
It's been an exciting year at Hogwarts. Hermione's two biggest secrets came out and are now known to the whole school. Hermione is a pureblood vampire cat which is the ruler of the vampires. She was adopted by the Grangers. After Hermione's adoptive mother died, her dad started going crazy. He blamed Hermione for his wife's death and started beating Hermione if she messed up in any way. When she was 9 years old, he started raping her. Her magic was unstable so Dumbledore had to let her attend Hogwarts a year early. Hogwarts was her sanctuary. She got away from her dad and be with her friends. That's why she was so obsessed with getting good grades and not getting expelled. However her dad was able to go to Hogwarts and he grabbed her and started beating her. When Severus tried to stop him, her dad told everyone everything. Hermione's dad was sent to Azkaban.

After Hermione had recovered, Dumbledore called her into his office. He told her about the group of vampires that protects the school. They were called the Protectors and they live in a house on campus protected by a magical barrier. The oldest of the vampires is Aldon. He is Hermione's biological brother and Hermione calls him "Onii-sama." He has black longish hair and blood red eyes (picture Kaname from Vampire Knight) and he has cat ears and a cat tail. He is the tallest and the calmest. He prefers not to fight and is very good at mind tricks. The next is Elvira. She is betrothed to Aldon and is not really related to Hermione, but Hermione calls her "Nee-san" and she calls Hermione "Imouto." Elvira has dark purple hair that reaches her mid-thigh and crimson red eyes. She usually has her hair up in a high ponytail. For special occasions she let her hair down, and at home she put it up into pigtails. She was a long-distance fighter. The last before Hermione is Kieran. He has short orange hair and blood red eyes (picture Kyo from Fruba). He is more of a hands on fighter but can also do long range attacks. Kieran is actually betrothed to Hermione but told her he wouldn't hold her to it if she didn't want him. But Kieran still loves her and gets jealous easily. Hermione is the youngest of the Protectors. Her "vampire name" is Rose and when she is in her vampire form, she has waist length light pink hair. Her eyes are always crimson red. Hermione has cat ears and a cat tail. She has retractable claws and wings. Her wings only come out when she is in full vampire mode.

One day in town, Hermione saw an angry mob beating up someone. She chased off the mob and offered the person help. He told her he was a werewolf, but she didn't care. He said his name was Shugi and she said she liked it. He vowed then that he would stay with her and protect her until he had repaid his debt to her. He went with her to Hogwarts and became a Protector. Aldon and the other vampires didn't want Shugi living with them, but Hermione convinced them to let him stay. Kieran and Shugi always fight. Only Hermione can make them stop.

Last section in this intro is magic. There are four levels of magic. First (and lowest) Level is werewolf magic. Second Level is normal magic which is what the students at Hogwarts learn. Third Level is dark magic. And Fourth (and highest) Level is vampire magic. Only werewolves can learn First level and only a few can learn Second Level. Humans can learn Second Level and some can learn Third Level. Only vampires can learn Fourth Level and they can learn Second and Third Level also.


okay so this is just an intro for the reader's sake. I didn't want to have to try to explain all of this during the story so i made this. i promise next is chapter 1! please R&R! thanks!