Marcus Flint Must Live!
A Harry Potter fan fiction
By: Ella Marie

Hey guys!

Alright, so I had originally posted this one up as my first fanfic and I didn't get too many reviews or anything so I decided to take it down because it was poorly written to begin with and I had no idea what was going on because it had been so long since I posted an update (like almost two years!)

I've re-written the chapters and now will start writing new once I've finished the edits.

With Love,

Ella Marie

Chapter One

It was a bright September morning on the Hogwarts Express; brighter and hotter than usual and it was probably that a) Tiffany and Ember were in their dress robes already and b) because they were in a compartment with two very good looking guys.

They had come up with names for boys like these and it was "eye candy". And indeed, they were eye-candy. Not to mention they probably tasted delicious but we will have to get to that later.

You are probably wondering who Tiffany Love and Ember Mathers is, right? Well, they had moved from France to England just this past summer for three main reasons. One of the reason was because they had been expelled from BeauBatons school for Witches because of their (and I quote) lack of feminism. They hated the whole 'prim and prissy' girls and rebelled a little, making them the hot subject for rumours and not too popular with girls like Fleur and other French snots. Plus, there were no boys at BeauBatons, which was a major malfunction for the two. The Headmaster had expelled them, informing their parents that a more multi-gender school would be better for the two. She got that right.

The second reason was because both parents wanted to be a little closer to the girls new school, being Hogwarts. It made sense to be closer so that they wouldn't have to travel so far if they were to ever get expelled again and needed to be sent home right away.

The third reason is probably the most logical one but also the most, not so logical one at the same time. You see, the girls had lived in France their whole lives but still only knew French as their second language. Their parents however, knew almost nothing. They had gone to a French Immersion school together in America and decided it'd be fun to run away from their families and move to France together, which they did. They partied and badabingbadaboom, they got knocked up the very same night by two random hot European guys which didn't turn out to be so bad. Their mothers never really liked the idea of 'commitment' and saw this as a perfect way to spend the rest of their lives; single and ready to mingle with one child each. They'd be mothers together!

When Tiff and Ember arrived, they had actually thought that Ember would be a boy and they were going to name her Timothy to match Tiffany. It was a shock when she turned out to be a girl but a good one! They knew right away that they'd be friends for life and, of course, they were.

And here they were, getting ready for their fifth year only this time it would be at Hogwarts, to their happiness. Plus, it'd be with girls AND boys. Yay!

As the train sped up Tiffany ripped her eyes away from the boys in their compartment to see Ember's expression. Ember was going to start drooling; she could just see it in the distant future. The drool was making its way to the corner of Ember's mouth.

Tiffany nudged her.

"Oww! What was that for?" Ember whispered, rubbing her left elbow.

"You were about to do that whole, 'drooling routine' again,' Tiffany whispered back. "I do not want to have to explain again to two very hot guys that you are half dog which makes me look like an even bigger idiot!"

Ember giggled remembering the last time she had done that. Five attractive boys were trying to understand Tiffany's explaining as to why Ember was salivating like a horny puppy. The boys had thought that both of them were mental. Tiffany was really upset because just before Ember started drooling, she was about to get one of their numbers. That had happened in the summer after their third year when they had gone to London, England for a visit.

"Umm…are you two new this year?" One of the guys asked them.

Ember and Tiffany's eyes grew wide and their cheeks turned pink. The hot guy was talking to them and oh my god, were they ready to bat their eyelashes.

"Yes, we are," Ember answered once she finally remembered how to speak, beating her eyelashes wildly.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. Ember looked like a movie star when she did that... only, the movie star Tiffany had in mind was Minnie Mouse.

"Cool! Which school did you last go to?" The other boy asked. Did I mention they were twins? FLIPPIN HOT.

"We went to BeauBatons," Tiffany said.

"Oh cool," the other one said. "So that's an all girls' school?"

"Yes," Ember said with a pinch of disgust in her voice.

The two cuties laughed and the compartment fell silent for a few moments again. Ember went back to staring at the two boys, and so did Tiffany…they would make perfect boyfriends for the two of them. They could see those two lasting for a bit longer than three months.

You're probably wondering what these boys look like, huh? Okay, so they weren't that hot if you don't want to include the really nice, lean muscles, blonde surfer dude hair and tanned skin or the big, brown, bedroom eyes they both had.

"Are you girls fifth years?" One of them asked.

"Yes, we are!" Ember and Tiffany answered in unison. They always did that when a question was directed to the two of them. It made them laugh most of the time but they didn't want to burst out laughing in front of the twins.

"So are we!" They yelled in unison. They laughed. Well, it seemed that maybe the girls had more in common with them then they thought.

"What are your names?" One of the twins asked.

"I'm Ember and that's my friend Tiffany," Ember said, pointing to Tiffany.

"I'm Josh." One said.

"I'm Travis." The other said.

"How are we supposed to tell the difference between you two?" Tiffany giggled. She didn't want to make a mistake when calling their names, that'd be embarrassing.

"Well, Josh here has more of a blonde coloured hair and mines more dirty blonde. I guess I'm darker and his eyebrows are bushy," Travis laughed.

"Hey!" Josh yelled, play punching his twin. "I do not have bushy eyebrows, mate!"

They all laughed. So far, the girls could definitely see a future with these boys…even if it only worked out for a couple of months. Ember had a habit of getting bored of one guy and then moving onto another right after she broke up. Not meaning bored as in, bored with the "fun" she was having with him and wanting to have "fun" with someone else. She just got tired of their face.

The four talked and gossiped until they finally reached Hogwarts. Right before they arrived though, the lady selling the goodies on the train made an announcement that all first years and new students to the school should head towards the big man with a lantern and not follow the other second to seventh years because they must get sorted into their houses.

Ember and Tiffany exchanged confused glances. What the hell did they mean by a "house". Well, they knew what a house was but they didn't know what it meant in the way the lady used it.

"A house is a type of place you will stay in," Josh said.

"There are four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin," Travis continued.

"Whichever one you get put in is your group. You'll stay in a common room with the rest of your house and only the people in your house can be in that common room," Josh said.

"Oh! So you mean Ember and I might not be in the same house?" Tiffany pouted.

"I'm sure they'll put you in the same house. Hopefully you girls get Ravenclaw, that's what house we're in," Travis said.

"Well, Slytherin sounds cool." Ember said.

"Slytherin is where all the pure bloods and nasty people go. I hate Slytherins." Josh answered.

"Well…we'll just have to wait and see then," Tiffany said as they were exciting the train and going their separate ways. "We'll see you at the big dinner you told us about!"

The twins waved goodbye, and Tiffany and Ember looked around for the big man the lady on the announcement had talked about.

Boy, was he easy to spot! He was huge! He also had a crowd of little 11 year olds huddled around him, staring up at him in awe. Oh great, little kids were going t start asking questions.

This was going to be a long night.

A/N: Please review!