This is my first ever fanfic so I hope you like it~~

Please review, but please don't write anything mean bad things seem to come back and haunt me......

and also I don't own D gray man or anything? ( everyone seems to write that~~)

"Wake up Lenalee! Or you'll be late for school, and it's your first day!" a irritating voice boomed into her ear. She stirred and murmured some unintelligent things before willing her pale eyelids to flutter open, showing off her long eyelashes and violet eyes. A pale milky white ceiling welcomed her and a flash of panic went through her before she remembered that they had moved and this was her new home

Her over-protective (emphasizing the word over) brother's, face hovered beside her. "Hai Hai Komui" she snapped all the sudden awake and urged her brother out of the room so she could get changed.

She stepped out of her room and went down the carpeted stairs one by one and was delighted to find that a plate of pancakes accompanied with a glass of milk were sitting on the table waiting for her. Komui was already wolfing down his. Lenalee sat down and began eating her portion.



"You do remember what we talked about last night" Lenalee sighed and made a show of rolling her eyes.


"Well, I tell you again anyway…AVOID contact with any BOY! And that means talking to boys as well!!! If any boy touches you just tell me and I'll MURDER him!!!"

"Hai Hai!" she sighed as she stood up from her chair and slung her packed school bag over her shoulder. Having just turned 16 her brother wouldn't stop pestering her about staying away from boys.

"I'm going now!"

She smiled as she remembered her brother's tantrum this morning and all her worries melted away. "What's so funny Lenalee?" a gently voice whispered amusingly

"Oh, nothing" she replied to her newly made friend, Miranda, with her brown locks sweeping across her face. Lenalee sighed as she tried to tune back into the maths lesson, so she was quite pleased when the bell for the period to end sounded, its shrill shriek echoing through the entire school. By now nearly every student in her year level had heard of her appearance. Girls snickered in jealously at her graceful black locks, beautiful violet eyes and perfect pale skin.

She tried to ignore the comments and walked forward her head held high. Lenalee slowly dialled in the code for her lock; it gave a satisfying click before it was able to be tugged open. She was startled as a blur of motion blurred past her and made an audible thump as a red haired boy leant against the locker next to hers. His flaming red hair kept off his face with a black bandana, putting his stunning emerald eyes on display, well one eye anyway, his right eye was covered by an eye patch

"So, what's your name cutie?"

"None of your business"

"Awww not in a good mood?"

Lenalee ignored him. She hated Geography and Maths even more as she struggled to shove the heavy books back into her locker, she gasped as she lost her fragile grip on her thick Atlas. She was sure it was going to thump onto the glossy floor, she hoped at the least all her pathetic notes wouldn't scatter out.

A hand swooped down smoothly and grabbed the stupid atlas seconds before it hit the floor. Lenalee marvelled at the red head's perfect timing.

"T…Thank you!" she stuttered as the boy handed the Atlas back

"Now will you tell me your name?" he pleaded

"I'm not telling you for your own personal safety!"

Komui nii-san had clearly stated to avoid any contact with boys. Not that she gave a crap, just that Komui would seriously hurt the poor dude plus he wouldn't like the looks of this guy. With his crazy flaming red, earring, untucked shirt and loose tie, a self declaring rebel.

"What? You have a boyfriend or something?" he chuckled

"No, I have a brother"


"A super over-protective big brother that gave me a lecture about avoiding contact with boys"

"He's insane?"

"You have no idea"

"Aw, come one, just a name!" he pleaded. It's just a name I guess, he's bound to know sooner or later

"Fine, Lenalee"

"Lenalee" he repeated before breaking into a grin "That's a cute name Lenalee!" she felt herself turn red, the comment caught her off guard, and also the familiarity soaked in the simple words. Hadn't they just met a few seconds ago??

"So what's yours? Since I told you mine"

"Lavi, nice to meet ya" How can someone be so happy? Lenalee wondered. She studied his beaming face.

"OI, BAKA USAGI!" a rather frightening voice boomed across the hallway

"What the…"

"Oh, it's just Yu chan~~" Lavi replied loudly, loud enough for the visibly pissed off Japanese 18 year old walking towards them, or Lavi to be more specific, to hear

"Stop calling me by my first name!" he growled

"Whatever Yuuuuu~~ Oh, Lenalee, this is Yu!"

"It's Kanda"

Lavi snorted in ignorance

"Anyway……Lavi….." a visible dark aura surrounded the japanese18 year old giving off frightening vibes.


"Why the hell did you draw rabbits on my books baka usagi!!"

"Crap, gotta run, see ya Lenalee talk to you later!" the cheerful 18 year old said before scampering off

"If you survive…that is…" Kanda whispered as he swiftly followed the cheeky boy, sending a shiver down Lenalee's back.

The first few weeks at this school weren't that bad Lenalee thought. Despite some people making snide comment behind her back, there was always Miranda to talk to and Lavi to brighten up the mood. The day always starting with her leaving the house and Komui warning her to stay away from boys, she always found it amusing to watch arguments between the cheerful Lavi and the always pissed Kanda. Though the cold Japanese male still seemed to frighten her, though in truth she knew he wasn't that bad. Just anti-social or that's what Lavi had told her.


"What's wrong Lenalee?" Miranda questioned my sudden outburst

"I can't find my assignment!" Lenalee groaned as she ruffled through her papers in her folder "Oh, I remember, I left it in the Library when I was working on it! I need to go get it"

"But class is starting in what? 3 minutes, you won't make it in time"

"Yeah…Could you please just make up something…like I'm in the nurse's office?" she didn't wait for an answer and scampered off. She was especially grateful for the signs hammered into the wall, and found the library easily enough, but not before taking a couple of wrong turns. She wandered into the quiet space; all was empty as class had probably already started. Even the stern librarian had abandoned her post. She spotted her little pile of paper sitting idly on a desk toward the back of the room. She grabbed her papers and prepared to scamper away to class but was interrupted.

"Hi Lenalee"

"What the...Lavi??" she gawped at the red headed teenager lying casually on a pile of bean bags apparently reading a book.

"What are you doing here?" she glanced at her watch "Class has already started"

"I'm reading, or to dumb it down a bit I'm wagging class!" he grinned. "Care to join me?" he added casually

" thanks...well see ya"

"Kay" Lavi replied and buried himself back into his book. It must be a really good book for someone like Lavi to enjoy so much Lenalee thought.

Lenalee was grateful that it was study period; she flopped back on her chair, thinking maybe she should revise on some history. She sucked at History.

"Shut up Moyashi!" a familiar cold voice boomed

"The name's Allen, Ba-kanda!" Lenalee glanced over to see Kanda's opposition was a white haired boy, looking no older than 15, along with a very visible scar on his left eye which drew up from his cheek bone up to his forehead ending in a pentacle. Silver hair? Of all the colours he dyed his hair silver?

Lenalee sensed that the childish bickering was no where near ending. She sighed and slipped out of her chair, attracting a glance from Miranda

"I'm going to the library" she pointed towards the bickering pair as an explanation and quietly left the room grabbing her history books with her.

She wandered in, only a few students occupied the spacious room, filled with shelves and shelves of books. Lenalee wandered to the back and spotted a corner filled with bean bags and cushions, where she had seen Lavi the other day, so she shouldn't have been surprised to see a snoring Lavi buried amongst the brightly coloured cushions. She made her way to sit herself on a bean bag next to the sleeping body, being careful not to wake Lavi. Despite her precautions the body stirred and Lavi's eyelids fluttered open revealing his soft emerald eye.

"Huh? Oh Hi Lenalee, what are you doing here?" he beamed. She waved her history textbook in the air

"Most importantly…why are you sleeping here?"

"I got sleepy, and I'll get caught sleeping in class, so I came here!" he replied running a hand through his cheery red hair. "Stupid panda told me to memorise all this crap, even if it took me all night" he sighed

"Did you memorise it all?" she asked curious

"Hell yeah! But I still got whacked in the head! Stupid panda"


"Gramps, he has these epic black circles around his eyes, makes him look like a panda" Lavi explained

"Hmmm, I'd like to see that" Lenalee murmured as she flipped open her textbook.

"Hmmm Alexander the great…took me ages to memorise that one, stupid panda" Lavi murmured as he peered over her shoulder. She could feel his breathe on her bare neck.

"You actually bothered to memorise this?"

"Yup, it's not that boring actually" Lavi chuckled. She gawped at the seemingly rebel teenager, with all his messy glory, maybe he knew his stuff after all.

"Wished I had the patient to learn and memorise about all this, I just can't get it into my damn head" Lenalee pouted

"How about I help you?"


"You know, like a tutor"

"Really, you'll really help me! Thank you!"

"No problem cutie"

My first shot at writing a fanfic~~~~ pretty good huh? haha jks jks , sorry fro the crappy start ( and end?) hope you liked it anyway ^^

Maybe the next chapter will be better~~