To continue or not to continue…

So, a million years later, I'm sitting around like "Oh I should read some Junjou Romantica fan fiction. It's been awhile." I type "Junjou Romantica Fanfiction" into Google and what should be the second result but my very own Junjou Romantica Fanfiction. I honestly couldn't even remember if that title was mine or one I had read until I clicked on it and low and behold it was mine. After seeing I had accumulated quite a few reviews since the time of writing it, I reread it, and was actually a little impressed (and a little embarrased). It wasn't too bad. A few overly used descriptions, but not too shabby for being sixteen. At first I was like "damn, Misaki is ooc," but then remembered it was my desire for it to be in the style of Junai Romantica and also, what would be the fun of fan fiction if the characters weren't acting a little more shameless then we generally see them? Anyway, I'm writing this as someone eight years older and no longer a teenager wondering…should I finish it? It took me literally 2.5 hours to track down my old email and go through a million loopholes to figure out passwords and blah blah blah…So I guess I'm asking for a little advice. Should I finish it? Should I write something new? I still love and follow Junjou Romantica, and a lot has happened in the storyline since I wrote this and can I get back into that mode? I could try. So, readers…assuming you're out there, what should I write? If finishing it, what should the second part of the honeymoon be like? Suggestions for activites/drama/…sex. I've been staring at pics of Usagi all day for the first time in a long time like *drooooool* so perfect. What kind of conclusion could be waiting at home? I don't know…luckily I'm an adult and can always get a little drunk to figure it out now(just kidding..mostly). Would it ruin the surprise if I took suggestions? In conclusion, message me, review, whatever to let me know what you'd like. A few thoughts would be helpful and appreciated.

With love (but no promises),
