A/N: alright, I'm not sure how this will go, I've only watched 3 or 4 episodes of Buffy in season 2. tell me if anything is drastically wrong. Also, do vampires have shadows? please, enlighten me.

Buffy walked down yet another dark street, listening for footsteps. Since it was nearly midnight, he figured that anyone wandering around was either homeless, or a monster. She turned a corner and headed for the docks, wondering if there was any smuggling that might earn her a night's work. Instead, she heard the footsteps she was waiting for, and got into a fighting position. Instead of a Vampire, however, she got a tall, silver-haired teenager wearing a red sweatshirt pushing past her.

"Sorry, gotta go!" he yelled, looking absolutely terrified.

Buffy tensed, looking where he had come. She prepared herself for a fight, knowing that what terrified the other teen must be really dangerous, probably bloodthirsty, and- another teenager appeared, this time a girl. Jeez, was it fieldtrip night or something? The girl had long, dark blond hair fanning around behind her, and was swinging a cast-iron frying pan? Buffy, having swung a cast-iron frying pan herself many times, wondered what on earth possessed the girl to do something like this. Must be an Ex-girlfriend, or something.

She was standing, staring at the girl, when she yelled:

"Gilbert! Get your lazy, un-awesome butt back here this instant! Oh, hi." She had noticed the slayer standing there in confusion and slowed down to greet her, in a perfectly normal way, considering what she had been yelling a moment ago.

"Ummm…Hi" she answered, still confused

"Sorry about that, I just really need to catch that guy. He needs a little disciplining" she grinned menacingly and stroked her frying pan.

"Yeah okay, so…" Buffy looked for a distraction, and found one waddling from where the teen had run off.

"what's that little yellow chick doing here?" however, instead of calming down the insane girl, this observation seemed to make her even more insane. Her grin grew, and she crept up to the chick… and


She slammed the frying pan down as hard as she could, ignoring Buffy's shocked cry.

"Oh, its okay" the girl reassured "this particular bird is pretty tough. I now have ransom!" she scraped the frying pan off the concrete and towards her, then grabbed the little chick with a triumphant hand, earning a shocked "nyo!" from the little bird.

"By the way, my name is Elizabeta, call me Elizabeth, or Lizzie, and you get a frying pan your way. And if you see any tall, silver-haired teenagers that call themselves Gilbert, or The Awesome Me, give me a call. Bye!" she dashed off in the direction the teen of matching description.

Buffy, deciding that her head was reeling enough, went home and went to sleep.

How was it? should i continue, or throw it off a cliff?