Okay, just updating this chapter with a few revisions and edits that were pointed out to me. Also, I found a plot hole in my story, and had to rewrite a small section to make it make sense. Nothing major or story-altering, just something that needed to be done.

Also, because a few people pointed it out to me, I'm adding in these:

Kim Possible and all related characters are (c) of Disney, Bob Schooley, and Mark McCorkle.

There are also extra original characters, but only for purpose of story. These characters, unless otherwise noted, are original creations of my imagination, and I would appreciate it if you ask before you use them. Thank you.

The sun was just starting to rise over Lake Middleton, signaling the beginning of a brand new summer day. Those who had stayed out all night on the beach after Middleton High's graduation the previous night were just now beginning to stir, some a little slower than others due to the refreshments and activities they had partaken in. Some were immediately stricken with fear that they were late for school, others couldn't have cared less, but it would eventually dawn on all members of the Mad Dog class of 2006 that they were no longer responsible for attending classes at their alma mater. As the realization spread through the crowd, a collective cheer could be heard as far north as the farthest edge of Upperton, and as far south as the lowest border of Lowerton. However, amidst all the celebration, two voices were noticeably absent, and these two people were probably the most responsible of all the former Mad Dogs for there even having been a graduation ceremony…

Over on the other side of town, on a large-sized ledge jutting out of Mt. Middleton that no car should have been able to safely access, sat a modified, purple Roth SL Coupe, a.k.a. a Sloth, convertible with the top put all the way down. The three occupants had fled to this secluded spot after only a few hours of celebrating on Lake Middleton Beach with the rest of the graduates. Inside, two of the three occupants were still fast asleep. Only one figure was awake, and that was because he always was up before the other two. The small creature often woke up before the two people he considered to both be his owners, mainly because the girl seemed to be there almost nearly as much as the boy who had purchased him so many years ago at Smarty Mart. No matter where they went, he was always with them, but moments like this made him sometimes wish he stayed home more often. Things could be decidedly boring when he was the only one of the trio awake, and though it rarely happened for longer than a few minutes, it sometimes made him just a little annoyed. But only a little. However, this particular time was certainly one he could let slide with a definitive smile on his face.

If recent events were taken into account, Rufus had known that this morning was bound to be this way. Because of this, he was grateful for the fact that, despite the red head's warnings, his master had yet to clear out the Bueno Nacho bags from under the front seat. It seemed that the boy was always leaving take-out scraps and trash in his girlfriend's car, but for some reason Rufus would never understand, she very rarely, if ever, got mad at him over it. Judging from the smell that reached his acutely tuned mole rat nose, he concluded the most recent bags were less than two days old and the oldest were maybe three, meaning that they were still edible. It wasn't the first choice he had for breakfast that morning, but considering the week the two humans had just been through, Rufus didn't expect them to be waking up anytime soon. To be honest, he wouldn't blame them even if they slept for half the day; they certainly deserved the much-needed rest. So, he dove in to the remains of several breakfast churros, as well as what he was pleased to find were the leftovers of at least three barely half-eaten Nacos. One thing he would always be grateful to his master for would be the invention of those delicious, spicy treats.

In the back seat of the vehicle, the girl was just starting to stir, helped slightly by the joyful squeaks she could hear coming from the front passenger side floorboard of her car. That was one thing that, although it had helped her out of more than a few tight spots, annoyed Kim Possible just slightly about the hero business: the slightest noise could instantly bring her out from the deepest sleep, something that this morning she still felt like she desperately needed. That had been one of the main reasons she had pulled her sandy-haired boyfriend towards the car so they could leave the graduation party over at the lake. Sure, Kim wanted to celebrate, but she wanted to do more than celebrate with a bunch of people she had a hunch she probably wouldn't see much of after these next few weeks. No, what she really wanted to do was get a few hours alone time with just her and the boy…correction, the Man, who had proved beyond any shadow of a doubt just a few nights earlier that he would do anything to protect her. She still shivered slightly when she thought about it.

It had definitely been a very close call, a situation that had been a lot closer to life-threatening than she would ever like to get again. She had been almost completely out of it, knocked practically unconscious during the fight with the Lorwardians. However, she had been aware enough to know what was going on. Like when her boyfriend had stepped up to the plate and acted decisively, stopping the aliens' attack dead in its tracks. She also knew that had he not reacted when he did, both saving her life while at the same time securing the safety of the world, that she probably wouldn't have lived through that battle. The bravery and heroism he had displayed at that crucial moment had proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that might have still lingered in her mind that he would always be there for her no matter what. As she had done so many times since then, she softly pushed herself up towards his sleeping face and planted a soft, loving kiss there on both of his freckled cheeks. She then leaned up to gaze at him lovingly for a moment before deciding to add a third one to his lips. When she did, Kim felt him stir, surprising her by returning her kiss with a love that she knew he reserved only for her. She felt his arms wrap lovingly around her, and their small kiss slowly evolved into one of great love, their tongues passionately probing the depths of each other's mouths. It was almost a full two minutes before they came up for air. When they finally did, Kim saw nothing but love and adoration for her in his smiling brown eyes.

Ron Stoppable looked up at the beautiful young woman who had tried to kiss him his sleep, apparently having been unawares that he had been awake for at least a few minutes before she had ever stirred. Even after more than a year, and all the fun, adventures, and romance that had passed between them, he still found the situation breathtaking and awe inspiring. It was amazing to him, and still hard to believe, that he had a girlfriend, and even more unbelievable that it was Kim Possible who was his girlfriend. Everything that considered or examined how relationships operated, be it Animology, The Rules, or all that other romantic stuff, might have said it shouldn't…wouldn't…couldn't work, but it had happened none the less. Admittedly, there had been signs that had suggested they might end up here, stuff like that whole mess with the Moodulators, as well as Kim's reaction to her discovery of Yori. But even those brief glimpses into the possibilities of what could be between the two of them had only shown him that there was more to their relationship than typically existed between best friends.

And although he had allowed himself to hope, he could never have imagined that it would have ever come about. Even that fateful night at the Bueno Nacho headquarters during the Lil' Diablos mission, when he had finally confessed the way his heart saw her, had felt like a complete shot in the dark while blindfolded. But amazingly, she had returned his affections, agreeing to join him in making something more out of their close friendship. That same night, they had shared their first kiss at the junior prom, a special moment he would never forget. They had been going out for more than a year now, and other than a few incidents (like that whole mess with the battle suit and the time she had temporarily lost her memory), there hadn't been any serious problems with their relationship. And now here she was, propping herself up on top of him in the back of her car, her beautiful red hair hanging down towards him, and the early sunrise framing around her head like a gorgeous halo. Ron instantly felt he had never seen Kim look more beautiful or radiant, but he knew in his mind and in his heart that he would more than likely be telling himself the same thing again many times over before the day was through.

"Morning, KP," he smiled as he leaned up to kiss her again.

"Morning, yourself," she grinned back at him after another long, passionate kiss. As she righted herself, she gestured with a flip of her auburn hair towards the front of the vehicle. "By the way, it sounds like Rufus has found the bags you forgot to clean out of here the other day."

"Aww, man," he complained good-naturedly as he slowly rose from his sleeping position. He was once again grateful that Kim's brothers, Jim and Tim, had made sure the back seats were well padded. It wasn't the first time he and Kim had spent the night in this car, but those other times were different. On those occasions, they had been on missions, and it was for that purpose that the Tweebs (as Kim liked to call them) had made sure the back seats and front seats could fold out or down into comfortable beds. However, this was the first time the stay hadn't been mission related, and yet the sleeping accommodations were still extremely comfortable. Ron had a sneaking suspicion that the twins had guessed that their sister might be using the vehicle's accommodations for other things, but he wasn't about to confirm that notion. It would be a dangerous thing to do with any girl, but even stupider when your girlfriend knew at least sixteen different forms of kung fu, more than most professional cage fighters.

Not to mention the fact that he knew that Kim still wanted her first time to be her wedding night, and who could blame her. Truth be told, he wanted to do the same thing himself, although lately he seemed to find it a more and more alluring idea. However, he had more respect for her than that, and wasn't about to broach the subject with her. He didn't even know what he'd do if she were the one to bring it up, and honestly, part of him sort of hoped that she would want to wait until they were official. One of the things he wanted more than anything was to give her the ultimate gift as a culmination of what he was sure would be the most special day of their lives. That time may be at least a few years off yet, but it was something that still ran through his mind almost on a daily basis, the day when he could officially pledge himself to her and hear her do the same to him.

As he climbed into the front seats to gather the fast food remains together, he found only empty bags, bare boxes, and cleaned out wrappers. Slightly puzzled, Ron soon found the reason for the food's demolishment curled up in a snoozing ball at the bottom of the final bag. He smiled, chuckling softly to himself, and quietly pulled the sleeping mole rat out of the bag and slowly inserted him into his pocket. Rufus stirred slightly as he reached the bottom of his owner's pocket, but soon curled back into a ball and drifted back off to peaceful sleep. Ron patted the pocket softly. It was then that he felt a pair of fingers working up his back under his shirt. He smiled to himself: he'd know those fingers anywhere, even if he didn't know Kim was there with him. Ron turned back towards her. As he did, he caught a glimpse of the car's clock, which the twins had rigged to show the time regardless of whether or not the car was turned on, and his mouth dropped open. Immediately, visions of rockets on one-way trips to black holes began to invade his imagination.

"Uh….KP?" he said nervously. "What time did your mom and dad say you needed to get back home?"

Kim continued to gather the stuff from the previous night together in the back seat, though she did look over her shoulder at him when she answered. "Um, actually I don't think they said. Why?"

Ron gulped. "Just might be something to consider, since it's almost 9:00 AM now. And that's normally the mission curfew they hold you to." He started to panic a little bit. "Kim, your dad is going to put me in a black hole for sure for keeping you out this late."

Kim turned and laughed a bit. "Dad wouldn't do that for this. He knew we were out celebrating our graduation from Middleton." Then she grinned sexily at him. "Besides, you're not wanting to cut this little rendezvous short, are you, Ronnie?"

Ron gulped again, but this one was borne more out of attraction to the beautiful young woman in front of him than the nervousness that had been behind all the previous ones. One thing that he had noticed many years ago, even before they had started going out, maybe even back before their first official mission to help Mr. Paisley, was how appealing he found her. It became even more apparent and irresistible to him when he noticed she was actually trying to entice, as she was now. She could be absolutely downright sexy when she wanted to be, and this just happened to be one of those times that always caught him by pleasant surprise. Only one phrase could possibly fit the way he felt right at that moment.

"Boo Yeah," he replied just slightly lower than his normal voice.

His signature phrase came out with a tone that sent warm shivers up and down Kim's spine. He reached for his girlfriend and pulled her in close, close enough that she could feel his breath warming her lips. Kim smiled at her boyfriend before closing the few inches between them to draw him into another long, passionate kiss.

Nothing could spoil this moment, she thought, letting herself get lost in the moment, not a single thing on Earth. Nothing that is except…

Beep, Beep, Be-Deep.

The kiss was broken rather reluctantly, and each of them let out an exasperated sigh. They stared at each other for a moment with matching "what can we do" looks on their faces. Next there came a look towards the front of the vehicle, where Kim's wrist Kimmunicator sat on top of the dash where she had put it last night. Then Ron shrugged a bit, and said what they both were thinking.

"Well, we did only ask Wade to give us a break from missions through last night, not today."

Kim half-grinned, half-grimaced, wishing she'd asked Wade for a longer hiatus from being contacted about missions. Come to think of it, she was almost tempted to ask him if there was any way this particular call could wait for a few minutes, maybe even hours. However, Ron was right—they had only asked for a single day off. Quickly, she checked her hair in the car's rearview mirror. She then had to half force herself to put on her usual sweet smile before she reached up and clicked a button on the side of the wrist Kimmunicator. "Go, Wade."

The boy genius smiled back at her from the device. "Hey, graduates. How does it feel to not have to go back to Middleton High anymore?"

Ron poked his head over Kim's shoulder and waved to their mutual friend. "What up, Wade? How'd it go between you and Monique last night? Saw you two hanging together quite a lot."

For the first time in the many years the two teens had known the young genius that either of them could ever remember, both Kim and Ron thought they saw Wade blush. "Well…um…we…that is to say I…"

Kim had to suppress a bit of a giggle. "Wade, I thought Monique was still a bit ticked at you over that whole Cupid Ray fiasco."

The young genius looked off to his left for a minute as if there were something very important there. "Well, she kind of…needed a place to stay…and, well, we happen to have those guest rooms available here…"

Ron and Kim looked at each questioningly. "Uh, Wade," asked Ron, "Isn't Monique's home in a neighborhood on the side of Middleton that wasn't attacked and destroyed by the Lorwardians?"

Suddenly, Wade got very quiet. He tried to cover his shock, but both Kim and Ron picked up on the shadow of horror that crossed his normally calm and serene face. However, the look was gone as quickly as it had come, and he immediately launched into the reason he had made the call.

"We got a…a very special hit on the site, Kim. And it's for you, Ron…and me…from Global Justice."

"Global Justice? For all three of us?" they said at the same time, each unable to hide the surprise in their voice.

"Wade, the last time they contacted both me and Ron was during that whole 'Ron Factor' period, when they thought Ron was behind the success we have on all our missions. And if they've ever wanted to meet with you, you've never mentioned it to us. What's going on here?" Kim was more than a little perplexed.

Wade scratched his head. "I'm not really sure, Kim. They just said they needed to meet with the three of us about something important. They didn't really give a lot of details."

Ron put his hands on Kim's shoulders and slowly gave them a few comforting rubs. "Don't worry about it, KP. I'm sure they just want to talk to us about the fight with the Lorwardians. It shouldn't be too big a deal."

Kim didn't feel at all convinced. Something just wasn't sitting right about this particular sitch. It wasn't that she had a bad feeling about the call from the worldwide spy/hero organization, although it did seem to carry something ominous behind it. Normally, when Global Justice wanted to talk to her or to Ron, they pulled some sort of stunt to ensure a meeting. With the first mission involving the agency, when Kim had first gone up against Duff Killigan, they had sucked Kim unwillingly through a transport tube to their headquarters. The second time the teens had met up with Global Justice, when the group was researching what they called the "Ron Factor", G. J. had set up a fake robbery using a robot ninja that led Kim and Ron on a rooftop and tunnel chase directly to the agency's front door.

Another thing that bothered her was that Global Justice rarely called on anyone for any sort of help without a very good reason. That held especially true for her and Ron, and even more so when it came to speaking to Wade. And even if it was only about their fight with the Lorwardians, she couldn't help but think that Global Justice should have already gathered all the information they needed. It had been a few days after all, and the agents of G.J. were normally on top of stuff like that inside of an hour. Add to that that Kim was getting a strange feeling in the back of her mind that put her at unease. No, there was something definitely fishy about this entire sitch.

"Kim…Kim," Ron prodded as he shook her gently by the shoulders again. "Hey, KP, are you alright?"

"Huh? What?" Kim jolted out of her worries with a bit of surprise, and looked at Ron confusedly. She hadn't even realized she was zoning out with her concerns.

"Wade's got some more info on this meeting," he said, motioning towards her Kimmunicator.

"Actually, I was just saying that I think Ron's probably right about this whole Global Justice thing," Wade chimed in cheerfully. "It's probably nothing world threatening. And even if it is, it's nothing you two can't handle. You've already saved the world from an alien invasion, and that rescue was on a grander scale than any of your other missions or adventures. Anything they can throw at you, I'm sure you two will be able to handle it no problem."

Ron pecked Kim's cheek with a kiss. "Wade's right, Kim. Besides, even if it is another mission, we don't have to worry about getting back to school or any make-up work anymore. We can just kick back and relax afterwards. Maybe even pick up where we left off," he added with a slightly knowing smile.

Kim laughed appreciatively at Ron's attempt to alleviate some of her worry. "I think I'll keep you around."

While Wade dished out the remaining information and specifics concerning their upcoming meeting with Global Justice to Kim, Ron started cleaning up the car for the trip to Ron's house, clearing out the trash and resetting the back seats into their regular upright positions. They needed to pick up their mission clothes, and with Kim's house destroyed in the invasion, the only place that had a set for both of them was Ron's home. It had been a precaution that they had taken their freshman year in high school, considering how often they needed to take off on missions at a moment's notice. They had actually kept most of the spare sets at Kim's house, but since the Lorwardian invasion mechs had completely decimated the Possible household at the start of the attack, the only place to go was the Stoppable's place. It was only pure luck that they had stashed a single set of Kim's new mission wear at his place less than a week earlier. Normally, they would have immediately stocked several reserves of the clothes as soon as it was feasible, but since they normally left from her house, they hadn't really seen a need to completely resupply Ron's stash of each version of their mission wear.

Now, as they headed towards Ron's house, Kim began to wonder why neither of them had ever pressed the issue. More than that, what would happen if they were to go to different colleges, and be possibly hundreds or thousands of miles away from each other? Could they still make the going on missions work if they were on completely different schedules? Or would they be forced to stop a thing that had been theirs for so long, a special time that only they got to share and experience? Of course, if she were honest with herself, she had to admit it was more than just the missions that were special for both her and Ron. Practically half of their entire friendship/relationship had developed or been formed on the trips around the world that were so often a part of their missions. Facing the innumerable dangers had forged a bond that was stronger than any relationship she had ever experienced.

Why, if it hadn't been for those numerous adventures, Kim had to concede it was entirely possible that she and Ron Stoppable might never have gotten together. It was even entirely reasonable to assume she might have still been nursing that small torch she had once carried for one Josh Mankey. The very thought made her shudder with embarrassment at the major crush she had had on the guy who had been two grades ahead of her and Ron. Looking back, she realized that had been nothing more than a nonsensical infatuation with a guy that she really had very little in common with. Maybe it had been a case of opposites attract, or maybe it had just been a blind school girl lust. Whatever it had been, she now found herself relieved things had eventually ended with Josh, and even more excited that things had picked up with Ron. She shivered again, this time with a bit of the excitement that still crept in when she thought about Ron choosing her to be his girlfriend.

"You cold, KP?" Ron asked as he reached forward to turn down the car's air conditioner, then over to rub her shoulder.

"No, I'm fine," Kim replied. "Let's just get our gear and head to this meeting with Global Justice."

~~ KP ~~

Within thirty minutes they were changed and ready to go, heading for the coordinates Global Justice had specified. Wade had stayed back at his house, opting instead to join them via videoconferencing through the Kimmunicator's projection feature. However, when they arrived at their destination, Kim and Ron found themselves more than a little bit confused.

"Uh, KP, are you absolutely sure that this place is where Dr. Director said she wanted us to meet her?"

Ron scratched his head, staring up at the non-descript group of buildings situated in the fairly average business district of Go City. There was nothing at all special about the place, but if Ron had learned anything about this type of structure in their travels, it was that this sort of building was usually one of two things. Either it was a place that was a good idea to enter, and possibly chill out, or the choice to enter it could be a really bad one.

Before Kim could answer, however, a light blue garage door slid up in the front of one of the buildings. A figure stepped out, and his appearance immediately answered Ron's question. From the signature blue uniform to the trademark perpetual half-frown he always had on his face, there was no mistaking the man. If he was here, there was no question that they were at the exact location that they were supposed to be at for this meeting. And from the look on his face, it was obvious the man could not have been less thrilled that out of all the available agents, this assignment had been given, or rather, had fallen to him of all people. Dispensing with any and all pleasantries, as was his normal demeanor, Agent Will Du greeted the two teens.

"Miss Possible, Mr. Stoppable, please follow me. Dr. Director is waiting for us inside," he said matter-of-factly, indicating with his tone that he considered this type of job beneath a Global Justice agent of his caliber. He led them both through the garage, which closed as soon as they were through, almost as if it were itching to hide the inside of the building from the rest of the world outside. The path they were taking took them through a large room that looked for the entire world like a regular warehouse stock room. However, after they passed through the door on the other side, it became blatantly obvious that this building, and probably all the others in this particular group of outwardly plain buildings, was anything but ordinary.

The hallway they now found themselves in was clean and austere, both walls a perfectly unblemished mirror-chrome that reflected them for what seemed like miles to both the left and right. Forward, on the other hand, seemed to lead only to a dead end barely twenty feet from the door they had entered, although Will Du seemed perfectly oblivious to this fact. When they reached the end of the hallway, however, he paused for a bit, seemingly waiting on something. Both Kim and Ron looked around for scanners, cameras, or something to explain why they'd stopped in the end of this apparently dead-end corridor. But there wasn't even an outline of a vent or anything. Then they heard a voice come over what she could only assume was a hidden intercom.

"Everything checks out, Agent Du. They are who they say they are."

Agent Du pressed a button hidden in the sleeve of his shirt near the wrist. "Thank you. We are proceeding towards the conference level." Despite him saying this, however, both Kim and Ron took notice that there was no feeling of movement, nor were they resuming their walk into the complex.

"Uh, why aren't we moving?" Ron piped up after a few minutes.

Will looked back at them and pulled out a rare smirk. "We are moving. This is a zero-friction elevator. Something we picked up off of the wreckage of the Lorwardians' spacecraft."

His words were confirmed not a minute later as a door neither of the teens had noticed suddenly opened behind them, quickly dispelling the illusion that they were in a hallway. They turned around and heading through a door into a very large room. What they saw caught them both by surprise, and Ron's reaction to the sight easily expressed what they both feeling.

"Whoooooooaaaaa…" he let slowly pour from his mouth.

The room before them put to shame every other ops center for Global Justice they had ever seen. Everywhere they looked, they saw GJ agents working intently at computer screens containing various pieces of information and showing several views of locations around the world. Several of the screens Kim noticed showed wreckage still left over from the Lorwardian invasion. Evidently, the clean-up wasn't going as smoothly or as quickly as most operations Global Justice took part in. Kim surmised that it was possible that some of the world's criminal elements were hampering efforts, but even so it wouldn't normally take the agency a week to clean up the aftermath.

Agent Du must have noticed the look on her face, as he pulled her out of her thoughts when he interjected rather superiorly, "Surely, Miss Possible, you didn't assume that you and Dr. Drakken were the only ones hit early on in the attack?"

"Of course not," Kim replied, although she surprisingly had to admit to herself it was the first time she had contemplated that Warmonga and Warhok might have chosen other primary targets at the start of their invasion of Earth. She gave a quick glance over at Ron, who returned her covert "never actually thought about it" look with one almost as hidden…almost.

Will's expression told them he wasn't fooled. "We were hit hard enough in the first strike that we were unable to counter," he added disgustedly, a shadowy grimace crossing his face. Obviously the fact that the top-flight organization he was so proud to be part of had been rendered so completely helpless struck a major blow against Agent Du's pride.

Ron broke the uncomfortable silence that settled after only a few seconds. "So, uhh, why do you need us here?"

The man's grimace drifted towards a more dissatisfied smirk once more. "This way. Dr. Director wishes a special word with you considering the events of the past few days."

Heading towards the opposite side of the room, Will led the two teens into another hallway that Kim and Ron could only describe as being eerily similar to the halls of Middleton High. There were lockers on each side, and several doors spaced evenly about every fifteen to twenty lockers. After a few minutes and an indeterminable distance, he led them through one of the doors and into a conference room. Sitting inside at the table were three people, two of which had their backs to the door so that Kim and Ron couldn't see who they were. The third occupied seat was taken by a woman with an eye patch over her right eye. As they entered, she motioned to the other two to stay put for a minute, then rose and approached the two teens.

"Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. It's good to see you. Glad to see you're in relatively good shape after this week." Dr. Betty Director smiled at them, and extended her hand, which both Kim and Ron shook good-naturedly.

"Good to see you, too, Dr. Director," Ron replied.

"Same here," added Kim. "But what's this all about? You've got us both really confused right now."

The feeling was enhanced many times over when Will Du locked the door behind them. Was he locking them in, or everyone else out? Whatever it was, Kim's "weird-ar" was now going off at full strength.

Dr. Director nodded. "That's probably a good thing, Kim. It might make things a bit easier right now. To tell the truth, we aren't exactly sure how to proceed right now."

"You're stalling, Dr. Director," observed Kim.

"My thoughts, exactly, Princess." came a very familiar voice, one neither of the teens had ever expected to come from any Global Justice operations site, except maybe one containing some sort of a specialized prison cell. The seat closest to them spun around, and a green glow was immediately visible.

"Shego!" Ron gasped.

Kim was just as surprised to see the older woman sitting there, and immediately dropped into a combat stance. "What are you two doing here?"

From the other chair came the voice that belonged to the person who could normally be found pretty close to Shego. "Nnnngg…how did you know I was here, too?"

Ron laughed a bit, although there was a slight nervousness to it that he hid well. "Like Shego'd go anywhere near here without you in tow."

Drakken slowly turned his chair to face the two teens. His blue skin looked both pale with nervousness and bright with optimism at the same time. The small flower on a vine that protruded from his neck, which was now evidently going to be a permanent part of him, seemed to be waving casually at the teens as well as at the others in the room. When he spoke, it was with a false confidence that anyone could have seen through. "I'll have you know, buffoon, that I was not 'in tow'. I came here right beside Shego and of my own free will."

"Even after all this, you still can't remember my name." Ron balked. "Wait…of your own free will?"

Kim too was a bit taken aback by that revelation. "You two are here because you wanted to be?" She relaxed her stance a bit, trying to take everything in.

Shego blew upwards at her hair a bit, even though there were no strands in her face to blow at. "Yes, Kimmie. We are here because we chose to be. No other way they could get us here." The woman smirked, and Kim noticed she was casually tossing a small green and black fire/plasma ball, approximately the size of a small marble, from hand to hand. Apparently she hadn't brought along that nail file for her gloves that she always seemed to carry. Either that, or she for once felt that the metal claws on her gloves were sharp enough. Whatever the reason, it appeared that although coming here had been Shego's idea, she was quickly growing bored with the waiting they had obviously been doing.

"What do you say we speed this up, Doc? We've got other things to do, you know?"

Dr. Director had an odd look on her face, as if she wanted to say something but couldn't. That, or she wouldn't. Finally, she replied with, "Very well. Kim, Ron, if you will both have a seat. We have some things we need to discuss about the recent attack."

Kim and Ron both took a seat on the opposite side of the table from Drakken and Shego, neither of them trusting the two who until a few weeks ago had never shown any sign of ever doing anything for the side of good. Well, unless you counted those times involving Hench Co.'s Attitudinator, but both of those incidents rated about a 10.5 on the teens' weirdness scales. Besides that, the personality switching device had been destroyed shortly after Shego had been reverted back to evil.

Dr. Director reclaimed her seat at the head of the table, and began leafing through a rather large file on the table. "As you are no doubt well aware by now, you five are the only ones who were witness to the majority of the battle with the…'Lorwardians', was it?"

Shego immediately cut in. "Whoa, whoa, time out there. There're only four of us here. Not five." The villainess did little to hide her snarky retort, seemingly enjoying the fact that she was able to point out a flaw in the observations of the head of Global Justice.

Dr. Director merely paused, looked up for a mere second, and then motioned with her head towards Kim and Ron. When Shego failed to get the hint, she did it again. Shego lazily looked over towards the teens, expecting to see the mole rat that always seemed to accompany them. Instead, she found herself slightly shocked to see that young tech genius who kept Team Possible geared and prepped sitting there as though he'd been there the whole time. She was about to say something when she noticed a faint static to his outline, and immediately figured out what was going on. Evidently, Kim had set up the larger version of her little electronic device to project a holo-image of the boy, and he was joining the meeting that way. Shego quietly sat back in her seat, feeling just slightly embarrassed at her blunder…but only slightly.

Dr. Director cleared her throat and continued. "As I was saying, the people attending this meeting, other than myself, are the only ones who know what happened during that battle, especially during the final minutes. Mr. Load here had the only working means of electronic observation on the entire planet at the time, and was able to record the majority of it. All other means of communication were either destroyed or knocked out. Therefore, I need to go over with you what happened from the time the aliens' main ship was taken out to the end of the fight."

She paused, and eyed the two teens with a concerned intensity they'd rarely seen her use.

"Of particular interest to Global Justice and our counterparts around the world are the events that transpired from the time that Miss Possible was apparently knocked out of the fight until the end of the conflict when the invaders were dispatched by either Kim or Shego, thus ending the threat."

Kim was puzzled for a moment before it dawned on her…Global Justice had no knowledge of Ron's Monkey Kung Fu skills! They were also unawares that it had been he, not her or Shego, that had confronted and thus defeated Warmonga and Warhok. She immediately shot Shego a look of hidden worry, one that the older woman returned quickly, although Shego's contained surprise instead of worry. How was it that Global Justice, an organization that had their eyes on Kim and Ron, following the teens' missions since their first one to help Mr. Paisley, had no information on Ron's Tai Sheng Pek Kwar, the power of Monkey Kung Fu?

Kim looked at her boyfriend, who was somehow managing to keep a completely normal face on. He turned to her and smiled, then resumed looking at the director. For some reason, this wasn't surprising him in the least. Either it was that, or the fact that the shock of G.J. not knowing his secret had yet to have its inevitable effect on him. Whatever it was, Kim was glad for his strength at the moment, as it made it easier for her to control her own nervousness.

And furthermore, how had Wade been able to observe the fight? Kim shot his hologram a look, and the return was one that simply said, I'll explain it to you later. Oh, she'd make sure of that, especially if he was going to tell her what she thought he was going to tell her. She'd warned him about it many times, and if he'd actually done it, she wanted to know why…

Dr. Director could tell something was up, although she wasn't the one to break the obvious tension in the room. That dubious honor went to the only blue-skinned person in the room.

"What do you mean, Kim Possible or Shego? Shego, you told me…OUCH!" Drakken stopped mid-sentence and glared at Shego, who had obviously kicked him under the table.

Kim quickly threw an appreciative glance at the older woman, who merely smiled back with a gleam in her eye. Even though Shego didn't say it, the message came through completely loud and clear.

You two owe me one, Princess.

Finally, Will Du, who had been standing by the door, could stand the suspense no longer. "Dr. Director, if I may…" he started, taking a few steps into the room.

"No, Will, you may not," replied Dr. Director with a bit of edge.

It was the first time Kim and Ron had ever heard her admonish one of her agents. They both noticed a glare in her good eye, and were startled that for the first time they could actually see some resemblance between the head of Global Justice and her twin brother, Gemini, the head of the Worldwide Evil Empire. It shocked the teens just a bit. However, just as quickly as it had come, the look disappeared, and Dr. Director returned to her normal serious look.

Will started to reassert his stance, but evidently thought better of it. He resumed his post by the door and glanced out the window, apparently looking to see if anyone was listening.

Apparently satisfied that the interruption was over, the director returned her gaze to the four people and one hologram seated at the table. Again the tension started to mount, and finally Kim could take it no longer, although she did her best to remain professional about the matter, lest her nerves give something away.

"Why don't you tell us what you know, and we'll fill in the gaps," she offered with a smile.

"Very well," answered Dr. Director. The look on her face easily conveyed that she knew she might not get the whole truth, but her mannerism seemed to indicate that she'd be happy with anything at this point. She cleared her throat and began.

"What we know is that shortly after your escape from the ship, this group split apart. Shego and Dr. Drakken headed for their former lair, presumably to retrieve his…" She looked at the file, "Hi-Pollinator Mutagen before returning to the fight. During this time, Team Possible engaged the aliens in what can only be described as a twin-aerial duel. Shortly thereafter, Shego and Drakken returned to the conflict, and Drakken proceeded to spray his mutagen on the invading aliens' attack machines. This led to the assault mechs being knocked out of commission. At this point, Kim took out the male alien's flight capabilities, while Shego took out the female's craft. Both beings ended up entangled in vines. Everything correct so far?"

The four nodded, although Drakken raised his hand slightly. "Umm…you are aware that I didn't see anything from this point until after it was over, aren't you? I was busy rounding up and taking out the remaining mechs."

Dr. Director stared at him for a moment, and then made a note about it in the file. "No, we were not, but thank you for that information."

Shego looked at him, and Kim could swear she saw a bit of surprised admiration pass over that pale green face. "Wait, wait, so you weren't just flying around aimlessly?"

Drakken smiled a bit. "Well, you were fighting against Warmonga and Warhok, and I…I just didn't want them to be able to pull a surprise attack on you, Shego. That's all."

Shego blushed slightly, apparently touched at what he'd done and why.

Kim and Ron looked at each other with surprised looks on their faces. Shego had blushed? They had never so much as seen her display even a hint of attraction towards Drakken. Well, unless you counted the whole Moodulators thing and his award ceremony at the U.N., but both of those they had chalked up to extenuating circumstances. The Moodulators mission/fiasco had done the same number on Shego that it had on Kim, while the teens had chalked up Shego's reaction to Drakken's vine at the awards ceremony as her being caught in the moment. Shego had vehemently denied any attraction to her employer when the Lorwardians had teased her about it, but maybe there was something there. She'd certainly stuck by Drakken through tough times, and you didn't do that without a good reason.

Dr. Director saw the same exchange, but passed over it as nothing, intent on continuing the discussion of the attack. She cleared her throat for attention, and resumed her reading.

"Believing the battle to be over, Kim and Ron stated that they needed to graduate before something else happened. However, the male alien…Warhok, was it...escaped from the vines and caught Shego with a surprise blow, knocking her temporarily out of the fight. Ron then attacked him, and was easily repelled into Kim, knocking her temporarily out of the fight as well. Warhok then freed Warmonga from the vines, and picked up Kim, intending to claim her as a trophy."

She set down the file, and looked for a moment at Ron, then Kim, and finally at Shego. When she resumed speaking, it was with a calm seriousness.

"It is at this point that Wade's surveillance experienced a problem with the recording equipment, and from here is where we need the three of you to fill in what happened. We are aware that approximately one minute later, a red twister formed around the battle, and shortly thereafter Warhok and Warmonga were somehow launched into the wreckage of their crashing spaceship, destroying all three. However, from the time Warhok picked up Kim until approximately two and a half minutes later, there is gap in the footage taken of the battle. Wade was able to correct the problem with his equipment at this point, and the first thing recorded after that are Kim and Ron breaking a hug and each of the four of you asking if the others are okay."

Kim looked at Ron, then at Shego. She found herself almost wishing they had planned this somewhat. Kim didn't know if Shego was aware of it, but there was more at stake here than just Ron's preferred "fly-under-the-radar" way of living. If word got out about Ron's abilities, it wouldn't just expose him, but also everything connected with him and Tai Sheng Pek Kwar. Hana, the Lotus Blade, the Yamanouchi School, Sensei, Yori, Hirotaka...…all of it would instantly become the subject of Global Justice's scrutiny. And while Kim knew that G.J. wouldn't intentionally put any of those things or people in immediate danger, it would make them more open to it. Whether Dr. Director liked to admit it or not, Global Justice dealt with enemy infiltration at all times, and something of this magnitude would certainly catch the eye of those wishing to go against the worldwide spy network. No, the less people that knew about those things, the better.

Somehow, they had to get through this without revealing anything about Ron's Monkey Kung Fu. Kim quickly began going over exactly what she needed to say to avoid mentioning it. She looked over at Shego, and was impressed to see that apparently she was doing the same thing. For whatever reason, Shego didn't appear too keen to reveal the whole truth about what had happened either. Kim allowed herself an inward smile as she suddenly realized the probable reason for the villainess's discomfort with divulging a true account of what had transpired.

For her part, Shego was racking her brain in attempt to come up with a story that seemed plausible enough and had enough credibility that it would be taken as truth by Global Justice. Not only that, but she knew they also had to find a way to cover that mysterious red swirl that the Princess's sidekick had conjured just before he'd taken out the Lorwardians. But besides that, Shego also had her own future to consider. She had always prided herself on her status as one of the toughest, fiercest fighters on the planet, and the events that had taken place during the final minutes of the battle could be very damaging to her reputation. If anyone were to find out that she had been groggy on the sidelines from Warhok's sucker-punch while Kim Possible's goofy sidekick had been taking on both Warhok and Warmonga by himself, things would go very sour for Shego's image very quickly. The entire villain world knew what a buffoon the guy was, and if it were known he'd upstaged her, she'd be the laughing stock of the criminal underworld.

However, before either Kim or Shego could begin, Ron spoke up.

"Dr. Director, if you want the truth about what happened, I can tell you. It was me. I took them out."