It's been YEARS since I last updated with a story.
This is an Ikuto x OC story! I did this just for my own amusement.
I'd be happy if you just enjoy it (:

BTW, I do not own Shugo Chara~!


OC: Himeshi Rei, a 15 year old girl in the same year as Kukai.
She has 3 charas, Kiri(detective), Hino(psychic) and Suo(Witch).
This is a story about her encounter with a certain cat boy who just might change her way and thoughts of life.

With only an hour before school began, Rei woke up gloomily, bathed and got dressed for school, rushing out without breakfast. Having just made it in time before the morning school bell rang, she rushed to her classroom and took her seat. Kukai, her best friend since last year, threw a ball of paper at her from his table two seats away. Rei received a shock when the paper ball hit her head. She glared at Kukai, who just grinned in return, and picked up the paper ball on the floor.
She opened it slowly and read the contents, "GOOD MORNING! RISE & SHINE. CHEER UP, WOULD YOU?"

Rei sighed as she shook her head. She folded the paper and placed it in her pencil case. A few minutes later, class began.


Kukai walked over to Rei as she was packing her bag, "Rei, interested in making new friends?"

"Huh? What are you talking about now, Kukai?", Rei replied, just as she placed her last textbook into her bag.

"Well, seeing as you have guardian characters, wouldn't it be good to meet others with charas as well?"

Rei laughed, "Well, I don't really mind but it's not like it would make much of a difference in life.."

Kukai smiled,"I'll take that as a yes then."

Kukai grabbed Rei's hand and dragged her out of class toward a dome-like glass structure in the elementary garden. When she entered the place with Kukai, she saw 5 other students in there, 3 girls and 2 boys. She had to say though, those boys were quite pretty as well.


A girl with two pigtails screamed back, " KUKAI!!", and ran over to him. The other two girls, one with long wavy hair, and the other with stunning pink hair, came over as well. They started talking and laughing; it made Rei feel left out. Suddenly, the pink-haired girl looked over at Rei, "Kukai, that girl.."

" Oh yes! I wanted to introduce her to all of you. Her name is Rei. She's just like us, or should I say, just like Amu?" Kukai replied as he ran over to Rei and pulled her forward towards the other girls.

" Hello.." , was all Rei could say because all the stares she was receiving made her too nervous to think.

" Hello, Rei! My name's Amu. You have guardian characters?", The pink-haired girl smiled as pointed towards a small house full of guardian characters.

" Well, yes, I guess you could say so."

" Where are they though? Shouldn't they be with you?", the boy with long hair asked as he walked over to Rei at last.

"They aren't with me right now. They're at home.."

Amu smiled and said, " That's fine. I hope we can meet your guardian characters soon then. Let me introduce you to everyone here."

Amu introduced the rest of the students to Rei, and their guardian characters as well. Before long, she had spent a good whole 4 hours talking to Amu and the rest.

" Ah! It's so late! I need to head home now so I'll see all of you some other time.", Rei exclaimed as she picked up her bag.

Kukai looked at his watch and grabbed his bag as well, "I'm leaving with Rei as well. We'll catch up with you'll some other time. Let's go Rei!"

Rei and Kukai bid farewell to the other students as they rushed out of the gates and towards their individual houses. Once Rei had split up with Kukai, she decided to take the long route home, through the park. She hummed a little tune as she walked through the park, enjoying the breeze she felt on her face. Before she knew it, her humming was drained by the melody of a violin being played. She was curious as to where the music was coming from so she followed the sound of the music. It led her to a fleet of steps and at the very top, a boy with blue hair and beautiful blue eyes, was playing a violin.

She stood there, staring at the boy, enticed by his skills and beauty. Suddenly, the music stopped ; the boy had noticed her. He stared at her, and then, at her uniform. A small smile played on his lips as he packed away his violin and walked down the stairs towards her. Rei frowned, wondering why he was behaving that way ; those unpredictable actions never failed to gain her curiosity.

" You're from Seiyou Middle school?", the boy was standing right in front of her, his blue eyes focused directly on her.

" Yes, I am. I'm a second year student. Why do you ask?", Rei replied, frowning at the odd question.

" No reason, Your presence here reminded me of an incident just like this in the past. Nothing else."

Rei sighed, as she pulled her bag over her shoulder, "I see. Well, thanks for the music. Goodbye then."

Just as Rei was about to turn around and walk away, the boy replied, "You have guardian characters don't you? Three of them, Rei."

Rei's eyes widened at the sound of her name, wondering how a stranger would know her name. Before she could ask, he pointed at her backpack and then, she understood. She had a tag attached to her bag with her full name written on it. She stared at the boy with emotionless eyes, " It's nice to know you have one too. Take care."

Rei turned around and walked away steadily, even though she could feel the boy's eyes burning into her back.
She wanted to avoid him at all cost so she ignored the feelings she was getting from his stare. Before she was out of ear-shot range, the boy smirked and said something, directing it at her, as if he knew she was listening to his every word.

" My name's Ikuto. Remember it."


Okay. That's it for chapter one!

Please don't bother commenting if it's to criticise cause it hurts ):
Haha! Alright, take care minna~!