Ten Months Later.

Standing in the front of the mirror combing his hair back in the room he shared with his adopted brother, Ponyboy was getting ready for probably the biggest day in his life. Not only was he graduating from high school today, but he was also the valedictorian, meaning that he was giving the closing speech at the ceremony due to having the best grades of everyone else graduating this year.

Due to being so anxious about today's event he really didn't get much sleep last night, he and Johnny both pretty much spent the night wide awake and talking to one another.

"Hey, Pony."

Ponyboy turned around to see Sodapop standing in the doorway, a big smile on his face. He really didn't need to guess as to why he was in such a good mood.

"You look happy today." Ponyboy said.

"What's not to be happy about? It's over! No more school!"

He nodded as he placed the comb down on the dresser.

"What did you want?"

"Oh, mom wants to see us downstairs before we put our gowns on."

He followed his brother down the stairs and saw the rest of the gang and their families all with them. Steve was there with his dad and stepmom. Two-Bit was joining them with his mom and Karen.

Pony couldn't help but frown when he saw her. He wished she was graduating with him and the others today but she still had one more year left.

Johnny was sitting on the couch with Dally next to him, while Darry was standing with his parents, returning home to see his brothers graduate today.

"Oh, boys." Linda greeted when she saw them. "Come over here."

"What is it?" Ponyboy asked.

"I was just talking with Margaret, and it just occured to me that we don't have a picture with all you boys in it."

The boys all looked at each other before Linda motioned for them to come over and stand together. They all did so, Darry, Sodapop, Ponyboy, Steve, Two-Bit, Dally, and Johnny, all together in a group as Linda took the camera.

She then snapped the picture, then proceeded to take six more so each boy could have their own photo.

"Alright guys, go get your gowns on." Darryl said to Ponyboy and Sodapop.

As they went upstairs, Linda helped Johnny with his tie.

"Thanks, mom." Johnny said.

"Your welcome."

The whole adoption process had taken a few months before Johnny officially became part of the family. During his senior year, he had gotten use to calling Linda and Darryl, 'mom' and 'dad'.

As he went to sit back down on the couch, Dally turned to him.

"I'm proud of you kid." He smirked.

Johnny smiled back.


Just then, Pony and Soda came back down the steps with their caps and gowns and the group all left the house and pilled into their cars.

The ceremony was taking place outdoors today. Thankfully, it was pretty cool out as Ponyboy sat with the rest of the graduating class while the parents and other family members and friends sat in the stands.

Principal Williams made the first speech, followed by several teachers. It was then time, as the Principal spoke into the microphone once more.

"When I call your name, please step forward to receive your dipolma."

The first row of students then got up and approached the stage as the principal began calling out their names one by one.

Ponyboy had butterflies in his stomach and it really got tense when his row was next. He along with Johnny were going up now as they walked up the stage waited as each one's name was called.

"Johnny Curtis."

In the stand, Darryl, Linda, and Darry all began clapping as they watched the newest edition to the family get his diploma.

"Ponyboy Curtis."

Ponyboy stepped forward, shook the principal's hand then took his diploma before walking down the opposite set of stairs and going back to his seat. His heart was racing, and although that part was over he still had to give his speech.

"Sodapop Curtis."

He looked up when he heard his brothers name called and smiled when he saw him take his diploma, happy just to see him happy.

Meanwhile, Darryl got a little choked up as he saw his second son receive his diploma, remembering how Sodapop once told him that he wanted to drop out of school because he thought he was dumb.

More and more rows of students got up to the stage before another name was called.

"Steve Randle."

In the stands, Two-Bit, Dally, and Darry all clapped as they watched their buddy get his diploma. Steve and Soda then pointed at each other before Steve walked down the steps and back to his seat.

As the final rows got up to the stage, Ponyboy swallowed nervously as he got back up, knowing it was almost time for him to give his speech.

Once everyone was done and had gotten their diplomas, the Principal announced him as the valedictorian and he stepped up to the microphone. As everyone focused on him, for some reason the nerves went away as he looked straight ahead, not really looking at anyone.

"Thank you, Principal Williams."

He then cleared his throat and began.

"All great achievements aroused from dissatisfaction. It is the desire to do better, to go further, to dig deeper that propels a civilization to greatness.

Over the past three years, we have been given knowledge, education, and experience. And with these gifts comes the responsibility of choice. We alone decide how our talents are bestowed upon the world as we enter the work force, the military, or to seek further education in college.

This is our destiny. And we hold it in the palm of our hands."

After he finished everyone began clapping before all the students began cheering and throwing their caps into the air. Ponyboy then made eye contact with Karen and smiled before walking down the steps to meet up with his family.



Upon completing a four year term at Oklahoma State University, Darry Curtis remained in Tulsa and became a personal trainer. He soon married a woman named Jennifer Pierce and had a son named Joseph, named after Darry's grandfather.

Sodapop Curtis married Sandy Weisman upon turning twenty-one and moved to Florida. He opened up a successful car dealership and had a daughter named, Daftney.

Ponyboy Curtis attended Oklahoma State, but dropped out after one year. He then became a writer under the pseudonym, 'P.M Curtis' and wrote several best selling books. Pony married Karen Mathews and had twin boys, Michael and Keith.

Steve Randle married Evie Sanders and soon moved to Florida as well and opened up a chain of car repair shops. He and Evie had two kids. A boy, Christopher, and a girl, Stacy.

Two-Bit Mathews remained in Tulsa and eventually became a popular shock-jock on a radio program. He married high school sweetheart, Kathy Maddox and had a son, Joshua.

Johnny Curtis became manager of a local super-market. He got married to a woman named Anna Simonds and after encouragement from Ponyboy that he would be a good father, had a son named James.

Dallas Winston moved back to New York and became co-owner of a popular night club in town and made sure to keep himself out of trouble. He never got married nor had any kids, but was named godfather of Johnny's son.

Although they all grew up and went their separate ways, at least once a year they all made sure to meet up in the old neighborhood in Tulsa to remember the good old days.

Brothers for life, Outsiders forever.

The End.