick the guy. After all, you are going to be the one who is actually having sex with him. You pick someone who meets your standards, then we will make our little proposal. It is a shame we didn't think of this earlier, we could have made this a Cancun adventure."

"Adventure?" Olivia laughed. "You make this sound like an African safari."

"In a way it is a safari, a sexual safari."

"We should probably get some sleep," Olivia said with a laugh. "We have to be at the air port early tomorrow morning."

"Yes dear," Alex mocked as she kissed Olivia once more. "Good night, Olivia. I love you."

"Night, Lex. I love you, too."

That night as Olivia slept strange thoughts invaded her dreams. What had started out a completely innocent dream quickly transformed into a sex dream. She and Alex were in bed together with a man. A man Olivia knew all too well and had actually been in bed with before.