Title: Even If

Author: Aria Delanc

Summary: "Craig-GAH—can I ask you something?"

Rating: T

Pairings: CraigTweek

Disclamer: Nuh.

Notes: Really short, maybe sweet. 3:30 is too close to 3:33, so I never purposely stay up that late.


"AGH—uh, Craig?" Tweek looked at his boyfriend nervously, gulping down more coffee.

"Hm?" Craig Tucker lay on Tweek's bed with a cigarette.

"OH GOD—No, sorry. Never mind. I--GAH—Never mind." He tugged at his hair.

Craig glanced up at his blonde boyfriend. "What is it, Tweek?"

"If—OH JESUS—if you were—Nngh! Forget it! Never mind!" Groaning, he set his coffee on his bedside table.

Sighing, Craig sat up and faced Tweek. "Tweek, what's wrong?'

The caffeine-addict looked up at him, his large eyes serious and slightly sad. "URGH—Craig, if you…you were a gnome, you'd—GAH—tell me, right?'

Craig was silent. "What?"

"Nnn—This is too much pressure! Forget it! GAH—I didn't say anything!" With that Tweek covered his face and dove for the pillow.

Craig had his arms around the blonde before he could duck completely. 'What makes you think I'm a gnome, babe?"

Tweek bit his lip a bit too spastically and flinched. He licked his lips as he spoke. "You—URGH—uh, last time you came—GAH—over…"


"I couldn't find my—ARGH—underwear after you left, and—"

"You think I might've taken them?" Crag smirked a bit.

"It's—GAH—stupid. Nevermind!"

They sat quietly for a while. Or, Craig did. Tweek was spazzing.

"Doesn't matter—OH GOD—anyway," Tweek tried to mumble.


"Nngh—Even if you were a gnome—OH GOD—even if you stole my underwear—"

But Craig was already kissing him. "Love you too, babe."


So yeah. I ran out of cookies. I'm pretty upset about that.

Woah. Uh. Happy April Fools' Day. (The, uh, fact that I put this under M and making it seem like it was porn was… the prank.)

Review, please!