Dedicated to Twisted Musalih (cool name, by the way...), for making me think about this pairing.
He had red eyes.
That was the first thing Sakura noticed about him.
The second thing was his dark hair, his pale skin, and his obvious perchance for wearing black.
And, last but far from least, she felt the aura of power surrounding him, his thirst for more power, his willingness to do anything to achieve that goal.
Tears sprung to her eyes, memories surging to the forefront of her mind, as he studied her in bored disdain.
But, he wasn't Sasuke.
"Who are you?" Sakura whispered.
He studied her another moment, obviously debating whether or not to reply to her.
Just as she was despairing of receiving an answer, he spoke.
Message from Goth Lolita!
So sorry this is so short! There will be more, though. Yes, and I know what you're thinking.
"HOLY SHIT! This isn't going to be a one shot!"
Hahaha, yes, indeed, this shall be more than one chapter long.
But, the chapters will be short.
Hey, you can't win 'em all.