Chapter 25

Jessie's POV

I shut my eyes tight, not wanting to feel death as it claimed me. I fought to remove Edward's hand from grasp, but I couldn't. I had just about given up when I heard the sound that gave me hope, the hungry and angry growls of Demetri. I turned as soon as Edward let go of my neck and saw that Demetri had pounced on to Edward's back and was trying to pull him to the ground.

"What are you doing?" I hissed at him.

"I'm trying to help you! Just go, run!" he ordered.

"No, I'm not going to let you get yourself killed because of me!" I shouted back.

"Listen you are the only friend I've got left, just go, get out of here!" he yelled. "Go! I'll catch up with you later!"

I ran as fast as I could. I need to get out of here. By the look of the field, the Volturi was going to fall, Aro and Caius were surrounded, and through the sea of people battling for their lives, I couldn't tell who was on whose team. I knew that if I just ran and never looked back I would make it. I was almost there, almost to the safety of the woods when I collapsed, feeling a deep burning in my head. I gripped my head and began to scream in pain. The burning, it just hurt so much. I couldn't even feel my entire body, just the pain of the burning. I felt like my brain was beginning to melt.

Then I saw the cause of my pain, the little girl who was the cause of this entire fight, Jane.

"How about a taste of your own medicine?" she asked chucking as she approached me lying there on the floor. Alec was by her side, holding her hand.

"Was this your plan all along?" I asked feeling as if something was crushing my chest. One of the first things I learned about vampires was that they didn't need to breathe, yet I felt my lungs burn as if they were desperate for air. I could barely speak.

"I had planned to get my revenge, at first," she said. "Right now though, I only want justice." She smile the sweet smile of a child, only on her face it looked wicked and twisted. She chuckled, but it wasn't the lovely laughter of a happy child, it was the evil laughter of a demon. I wanted to get up and show her just how powerful I could be since the last time she saw, but I couldn't move, the burning hurt so much.

"Shall we show her mercy, sister?" Alec asked.

"I don't know, brother," she said. "She is our enemy, how do we know that she won't just go back to helping Aro?"

"I…won't" I huffed out.

"Now…how to know if she is telling the truth," Alec asked, the same smile as his sister's playing on his lips. If it weren't for the pain crushing me, I would have killed them already.

"Why, I don't know, brother," she said with a chuckle. "Well I don't see Maggie around here. I guess we can never really be sure."

"Oh well…pity," Alec said smiling down at me.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "I'm sorry, don't kill me, please! I surrender, I surrender!"

"She's surrendering? Should we believe her?" Alec asked.

"As much as I don't want to," Jane said. "It is the right thing to do." I felt the burning in my head go away. "However," Jane continued, the burning coming back. "If you chose to betray us, I will not hesitate in killing you."

"Ahhhhhh, alright, alright, I surrender!" I shouted. I gasped for air one the burning was finally gone, even though I didn't actually need oxygen in my lungs.

"We'll be watching," Alec said as he and Jane walked away. They were playing a bit of the sniping role of the field. I saw as they watched to see if anyone on their side was getting attack, and immobilized those attacking, while Alec targeted more groups of the Volturi, blinding them, making it easier for those in the resistance to take them down.

I sat there, away from the battle, and watched as Aro's plan crumbled. He had said it would be easy to beat them, but I could see that the Volturi was going to suffer a brutal defeat.

The Cullens and their army had completely taken down most of the guard. Demetri had completely disappeared, Renata, despite her ability of protection was surrounded and trying to fight off Alice and Jasper Cullen, as well as a bunch of wolves. I watched as an olive-skinned dark-haired female (Kebi*) ripped off Chelsea's head, while another vampire held her down. The wives were also falling, Sulpicia (*2) was dead and Athenodora was fighting for her life. She called to Aro and Caius for help, but they were too busy fighting back to back to defend them from the hoarding groups that surrounded them.

I felt a strong need to help them, especially Aro, he was my master, he was the one who had accepted me in to his family, without later turning his back on everything he had promised, but I knew that if I tried to do anything, if I even thought about doing something, Alec and Jane would kill me. Before, I would have happily given up my life for the Volturi, but after watching how easily the Volturi fell, to a bunch of losers like the Cullens, I valued my new vampire life more. Maybe I could go and see the world like I have always wanted.

For now though, it would seem all I could do was sit tight and wait until the battle was over. It didn't seem like the Volturi had much longer.

Jane's POV

I watched as the battle started to heat up and got pretty brutal. Half of the Volturi had already fallen. Demetri, Chelsea and Sulpicia, as well as at least 5 of the unnamed members of the guard were dead. Aro, Caius, Renata, Athenodora, as well as a few other surviving members were surround and looked close to falling. I helped by stopping any that looked they were attacking. It was a bit hard for me and Alec to attack though, the two of the sides had mixed and sometimes it became hard to differentiate the Volturi volunteers who joined our side, and the ones who were still with the Volturi.

I watched as slowly we began to overwhelm them coming in for victory. Siobhan, Liam and Amun ran in attacking Athenodora, while she was too busy attacking Kate to notice. She growled like a crazy animal and attacked anybody she could, but she fell quickly, I think Kate might have used her ability on her. After a few quick moments she was dead, and the group that was attacking her moved on.

I saw as Renata became overwhelmed as the surrounding attackers broke through her shield. Garrett forced her to the ground and Felix and Emmett grabbed her while Stefan ripped her head off. With the loss of all the main members of the guard, the rest of the members were easy pickings. Half of them ran away, while the other half was killed by our army.

Pretty soon it was just our army against Aro and Caius. We completely surrounded them. Alec and I decided to join in.

"You can still surrender?" Marcus offered, stopping those who slowly began to walk towards the two men. "I don't want to do this." His voice told a different story, I could tell he was lying. I heard Maggie chuckle.

Jessica also chuckled. "Like they would ever surrender, they have more pride than that," she said.

"I know," Marcus said a huge smile on his face. Aro growled at him and Caius attempted to spit on Marcus' shoes.

"I'd take that as a no," Stefan said smiling evilly.

"Then I suppose that means we are allowed to kill them," Emmett said also smiling.

We all took one step and the Aro started shouting. Everyone else was silent; the sound of Aro's screams seemed to fill the battlefield.

Jessie's POV

"Jessica! Jessica! Help me, I am your master! I have acted as nothing less than a father, help me!" Aro shouted. Everyone was surrounding him and Caius, but I stayed where I was. I watched the scene from where I sat. I even chuckled a little. It was a bit amusing to see the people, which Aro had thought were his loyal peasants, all rise up and take him down. "Jessica please I am begging you!"

Jane turned around to see what I would do. She gave me a sort of look that said 'I dare you to even try to help him'.

"Jessica please, I know I have been hard on you lately, but that's because I know your potential. These people know nothing about what you are capable of, you will never know just how strong you are if you let them kill me! I have been building you because I have believed that you could have been something special! You could have even become a leader of the Volturi!" he said begging me, I saw a few people move out of the way so I could see both Aro and Caius, Emmett, Felix, Garrett, and Jasper were holding them to make sure they didn't escape.

I stared at Aro feeling a little guilty now. He was right, because of him I actually knew how to use my ability, as well as control it. If it weren't for him I wouldn't even know that I had as ability. I had been thinking about how much Felix had done for me, but Aro had a lot more than I gave him credit for. He taught me how to defend myself, utilize my ability, and function as a vampire. I was still a newborn, but thanks to Aro I was able to function as a normal person. I owed him a lot, but at the same time I had a lot to lose. I was free of the Volturi, I had no limits, if I wanted to I could start my own all new "Volturi".

"Don't listen to him Jessica!" Edward said. "You're right, without him you can do so much more, you won't be alone, if you need help, we can help you."

"Please Jess, just ignore him!" Bella said.

As much as I hated listening to Bella, I put away the thoughts of helping Aro, even if I did somehow save him, we would probably both end up getting killed while fight to get out alive.

"Fuck you!" I said looking at Aro, I felt a little guilty but I didn't let it show, I knew he would use that against me.

"You filthy little bitch!" Caius shouted. "We helped you! We gave you everything, and you betrayed your family!"

I was filled with anger by that. How dare he! I gave up everything to be in the Volturi! Now I was in the real world, a world I didn't understand. I couldn't tell the difference between what was real and the lies that Aro force fed me. This was their fault! Everything was their fault; it was their fault Felix broke my heart, and their fault that I was now being held prisoner!

"Kill them," I shouted. "Just kill them!" They struggled to break free of the men that were holding them; they weren't strong enough without their army behind them.

"Happily," a blond vampire said. Her Russian accent seemed to make the words seems fiercer. She ran to Caius and almost purred as she ripped off his head. Other vampires joined in ripping him to shreds. I saw as Jane walked towards Aro. I smiled the story really had come full circle hasn't it. Aro had not wanted me, and after showing off my ability he said I could only stay if Jane was to die. Now he is begging me to help him, and Jane is about to kill him. As if to add insult to injury I used my ability to burn him, not enough to kill him, but to cause him intense pain. He screamed and thrashed, but he couldn't escape it. I could see that Jane smiled her cute little girl's smile as she snapped his neck. Then she bent and lowered her mouth to his throat.

"Long live the king," she said before biting in to his neck. She was not the little girl that she appeared to be as she tore him apart. She showed him no mercy as she ripped his head off small piece by small piece. Others joined in, helping to tear him to small pieces. Everyone was busy, violently ripping apart the two men that were once their leaders. There was only a small group that stood back and watched.

Bella, her baby, Dr. Cullen, Marcus, and I. Bella was watching a small smile on her lips, she turned her child so that the girl did not see any of the violent scene that was happening in front of her. Dr. Cullen was watching, only a few feet away from the savage vampires, his eyes looked sad and his face was serious.

"Good bye friends," Carlisle said sadly.

Marcus, who I thought would be ecstatic, had a somber look. It was odd seeing him show such emotion, usually he was like some sort of emotionless statue, the only time he moved was when he went from one room to another. I wasn't sure but I could have sworn I heard him mumble the name "Didyme" but I couldn't be sure.

I sighed and sat back down. I helped out by burning any scraps that flew out, to nothing but ashes; no way did I want some fluke to happen to make them come back to life. I chuckled to myself. The human me would be pissed, I made a huge life changing decision only a few months ago, and wasted a lot of valuable time, but I had all eternity, in reality I wasted no time at all.

Bella walked over and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"You did the right thing Jess," she said. I felt like her words were burning me. Was she stupid or something? Why didn't she get that I hate her? "I know you are probably overwhelmed right now. I mean your entire life is changing." I didn't answer; I just tried to ignore her. "I'm glad you decided to surrender and break away from the Volturi, Jess," she said ignoring my silence. What was she doing, I felt as if she was just rubbing my failure in my face. "I'm so happy that Aro has finally fallen, it's about time." Idiot! What the hell? Are you trying to piss me off? I surrendered, which meant I couldn't kill you! Why are you taunting me with that! I may be glad that I didn't have to put up with the Volturi anymore, but still! Aro was the closest thing to a father that I have ever had. "And I am really sorry about you and Felix." That was it! I wasn't going to put up with her fake pretty girl attitude! I didn't care if I was a prisoner or not! If they killed me I was going to at least take her with me.

"NO, STOP HER!" I heard Edward shout. I tried to react quickly and end her as fast as I could, but before I realized it all of my senses were cut off. I was blinded and deafened, this was Alec's doing! I didn't know where anyone was so I shot my ability randomly; hitting whoever was in the way, only hoping that I hit one of the targets on my long hit list.

I tried and tried scrambling around in my head trying to figure out what to do, everything seemed black. I was doing everything I could, but it all seemed black, I began to freak out, scream and flail my arms, but I couldn't hear my screams, I couldn't feel my arms moving, I couldn't register that I was moving at all. Then as if like a blackout everything went black. It was hard to tell at first, but I noticed that I was beginning to fade away. I was dying. Many people said that when you died you were greeted by a bright light, or perhaps a beautiful scene from your past, but it wasn't like that, words could not describe the beauty in front of me. I dare say that maybe it was all worth it.

Carlisle's POV

I watched as everyone finished off Jessica, throwing her mangled body in to the fire. I walked over to Siobhan who was also standing a distance away from the fire, watching.

"Who did we lose?" I asked her.

"Well Jessie's rage really hit everyone hard. We lost eight people," she said.

"Who?" I pressed.

"Vladimir, Irina, Charles, Maria, Peter, Alistair, Kachiri and Tia, are all dead. Randall is injured, but we think that after a feeding he should be fine," she said, emotionlessly.

I sighed. "All those people…lost. They had friends and family, and because of a misjudgment on my part, they are…dead," I said.

Siobhan wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"It's not your fault. You're a good man, Carlisle," she said. "Anyone who has a heart would have believed, I even believed her."

"I just can't help thinking about Benjamin, Charlotte, and Makenna," I said. They have to now live without their soul mate, and it is all because I asked them to help stand with me against the Volturi."

"Carlisle, you can't just keep blaming yourself. You know that it isn't your fault. We all know that the real criminal is Jessica, and she is dead now. The others will learn to adapt, it may be hard at first, but the good thing about having an eternity is that they are open to hundreds of life changes, their mate may be gone, but that doesn't mean they can't meet a new one," she said comforting me.

I sighed again, I knew she was right. "Alright everyone, let's head back to the house. We are done here."

The End

Alright this has been a really cool story to write, and thank all you guys who have read and reviewed an all that, you are the guys that kept me writing, and well I think this was pretty good for my first full length story.

Any way, I have Kebi kill Chelsea for a specific reason. Well I was on the Twilight wiki, check out a few things about the Characters, when I found out that Demetri was part of the Egyptian Coven, before he joined the Volturi, which is why in the book Amun and Aro kind of showed an awkward friendship. What officially happened was Chelsea used to her ability (to control bonds and friendships) to kind of force Demetri in to joining and leave the Egyptian Coven. I think the Egyptian Coven would be pissed off by that and feel like they stole him. So I think they would want revenge, especially Amun, but….. I don't really like Amun (I don't know why, I just don't like him), so I had Kebi do, I feel that she would want to please him.

2. Just in case you haven't already figured it out, Athenodora and Sulpicia are Aro and Caius' mates.