Just to something quick to say!

Bella is 20, Sam is 23 and Dean is 24. Cas, as you all already know, is an angel so really has no relevance for an age.

Once again, I'm digging my way out of hell; literally. If people thought Dean was bad when he first became a hunter then they sure as hell haven't met me. I was on my way out of hell; but the damn hell hounds caught me before I reached the surface and ripped me apart, throwing me backwards into hell. Maybe three's the charm, maybe this is the end of my trips to hell? Please be the damn end!

Suddenly I felt a vice-like grip around my waist and soon I was being flung back to Earth. Castiel, you've got to love him. He's constantly coming to help me; save me. He says he's 'just here to help' but if it wasn't for him I'd be dead, rotting in hell.

As soon as my feet touched ground Cas started one of his well known hissy fits.

"Seriously, Isabella! I would have thought you'd have learnt by now that you can't do this on your own. How many times have I told you? I can't be here to save you all the time! You're one of the many warriors you should take more care..." That was around the point I tuned out and after ten minutes I eventually cut in.

"Cas, I know what I'm doing! I'm going to find the Winchester's as soon as possible, or at least as soon as you allow me to leave, that is unless you want to take me..." I smirked when he shook his head, a small smile creeping across his face.

"Bella, I must say, you are a fantastic hunter but you seriously need to get back to being independent. As I said before, I won't always be here," He said, his voice strong.

"Well, you are here at the moment so you can help me. I need to be reunited with the Winchester's and you, Castiel, are going to take me to them or I will kick your angel ass!" I laughed.

He arched his eyebrow, a small smirk appearing on his face. "Bring it!" He shouted; his voice filled with humour. "No weapons and no angel 'magic' as you always say."

I laughed before doing a round house kick, hitting him squarely on the ass before he could react. "There, I got you good and proper now you are going to take me there! Okay, that sounded wrong..." I mumbled, trying to bring my mind out the gutter.

Cas had been reminding me for a while that I needed to find someone to keep me on track because, as much as I'm a 'fantastic hunter' I've been to hell more times than most; I have also escaped hell more than most. With the choice of joining someone, I chose the Winchesters as they had been like family to me since I was 11. Unfortunately, they left 4 years ago stating it was 'for the better'. This should be an interesting reunion.

"Fine, come here!" Cas said, grabbing my arm. "And, here we go!" Then he teleported us.