A/N – Last chapter! Omg it's been such a roller coaster writing this story… and I loved every loop, dip, turn, and drop! Sigh…. I hope you did, too
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, sadly, and much to my disdain… damn copyright laws…
Flaws and All
Alec's POV
I lied beside Magnus, my hopefully eternal lover, combing through his hair with my fingers, humming in his ear as he slept soundly on my shoulder. It has been such a roller coaster these past couple of weeks. Now, everything's back to normal…
Wait, that's not true.
I now have a whole group of warlock friends, including Joseph, Red, Luna, and Daphnis. I learned that Clary has the capability of killing another creature, which truly shocked me. I realized that I have a hidden power in me that was given by Raziel.
Okay, let's face it: nothing's the same.
My love for Magnus had gotten ten times stronger, and I think the same goes for him. I believe Jace has actually started to like Magnus. That's worth something, right? I guess the only thing that has really remained the same is my bedroom.
Beside me, Magnus stirred slightly before opening his eyes. "Good morning," I smiled, blushing in spite of myself. He caught me staring at him, and it was even more embarrassing, seeing the fact that we were both naked. Another thing that's changed: my sex life. Don't even get me started on that one. The fact that we had sex at least 3 times last night, all night, said it all. My face grew hotter.
He grinned. "Darling, you know society considers people who watch people sleep perverts, right?"
I turned away slightly, growing irritated. "Well, then you must be the biggest pervert ever,"
Magnus wrapped his arms around my neck and brought me so close to him that our noses were touching. "Now I never denied my perverseness. In fact, I believe I'm considered a Class A Pervert,"
"C-Class A?" I asked, my breathing going ragged. He was too close for me to speak without difficulty.
"Mhm," he hummed. He brought his lips to mine and slightly brushed them before parting his lips and chuckling. "A Class A Pervert is someone who acts upon their perverseness. Would you like me to demonstrate?"
I could hardly breathe, so I just nodded and sighed happily when he kissed me. The kiss was slow, but burning with fiery passion. Okay, that sounded kind of melodramatic, but it's true! The way he kissed me made my toes curl. I melted closer to him as my lips parted and our tongues met, moaning slightly at the warm, tingly feeling. He combed his fingers through my hair and wrapped his legs around mine, tangling us together.
We rolled around my bed and made out for Angel knows how long, though I know by the time I heard a knock on my door behind the loud pulse in my ears, I was well into erection mode and I was out of breath. Did I mention how my face was on fire?
"Alec?" a small voice said from the other side of the door, signaling a nervous Clary. Magnus broke the kiss and panted while he smiled.
"Are you gonna answer her, love?" he whispered into my ear. I could hardly breathe, my whole body was in flames, and my thoughts couldn't even put together one coherent sentence, and he wanted me to answer someone knocking on my door?
He saw the lack of understanding in my eyes, so he sat up and straddled me (how did he get on top?) and laughed. "Clary, sweetie, Alec's a little unconscious right now,"
There was a pause before I heard Clary sigh. "What'd you do to him now, Magnus?"
"Nothing," he lied, and he knew he was lying too because when he said it, he looked down at me and grinned. "He's just a little tired."
"Huh… well, can you give him a message?"
"No, I would never give him any message you give to me," Magnus rolled his eyes. A moment passed before Magnus sighed. "Sarcasm, Clary. I thought you'd be used to it since you're dating that blonde nitwit."
"Oh," she mumbled. "Um… could you tell Alec that Joseph wants to talk to him? Joseph said it was extremely important…"
"Alright, I'll pass the word along," Magnus said nonchalantly. "Now go away so I can finish."
"Finish what?"
"You're too young to understand, darling, now skedaddle!"
As Clary's footsteps echoed away, Magnus brought himself down and lied on top of me, his lips to my ear. "Are you conscious now?"
"As much as I'll ever be," I mumbled as I tried to keep the fire from creeping up on me again.
"Good!" Magnus cheered, sitting up again. He jumped out of bed and faced me with a triumphed look on his face. Though I was distracted by the sight of him being butt naked, I couldn't help but laugh. Magnus scowled at me playfully while tugging on my arm. "I don't see what's so funny!"
"Nothing," I snickered as I climbed out of bed. He pulled me into his arms and pecked me on the lips.
"I don't like how Joseph's stealing you away from me," he grumbled.
"Don't worry, Maggie. It'll only be for a moment!" I laughed. He grabbed my butt, causing me to yelp, and bit my ear.
"Call me Maggie again, and I'll turn you into a girl."
"Oh, you'd love that, wouldn't you?" I laughed as I pulled away from him before he could grab my butt again. I yelped playfully as he tackled me into the bed.
Clary's POV
I scurried into the kitchen of the Institute, kicking myself for forgetting how playful Magnus could be. I knew that Magnus and Alec were together all day yesterday and all night long. It's only natural that Alec would be unconscious. However, some deeper, more perverted side of me kept telling me that Alec wasn't asleep and that Magnus was doing something…
The sounds that were coming out of their room last night started to fill my thoughts before I could block them away. Oh Magnus, I had heard in the dead of the night. Right… there! Oh, that feels so‒"
"Hey Clary," Simon said, succeeding in making me jump out of my own skin and causing me to screech like a dying kitten.
"Don't do that, Simon!" I snapped before gripping the counter and shaking off that awkward memory. Never again, I told myself, will I ever walk in front of Alec's bedroom when Magnus is spending the night!
"Aren't you little Ms. Jumpy this morning," Simon laughed. "I have every right to be jumpy because I'm the one who nearly burned myself back into the grave. Why are you so jumpy?"
"I hear things I shouldn't," I muttered.
"Is that supposed to mean something?"
"Hey!" Joseph said, running into the kitchen. "Is Alec coming down or what?"
"He's unconscious," I mumbled, grabbing yogurt out of the fridge.
"Unconscious?" Simon and Joseph chorused in confusion.
"I'm right here," Alec said, walking into the kitchen. However, I could tell by his wild bed-head that Magnus was definitely doing something with him.
"Oh good, let's go for a walk!" Joseph exclaimed with excitement. He grabbed Alec's forearm and towed him out of the kitchen before Alec could even say anything.
"Man," Simon sighed, "Alec's getting all the ass a gay man could ever want."
"What?" I gasped before cracking up laughing.
"What?" he laughed too. "First Jace, then Magnus, then Sebastian, and now Joseph! I mean come on! Alec is the pimp of the rainbow nation!"
"I don't know what you're smoking, but you really need to stop!"
Alec's POV
Joseph and I sat at the nearby park under a tree, both of us gazing out onto the streets and people-watching. Finally, I turned to Joseph and asked, "Is there a reason why you wanted to talk to me?"
Joseph sat silently for a moment before turning to me, revealing the sadness that was dwelling in his eyes. "You killed my sister."
It was as though a thousand knives sliced through me all at once. My stomach dropped to hell and my heart was in my throat as I nodded and looked away. How could I have forgotten that I killed this man's sister? I honestly thought it would have no effect on him, but… man! If someone killed Izzy, no matter how evil she got, I would be upset too!
"I-I'm sorry," I blubbered out. However, Joseph just laughed.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Shadowhunter. She needed to die, honestly."
"'Needed to die'?" I echoed.
"Yeah…" Joseph looked up at the sky, his mind light-years away. "My sister was crazy. However, it was my fault she had lost it. I'm the one who fed her obsession with humans. There was no way she could of bounced back from all the power she received from the Books of Discord. It was only necessary that her life was taken. I just wish I got to say goodbye…"
"You loved her, didn't you? Even though she was losing it, and even though she tried to kill you…"
"Would you stop loving Isabelle if she lost it like Artemis did?" he asked.
I stared at the ground, trying to fathom Isabelle losing it the way Artemis did. I couldn't. "If Izzy ever did lose it… no, I would never stop loving her…"
"All Artemis ever wanted was attention and love," Joseph murmured. "Luna never liked Artemis. Red especially hated Artemis. Daphnis thought Artemis was batshit crazy, even before she went batshit crazy. Me? I was a mean brother, honestly. We were abused when we were children, like most other warlocks. I hated Artemis because she tried her best to please our human masters. I thought she was weak…"
"Honestly," he continued, "I think Artemis did what she did to prove me wrong. I called her out several times, telling her that she was weak and useless. I hated humans, but I hated her more. When Magnus came along, he cared for her. He was the only one who even attempted to get to know her. In his eyes, he was a brother to her. In her eyes, however…"
"She fell in love with him," I sighed.
"Yes," he sighed too, "she fell in love with him. When Magnus saw her growing affection, he knew he had to leave. I knew that he was going to leave her too, but when I saw the way she looked when she came home that day… the day he left… I realized how much of a horrible brother I had been. She had been in pain throughout her whole childhood, but I that was nothing compared to the agony of losing Magnus…"
"Is that why you stopped talking to him?"
"Yes and no, actually. Yes, because I hated how much pain he caused her. No, though, because I also stopped talking to him because I lost contact with him. We moved out of Idris and to Vancouver. However, Artemis left me soon after we moved…"
"So that's why she hated me?"
"Yes. You got Magnus' attention before she could. That really pissed her off…"
"Hey, do you think she went to… hell?"
Joseph sighed heavily before turning to me with tears in his eyes. "I'm pretty sure she went to hell…"
Guilt stabbed me as I watched tears glide down his face. Centuries of pain and disposition with his sister appeared on his face. However, despite everything, he loved her more than anything.
"Anyways," he said, wiping the tears off his face, "I didn't come here to make you feel guilty or anything, nor did I bring you here to tell you my life story. I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for everything, and thank you for finally bringing my sister to rest."
"Joseph…" I murmured before clutching his shirt and pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry I killed her," I whispered. "I'm so sorry…" We sat there, me holding him while he cried softly, for a long time. Moments turned into minutes, minutes into hours, and finally, the sun started to go down. Sensing this, Joseph pulled away and wiped his now red face.
"God, smite me now for being such a wuss," he chuckled sheepishly. "Let's get home before Magnus gets the wrong idea."
My face heated up as I remembered my adventures of the morning. "Yeah we wouldn't want that."
We got up and stretched before walking towards the Institute. A couple moments later, as we stood at a stop light, my curiosity got the best of me. "Who is Daphnis?"
"Daphnis? Oh, she's my fiancée," he grinned. The walking sign came on, signaling us to go, but I could hardly move as shock overcame me.
"She's your fiancée?" I gasped.
Joseph grabbed my forearm and towed me across the street as I tried to collect myself. He pulled me all the way to the front doors of the Institute, grinning the whole way and laughing to himself as if he was enjoying some sort of inside joke. I mumbled the anthem halfway through before the doors opened and Joseph pulled me inside.
We walked into the kitchen, only to be greeted by everyone. Hell, eve Jocelyn was there! The representatives for the Clave that argued with were there too. They were all standing around, smiling at each other and talking. When Joseph and I walked in, everyone stopped and shouted, "Welcome back!" before clapping and cheering.
Wait… was this the real reason Joseph kept me busy all day?
"Good job on keeping him distracted!" Daphnis cheered as she walked up to Joseph and wrapped her arms around his waist. With a humorous glance my way, Joseph pulled Daphnis into a kiss before turning and winking at me. What the hell?
"What, you didn't know they were together?" Magnus asked, coming up from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "They're getting married in December, two days before Christmas!"
"You're really slow, Alec," Jace snickered.
"Oh, shut up Jace," I scowled, but I couldn't hold the scowl for long because Magnus was nuzzling his nose into my neck and it tickled.
"Alright, enough nonsense," my mom laughed out loud before raising a champagne glass up high. "I'd like to give a toast to my son, Alec. He's been through so much. He's died, grew wings, had loud, loud sex with his boyfriend last night‒"
"Mom!" I wailed, blushing for sure. Beside me, Magnus sniggered.
"There's no need to hide the obvious, Alec," he said into my ear. "Besides, Maryse is awfully drunk right now, so you're gonna have to suffer through this."
"Anyways," mom cleared her throat, though I noticed how cross-eyed she looked, "my son is a great man, boyfriend, and warrior, and we'd all be dead if it weren't for him. Alec, I will always love you, as will all of the people in this room, and I hope you live long and prosper. To Alec!"
"To Alec!" everyone else chorused along before bringing their glasses together and cheering.
"I have an announcement!" Magnus called, gathering everyone's attention. Oh, kill me now!
He walked in front of me and bent down on one knee. What is he doing? "Alec," he said, his voice as sweet as honey, "when I first met you, I had no idea I'd fall so madly in love with you. Now, here I am, looking up to the most, beautiful, wonderful, and amazing man I have ever met."
My heart was pounding so loudly that I'm sure he heard it. "O-Oh my... Magnus… wow…"
He took my hands into his and kissed them. "When I thought you had died… I thought I was never going to make it through life. Everything felt so wrong without you and your blue eyes and your extremely cute blushing face… I was ready to lay my life down forever… but then you came like a knight in shining armor, though you weren't really wearing any clothes."
"Seriously," Jace laughed. "I was alive enough to see that you were practically naked."
"Anyways," Magnus said loudly, trying his best not to laugh at Jace's comment, "you really are my angel. I don't ever want to lose you again… so Alec?"
"Y-Yes?" I managed to choke out.
He pulled out a small black box and opened it for me to see. Gasps echoed around me, followed by Isabelle squealing, but I was preoccupied with what was in the box to care.
It was a large diamond ring, with swirls of blue twirling around the silver ring. The diamond also had hints of blue in it. It was beautiful.
"Alec… will you marry me?"
I gasped loudly and stared wide-eyed at Magnus. He slipped the ring onto my ring finger before looking up at me with the sweetest, most love-filled eyes I had ever seen. "Perfect fit," he whispered.
I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheek as I gazed down at my lover. Never in a million years had I ever expected anyone to get down on one knee for me… "B-B-But gay marriage is‒"
"It doesn't matter," Magnus smiled. "We can improvise, create our own wedding! I've always wanted to do one of those extravagant weddings… all I need is a man by my side… a man whom I will be faithful to and love forever."
"Magnus…" I looked up and straight into my dad's eyes. He was smiling at me while tears of joy filled his eyes too. He nodded at me, and even though he didn't say anything, that one nod meant more than words. He was not only giving me his blessing, but he was also excepting my homosexuality.
I looked back at Magnus and smiled. "Yes… Yes!"
Magnus howled loudly before jumping up and grasping me in a tight hug and spinning me around. Everyone around me clapped and cheered while Magnus set me down and kissed me. Everything was so perfect… yet, everything was so different.
Nothing will ever be the same… and yet, as I grinned at Magnus and he grinned at me too, I realized that a little change is always good.
I'm happy nothing is the same as before Artemis attacked. I never want it to go back. I want to sit in this ball of happiness and smile with my friends, my family, and my now fiancée Magnus, forever.
Somewhere, I knew that Max was watching me, smiling down on me and clapping with everyone else. I could almost hear his voice, whispering, "Be happy, Alec!"
"I love you," I whispered.
"Ah, but I love you more," he murmured before kissing me again.
We'll see about that!
Oh my goodness! I finished my second chapter story! I really liked this one though. I hope you guys liked it too! And thank you for sticking around when I had those awful updating gaps. Malec foever!