NOTE: This is my first fan fiction, so bare with me. I do not own these characters. Suggestions and reviews are always welcome. Takes place, a year and a half after Breaking Dawn.


It's been years. Years since my world changed, but it's only been eighteen months since my life has been completely altered. My entire opinion on the world had been flipped upside down, like an hourglass. Nothing was simple. Nothing was enjoyable. Vampires were real, werewolves existed, and I was a one of them. The true Alpha of my people, being originally designed to kill any vampire that threatened my family, my people and my pack on my homeland.

When, we had started the Cullen's had been our main irritation but the treaty, which my great-grandfather, Ephraim Black had negotiated with the Cullen's years ago stopped us. The treaty that not only protected their identity but restricted us from killing them, only because they were 'vegetarian bloodsuckers' and swore to never bite a human or come to Quileute Land. In truth, nomad vampires were the precise adversary. Quickly, the Cullen's became our allies when there were more threatening 'New Born' vampires entered Clallam county and Olympia state parks, not only slaughtering any human they thirsted for but their main purpose was to kill my best friend, Bella. All a revenge tactic for a red-headed siren, named Victoria. This was all because Bella's immortal boyfriend, Edward had killed Victoria's mate James. I wish I could be angry at Edward for all of this. To a certain extent, this was his entire fault. Him and his family, being the reason I was a shape shifter, taking my teenage years away from me, stealing the woman I loved, getting her pregnant with a half vampire-human and making my life more complicated than it had to be.

To a certain extent this Bella was at fault for this too, putting her life in harm's way just for Edward's love and his monstrous baby. But to Bella this was her image of magic, having that child was magic. She swore to me that if magic could happen for her than soon it would be waiting for me. Who knew her magic would also be mine.

In the beginning, when I first found out Bella was pregnant shock and disgust had entered my mind. Angry towards Bella for wanting to protect a monster, I was past disgust and to the point of hate. I hated that demon that lived inside her belly. Breaking bones, putting her through pain and almost positively going to kill her. The worst part, Bella wanted that child and insisted on me to be around constantly. Like a fool, I agreed to stick around but her desire to be around me was killing me , it felt as if she kept leading me on. Only I knew I had no chance now. Yes, I stayed, being forced to watch my best friend be sentenced to death, by her demon of a child. After, I believed Bella had died, my feeling had been pushed further into whirlwind of vile passion.

But then she was born, and my whole life changed from before, once again flipping that hour glass. Nothing mattered, nothing except her safety, her happiness and her total well being. Renesmee, was my world, my magic. I no longer existed to destroy vampires, I am not sure if I ever did. I only existed for her. Along the way both Bella and Edwards didn't completely destroy my life, they gave me Renesmee. They gave me the imprinting I longed for, to get over Bella, to not feel rejection and heart ache. Renesmee must have been the only reason I loved Bella so much. After all Renesmee was apart Bella. I had a pull towards her and her to me. All that left when Nessie came into the world.

I loved her more than life itself. My connection was almost paternal, except I had no biological connection to her. All I knew there was no way I could stay away from her innocent and uncomplicated mind. She was my reason to get up each morning and the reason I went to sleep each night, just so, I could get up the next day and see her stunning face.

Then Carlisle suggested they moved soon, especially since Nessie was aging so rapidly and people around Forks were beginning to notice. It was impossible to see her every day now, since they moved up to Port Angeles. At first I thought my life was ending when they said they were moving an hour Northeast of La Push. It was depressing for a bit but eventually I felt at ease with the situation. I would visit often heading up to Port Angeles two or three times a week. Renesmee couldn't stay away from me longer than a day or two, so they visited Forks and La Push often, a couple times a week or so.

A silent purr of an exotic car came from up the street. It was around noon, which meant my little Nessie was on her way over, today. Every other Saturday I would get her from noon to the evening, and occasionally an entire weekend. When I could hear the car being put in park, right away I flew to the front door. Composing myself a bit before I stepped out the front door, I could feel the temporary madness and burst of excitement within me. I waited for a bit before I opened the door, I didn't want to seem too desperate to see her, but I knew Edward could hear my thoughts. I could easily block my thoughts if I tried but when it came to Nessie I was beyond susceptible. Whenever she entered my mind, the entire world didn't matter.

Stepping outside and off the front porch, I had planned to go to the car and get Nessie myself but I didn't get that chance. The rear door of the sleek black BMW 760Li flew open and she charged at me like a child on Christmas morning. It was as if she had just seen all the presents under the tree and couldn't help but stampede towards the fascinating shiny boxes. It always left me in wonderment why I couldn't take my eyes of this cute youngster.

"Jacob, My Jacob!!!" She shouted energetically as she ran towards me. When finally made it to my feet she wrapped her miniature arms around my left leg squeezing as tightly as she could. After her brisk hug, she was jumping up and down overly excited. Her tiny hand wrapped around my index finger suddenly, a burst of gold glazed over my minds vision, followed by a mental image of me picking Nessie up.

"Kay, I can take a hint." I lifted my best friend's daughter up, throwing her in the air, resulting in her giggles. Any child's laughter would make a person smile but her laughter satisfied my soul. My entire being, felt complete when she was happy, when she was with me. I looked over to Bella and Edward, her vampire parents watching to make sure she had safely made her way to me. Bella had just shut the back seat door and Edward's arms were folded resting over the hood of the car. Both their amber eyes reached mine.

"Wave bye." I hinted to the joyful girl that rested in my arms. Nessie's hand lifted and instead of moving side to side, the tiny wrist flicked up and down, almost in a mischievous manner. I'll take care of her. When Edward gave me a slight nod, I knew his telepathic mind had heard my promise. I turned to Renesmee watching her still wave a see ya later, as her pale faced parents waved back while stepping back into their showy car. The engine then turned on and sped off.

Turning, I began to walk to my tiny shack of a house. "How's my little Loch Ness Monster?" I asked, moving her waved hair out of her eyes.

"Oh I'm no monster." She giggled and furiously shook her head, disagreeing.

"No, you ain't? Then what are ya?"

Her little smile gleamed in the sunlight. "A wolf, like you."

"Yesterday, you were the Loch Ness and today you're a wolf? Make up your mind."

"I want to be a wolf! Like you."

"Fine, fine you can be a wolf."

She then proceeded to tell me about her day. She went on and on about every little detail: the human food Esme had asked her to eat, brightly colored fruity cereal didn't interest her the least bit, her brushing her teeth on her own with her brand new yellow tooth brush and bubble gum flavored toothpaste, the brand new outfit Alice had bought, that she hated, and Carlisle taking her measurements. The cereal bothered her most though; human food just wasn't something that appealed to her.

"You're half human Ness you still need to eat human food." I placed her down on the ground shutting the door behind me.

When she huffed, I knew she was peeved that I had not only set her down but because I always made sure she ate human food. Perhaps, she was just annoyed that I had interrupted her. Her little nose wrinkled then she retorted my comment, "Sure, sure."

I snickered a bit. She repeats a lot of the things I say, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing? But it was cute; I especially enjoyed how much it irritated Bella and Blondie. Her speech was amusing, sometimes she sounded the age she looked and other times you would forget she was only eighteen months old informing you about world history or how Seth was one of the gentlest souls she's ever met.

When she kept talking, I rolled my eyes, not in annoyance but partial humor, to me it was never-ending. At this moment, I wished she used her powers to show me her day rather than talk about it; it would have gone by much quicker. Otherwise, I knew her useless babble would last for hours. None the less, I hung on her every word. "… and I finally finished my math," She finished.

My stomach grumbled a bit. The feeling of hollowness was in my gut but I wasn't too hungry I decided to settle for a snack.

"Hungry?" She inquired patting her belly then pointing at my stomach.

"Sure am. Now what did you say about your math?"

"I finished it."

She followed me into the kitchen, still discussing her math.

"Wow that took you like a hundred years." I teased finding a snack. I snatched the green apple from the fridge and took a bite.

"No, not that long. Just an hour. I hate math."

"You and me both, kid."

Math was never my subject in high school. I got by, by coping homework and cheating on tests. That was clearly the only reason for me being a high school dropout, or so I told myself. Who was I kidding, a few years ago there was too much drama for me to even sleep soundly at night, let alone live my life and go to school. First off the constant worry about Bella's life was constantly running through my mind, reports, studying, homework and perhaps school activities, patrol and Billy. That was an awfully lot for me to handle at once, so dropping out seemed like the best choice.

"Jakey, I have wonderful news."

"What? What is it?" I spoke as if I was so intrigued, it amused me to see her so eager about things.

Her brilliant dark hazel brown eyes lit up when she began to speak. Over time they had lightened up a bit only darkening to a deep brown when she was thirsty for blood, not hungry for food. Though they did look a bit darker than usual, a deep brown usually indicated she was thirsty but I could tell the current shade of hazel brown meant she was just hungry. I grabbed a knife and sliced a piece of the apple off for her hoping that was why her eyes were a bit darker than they should be. She grabbed the slice of apple, speedily fit in her comment, "Daddy said since I did all my homework you could stay the night," she smiled catching her breath, then adding," Tonight!"Then she ate the slice of apple, I had just given her.

Now at about the physical age of a three or four year old and the intelligence of a twelve year old, Edward felt the need that she needed to be educated since won't be able to go to public school since her growth is so rapid. Bella and I disagreed with the amount of work he gives her but she always amazes all of us by never feeling overwhelmed. I had a talk with Jasper about that, asking him to inform me if she ever felt stressed about not just with homework but anything else. I was grateful that he has not yet had to tell me that she has ever been unhappy. I knew that day she said she was unhappy was the day, I would do anything to make her blissful, no matter how much it hurt me or anyone else, as long as she was happy I was too.

But for now she was excited to do homework and she felt lucky to have the 'smartest daddy ever' as she put it, teaching her. She compliantly did her math, grammar, history and music, with no problems. Usually getting her weeks work completed in a couple hours just so she'd have the rest of the week to play and hunt, with me, her favorite person in the entire world. To Edward's annoyance, she always did her schoolwork so quickly that he tagged on more on the weekends. Which is why, she had completed math today, on a Saturday morning.

"YAY!" I victoriously threw my hands in the air, showing her how excited I was, to be able to stay over at her home in Port Angeles.

"Yaaaayyyy!" she imitated. She halted looking around the house, "Is Dad home?" she wondered stepping further into the tiny living room. A gigantic grin spread across my face, she loved my dad as much as I did. She had grown accustomed to calling him dad because, like I said, she repeated the things that I said and emulated my actions.

"Dad?" she called out for him running to the back of the house "Billy?" She flew through the entire house in her vampire speed. It was as if she hadn't left the room at all. Plopping myself on the tiny couch, I finished the apple and turned the TV on. She stood in front of me looking at me with her porcelain doll face.

"Where's Billy?" she questioned cocking her head to the side. I couldn't help but smile; she had that effect on me.

"He's with Grandpa Charlie fishing." I notified her on my father's where-abouts.

Her cheery little face turned into a glower. I almost felt guilty for giving her the truth but she deserved nothing but. "He said he'd take me fishing."

She crawled up on my lap, once again asking another question, "Will he be home soon?"

"Yeah, soon." I said, "You hungry?" I asked watching her eyes blink several times.

Her eyelids sank and quickly opened fighting sleep. She shook her head and wrapped her arms around my neck. "You should probably take a nap," I said laying us both back on the tan couch, letting my feet hang over the armrest. It wasn't exactly that comfortable but if she was at ease I was too.

I knew that if I had suggested a nap most likely she would listen; I also could use a nap since I hadn't slept in twenty four hours. Nomad vamps running around had the pack and I on edge especially since we can't find them. Their trail always ended up in a creek or a stream, ocean or lake their scent always being lost at the water's edge. It frustrated not just me but the entire pack, we would follow the rivers and searched along the coast line to hopefully be reacquainted with their scent again but we could never find it.

After a couple of weeks I needed a break. I asked the pack if they'd be alright with me taking the weekend off to spend time with Ness. Although, I was Alpha, I still felt as if I needed their approval; in every aspect. None of them cared much, except for Leah.

She always resented it when any of the pack was with the Cullen's. Leah still feels slightly bitter towards the Cullen's, only because they're, as she calls them, vegetarian bloodsucking vamps. In her eyes, they're still vampires and she'll always feel wary about them, only because they were vampire. I knew, even though she wouldn't admit it, she had a soft spot for Nessie, as did all the pack.

Renesmee, loved my pack as if it was her own family, she loved Leah the most for whatever reason and Seth was her 'buddy'. I never knew what to tell her why she wondered about why Lee-Lee disliked her when she loved her so much. All I could say was Lee-lee was like that with everyone.

Nessie's fluttering heart slowed a bit, telling me that she was asleep. I grabbed her hand to see her dreams. I knew as she grew I couldn't do this any longer; it was an invasion of her privacy. But it always told me what her favorite part of her day was. She usually dreamed about the day's happenings, something she wants and an occasional nightmare about the Volturi. I hated them for making her feel scared, though I wasn't sure if it was fear or just her memory and perception of the visit they had payed us not too long ago. Last week, she dreamed about killing one of them when Charlie was in danger. Today, she was dreaming about running through the forest with me, hunting and playing hide and seek. Gradually, my visions blurred and I too was asleep.