Thanks for everyone who supported Chatroom until now! Sorry for the lack of update!
Oh my… I think it's about time to finally update this chapter aklgjslg
Okay. Have fun!
SpacePhantom has logged on
GothicVeggies has logged on
TuckDaGeek has logged on
SpacePhantom : something hit my head earlier.
SpacePhantom : it's really hurts…
TuckDaGeek : who did that?
GothicVeggies : is that a ghost?
SpacePhantom : I don't know.
SpacePhantom : when I turned around, nothing was around.
SpacePhantom : my ghost sense didn't went off.
TuckDaGeek : weird :/
SpacePhantom : ikr?
PhantomFan has logged on
GothicVeggies : Maybe something was fell on your head?
PhantomFan : what happened?
TuckDaGeek : Danny's head got hit by something
SpacePhantom : there was totally nothing!
PhantomFan : LOL you loser deserves it :P
PhantomFan : has Phantom on? D:
GothicVeggies : no.
GothicVeggies : you witch deserves to not talk to him haha
PhantomFan : shut up, freak =3=
SpacePhantom : he will on
SpacePhantom : in 3
SpacePhantom : 2
SpacePhantom : 1
PhantomBoy has logged on
PhantomBoy : hello!
TuckDaGeek : yo
SpacePhantom : look! I am awesome predictor :B
PhantomFan : :x Phantooooom!
ValAntiGhost has logged on
ValAntiGhost : Phantom. You're a halfa.
PhantomBoy : I am not a halfa!
PhantomFan : Phantom tell me who you really are~
PhantomFan : pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeee
PhantomFan : x3
PhantomBoy : my identity is a secret. =3=
ValAntiGhost : You're a halfa. Admit it DX
TuckDaGeek : Do you have any proof for that?
SpacePhantom : yes, prove it.
PhantomBoy : prove it.
ValAntiGhost : I have so many theories from our fights lately.
ValAntiGhost : you are a halfa.
PhantomBoy : theories are not facts =3=
ValAntiGhost : you
ValAntiGhost : are
ValAntiGhost : a
ValAntiGhost : halfa
ValAntiGhost : admit
ValAntiGhost : it
PhantomFan : I
PhantomFan : L
PhantomFan: O
PhantomFan : V
PhantomFan : E
PhantomFan : P
TuckDaGeek : Sam? Where are you?
PhantomFan : H
PhantomFan : A
PhantomFan : Darnit. D: Don't ruin my chain letters ;^;
PhantomBoy : I
PhantomBoy : D
PhantomBoy : O
PhantomBoy : N
PhantomBoy : '
PhantomBoy : T
PhantomBoy : C
PhantomBoy : A
PhantomBoy : R
PhantomBoy : E
ValAntiGhost : A
ValAntiGhost : D
ValAntiGhost : M
PhantomFan : P
PhantomFan : H
ValAntiGhost : I
ValAntiGhost : T
PhantomFan : A
ValAntiGhost : I
PhantomFan : N
ValAntiGhost : T
PhantomBoy : A
PhantomFan : T
PhantomFan : O
PhantomBoy : M
PhantomFan : M
PhantomBoy : N
PhantomFan : L
PhantomFan : O
PhantomBoy : O
PhantomFan : V
PhantomBoy : T
PhantomFan : E
PhantomFan : P
PhantomFan : A
PhantomFan : U
PhantomFan : L
PhantomFan : I
TuckDaGeek : Guys!
PhantomFan : N
PhantomFan : A
TuckDaGeek : Stop!
TuckDaGeek : this is getting confusing!
PhantomFan : F
PhantomFan : O
PhantomFan : R
PhantomFan : E
TuckDaGeek : So many notifications!
PhantomFan : V
PhantomFan : E
PhantomFan : R
Star has logged on
PhantomFan : but it's fun!
PhantomFan : Did you like it, Phantom? :D
PhantomFan : hi Star!
Star : hiiiii! :D
SpacePhantom : Where's Sam?
TuckDaGeek : Idk.
ValAntiGhost : she didn't brb or anything?
SpacePhantom : She didn't.
BeatHimUp has logged on
TuckDaGeek : Where'd she go?
BHUSidekick has logged on
BeatHimUp : Justin Bieber is going to make a concert! 8D
BHUSidekick : I am pre-ordering the tickets now :D
TuckDaGeek : Justin Bieber you said?
Star : what? :D Cool!
PhantomFan : OMG I am going!
PhantomFan : it would be better if Phantom and Bieber are together in a concert! X3
PhantomBoy : uh
TuckDaGeek is away : vomiting
PhantomBoy : …ew?
SpacePhantom : gaaaaaaaaaaay!
ValAntiGhost : I agree with Phantom. Justin Bieber = just ew.
ValAntiGhost : haha. Good one Danny :)
TuckDaGeek has logged on
TuckDaGeek : You like that dude, dude?
TuckDaGeek : wait. Not a dude.
TuckDaGeek : you like that gay, dude?
BeatHimUp : what did you say?
BHUSidekick : he is awesome!
Star : Yes he is!
PhantomFan : the voice is just perfect 8D
TuckDaGeek : he is a girly man.
PhantomBoy : second that.
PhantomFan : :O what Phantom hates JB?
PhantomFan : oh my now this is the biggest contradicts in my life! Dx
Star : Oh no!
Star : Do you like Twilight, Phantom?
PhantomBoy : what if I say no? :l
TuckDaGeek : btw Pokemon X and Y is coming out this October 8D
TuckDaGeek : generation 6, dude! :3
SpacePhantom : really OUO
SpacePhantom is away : checking official site
ValAntiGhost : Twilight sucks. Big time.
Star : it's not D:
BeatHimUp : the stories is amazing!
BeatHimUp : you must read that!
BHUSidekick : I actually cry in the movie ;w;
TuckDaGeek : my real life is a better love story than Twilight.
TuckDaGeek : I am still single
TuckDaGeek : It will be the best love story once it started ;D
ValAntiGhost : I wish I could facebook like that XD
TuckDaGeek : hehe.
TuckDaGeek : wanna try hanging out sometime? ^^
TuckDaGeek : got time tomorrow?
ValAntiGhost : Have you guys seen Rise of the Guardians?
ValAntiGhost : why not?
PhantomFan : OMG
PhantomFan : YES
TuckDaGeek : :D
PhantomFan : Jack Frost is handsome! X3333
PhantomFan : Like Phantom!
SpacePhantom has logged on
PhantomBoy : Actually I am thinking to cosplay as Jack Frost this Halloween :p
PhantomFan : OMG
BeatHimUp : Beat me up! You gonna rock! 8D
TuckDaGeek : that's cool, dude :D
GothicVeggies : sorry for late reply.
GothicVeggies : I was youtubing.
SpacePhantom : oh, it's okay.
GothicVeggies : watching Vocaloid again. Getting my old obsessions back lately. XD
TuckDaGeek : Vocaloid?
TuckDaGeek : Dude. I love Miku :D
TuckDaGeek : she is pretty! And a program! Definitely my type of girl X3333
SpacePhantom : Aaaah Vocaloid. :D
SpacePhantom : I really like the twins
SpacePhantom : who's their name again?
GothicVeggies : Rin and Len
SpacePhantom : yes, them!
GothicVeggies : I like them too :D
PhantomFan : what is Vocaloid?
ValAntiGhost : I've heard of that. But I don't know much
GothicVeggies : Vocaloid is a voice synthesizer that use anime characters as mascots.
PhantomFan : I don't get it
Star : is that a show or something?
GothicVeggies : I actually got all of them for my birthday.
GothicVeggies : complete hohohohoho~
TuckDaGeek : O_O
GothicVeggies : :P no
SpacePhantom : I envy you ;_;
GothicVeggies : But I am ordering three tickets for Miku Concert in Japan already P:
GothicVeggies : wanna come?
SpacePhantom : OMG FOR REAL?
GothicVeggies : VVIP
PhantomFan : I don't get what they're talking about =3=
Star : Justin Bieber all the way better than a program 8D
PhantomFan : yeah!
PhantomFan : handsome too!
GothicVeggies : ew
GothicVeggies : even Len who have girly features and voice is waaaay better than Justin Bieber :P
PhantomFan : shut up freak 8l
PhantomFan : I don't understand anything about your stupid programs
GothicVeggies : that's because you're stupid 8l
ValAntiGhost : I always thought Vocaloid is an anime :o
GothicVeggies : most of people thought so at first
TuckDaGeek : I really love Miku's voice~
GothicVeggies : If I have a son one day… I will force to tie his hair up into a ponytail XD
GothicVeggies : I will design his clothes with hand-like-thing Vocaloids got.
GothicVeggies : your arguments are invalid.
PhantomFan : who cares about your future life anway =3=
TuckDaGeek : that's going to be a cool idea 8D
SpacePhantom has logged on
TuckDaGeek : and you will name him Len?
SpacePhantom : I still wondered what hit my head earlier =3=
GothicVeggies : nope. I will name him based on someone else
GothicVeggies : I will influence him to be a goth and vegetarian like me :U
SpacePhantom : …thinking ahead, Sam?
GothicVeggies : we're getting closer to adulthood
ValAntiGhost : I am never thinking that forward before…
TuckDaGeek : I want a Tucker Jr. :3
GothicVeggies : brb watching again.
SpacePhantom : Hey Tuck =w=
SpacePhantom : if we got kids with opposite gender, let's matchmake 'em secretly =w=
SpacePhantom : so when they got married
SpacePhantom : We will be their parents in law 8D
SpacePhantom : and we will be one family!
ValAntiGhost : oh you Danny xD
TuckDaGeek : BRILIANT! Deal with that! 8D
SpacePhantom : we will be family for real~ 8D
PhantomFan : I want kids with Phantom :3
Star : no meee D:
PhantomBoy : I am dead okay?
ValAntiGhost : liiieeee =_=
BeatHimUp : aww man… too bad I am a boy D:
BHUSidekick : same here. I would love to go with Phantom.
PhantomBoy : I am not gay thanks.
PhantomFan : oh Justin Bieber is on TV
PhantomFan has logged off
Star : what?
Star has logged off
BeatHimUp has logged off
BHUSidekick has logged off
ValAntiGhost : I guess I gotta go
ValAntiGhost : btw are we really going to hang out tomorrow?
TuckDaGeek : okie-dokie ;)
ValAntiGhost : alright then. See you tomorrow.
ValAntiGhost has logged off
SpacePhantom : dude
SpacePhantom : you hit Valerie?
TuckDaGeek : heheh… trying again ;D
TuckDaGeek : wish me luck tomorrow :D
GothicVeggies : back
GothicVeggies : I really love Akuno series
GothicVeggies : I never get bored rewatching it.
SpacePhantom : I prefer Kokoro P:
TuckDaGeek : Am I the only Miku fan here?
TuckDaGeek : she's the mascot hey.
GothicVeggies : Rin and Len for me.
GothicVeggies : lots of character deaths is my type :p
TuckDaGeek : but every Vocaloid dies a lot!
GothicVeggies : tragic stories is my type :P
SpacePhantom : I will get Phantom logged off I guess
PhantomBoy has logged off
SpacePhantom : I am regretting my actions on last chat
SpacePhantom : Valerie is thinking Phantom is a half-ghost.
SpacePhantom : darn it Dx
GothicVeggies : told ya what =_=
SpacePhantom : I am regretting it now. Fine =3=
TuckDaGeek : there're times when you want to hit your past self for the stupidness you did back there =w=
TuckDaGeek : happened to me too.
SpacePhantom : yes. ugh.
SpacePhantom : I feel like want to hit my past self so bad =_=
SpacePhantom : and btw my head still hurts
TuckDaGeek : if only I can return in to the past just for a second, I would love to hit myself too =3=
TuckDaGeek : so I can hit Valerie way earlier. She is actually a nice girl.
GothicVeggies : so Tucker is hitting Valerie again now? Hmm?
SpacePhantom : If only huh…
SpacePhantom : ahhh I know :D
SpacePhantom : I can go to Clockwork to do that to my past self.
SpacePhantom : I will hit him.
SpacePhantom : hard.
SpacePhantom : that's a great idea.
SpacePhantom : bye!
SpacePhantom has logged off
TuckDaGeek : he really wanted to do… whatta?
TuckDaGeek : hit his past self?
GothicVeggies : you know…
GothicVeggies : I think now I know who hit his head earlier…
Thank you for those who still read and support! *hugs all of you*
Bunch of random references here aglhsaglksg even a bit promotion of my other fic *is killed*
Sorry for the very perry slow updates =w=''
Yes. I want to hit my past self so bad. I am actually disliking some of the old chapters in this fic now.
But… I am too lazy to change them now.
So let's go onward 83