Chapter 4:

"What's she doing?" James asked as they watched Kendall's sister going through a door that they believed lead backstage. Dak was just getting off the stage, giving his signature wink to the audiance before he was out of sight.

"I don't know," he said as he made his way to the doors, "but we're gonna find out." His friends followed but were stopped by two large security guards.

"Excuse me, um sir, if I could just get through. My little sister's back there and I really need to get her," he explained trying to get past the men.

"Sure, like we've never hear THAT one before."

"You don't understand. She just went in, I just need to-If you could just let me through..." Kendall once again tried to explain as he attempted to shove them aside.

"Listen kid, you better get your butt back to your seat before I kick it, and your friends, outta here!"

"But he's trying to tell you that-" Carlos said trying to back his best friend up.

"LISTEN YOU!" the security guards were getting very annoyed and looked like they were about to go through with what they had promised a few seconds earlier.

"OKAAY, we're just gonna go now," Logan said pulling them away fromt the huge men, "if i'm correct, there should be away to get in through the back.

"Fine, let's hurry up." The teens hurried out of the concert hall, heading to the back. They stopped short though when they saw two more big men.

"Shit, how we gonna get there now?"

Carlos's question was left unanswered when they saw those two men carry a limp Dak Zevon into a white truck parked next to the building. They slowely hid behind some nearby bushes feeling a mix of shock, confusion, fear. All that was multiplied by thousands when they saw the same guy come back out with a tiny little girl in the same state as Dak was right before. It was Katie.


Logan, Carlos, and James tried to shut him up, but it was too late.

The men looked at Kendall then back at eachother. The teens couldn't make out what they were saying, but next thing they knew, they jumped into the truck containing the 12 year old and popstar, and sped down the road towards them. While running out of the way they noticed the man in the passanger seat pull a gun and point it towards them while rolling down his window. They screamed realizing what it ment and took cover.

A few shots were fired and one barley missed Kendalls arm; the truck didn't stop though, and soon enough it was speeding away down the road.

When the truck was long gone and the scared teens felt safe enough to open their eyes, all the freaking out and ranting began.

"What the HELL just happend?"

"Is everyone okay?"

Did that actually happen?"

"Think of a happy place, rainbows and kittens, rainbows, and kittens, rainbows and kittens-"

"What's going on?"

"Is this a joke!"

"GUYS!" Everyone stopped and stared at Kendall. There was a silence, but not a comfortable one. It was full of anxiety, questions, and paranonia.

"Alright," Jo said breaking the silence. " I know you didn't want to get the cops involved, but this is serious!" she said trying not to completely freak.

"This is way more than we can handle...THEY FRICKIN SHOT AT US MAN!" Logan said finally losing his cool.

"Think rainbows and kittens dude; works for me all the time," Carlos told Logan trying to calm him down. Ignoring Logan and Carlos, Kendall did what Jo said. She was right. They could've been killed. Maybe he should've called them from the start...

"Fine" he said dialing 911 on his cell phone:

"911, what's your emergency?" a male voice said.

"I'm at the concert hall on Sunshine Avenue and my little sister and Dak Zevon were thrown into a truck by two men who shot at us."

Kendall waited for a response. The one he got was unbelievable though.

"Son, do you think it's funny to prank call the cops? This is Los Angelas, we are very busy, AND DON'T HAVE TIME FOR STUPID TEENAGERS WHO HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN SEND THE COPS ON A FAKE SEARCH."


"LOWER YOUR VOICE KID. I HAVE THE RIGHT MIND TO REPORT YOU FOR HARRASSING AN OFFICER! But I won't 'cuz I believe in giving people a chance. So here's your chance to hang up and leave us alone, instead of wasting our times! Oh hold on," a muffled sound was coming from the phone now.

" I'll take-no pickles-large fries-and-diet-what?" Kendall cleared his throat, he couldn't believe this was happening. "Ok, I have to go take care of some errr important business. Don't call back unless you want me to report you" and with that, he hung up.

Kendall stared down at his phone. It was quiet enough and by the look on his friends' faces they heard the whole conversation.

"Fuck!" He slammed his fist into the wall of the building.

"What are we gonna do? We have to do something!" Carlos said with a sudden urgency.

"We can't anything! They could be anywhere and even if we found them, they have guns. Have you not been listening all day? We're just stupid kids," Kendall's eyes were starting to water. Not from the stupid kids comments, but from the fact that his sister was gone, it was all his fault, and there was nothing he could do.

Camille, who had been quiet for a while, was looking around when something caught her eye. "Hey, check this out," she said picking a small piece of paper off the ground.

"What is it?" Carlos said as the him and the rest of the others walked over to her.

5494 Ocean Drive SD was written scribbled on it. She read it out loud. "Looks like it's an address. I think it one of the men dropped it"

Silence again.

"Maybe that's where they're taking Katie and Dak!" Carlos said even though that's what everyone of them were thinking. Kendall flinched a little at the mention of his sister's name. James, who was standing next to him, noticed and put comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Then...we have to go. We have to save them," he said.

"I'll go," Kendall said.

"We're going too!"

"You guys can't, it's too dangerous. It's my fault. If something happens to any of you I-"

"We're going like James said!" Carlos interrupted. "Dude, we've got your back no matter what."

"This is Katie we're talking about, we're not just gonna sit back and do nothing," Logan added.

Kendall nodded. He knew they weren't going to give up on this. This wasn't like anything they've ever face before. It was even bigger then the hockey championships, when the last seconds were ticking and all they need was one more goal to win. And they knew that.

"Hold Up," Jo said, "Do we even know where this place is?"

"SD. That's like South Dakota right?" James asked.

"WE HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY TO SOUTH DAKOTA?" a bewildered Carlos exclaimed.

"Try San Diego. Ocean Drive is a long street there. The north part is full of your typical rich California peeps. But as you get further south ...well that's where you'll find plenty of shootings, thugs, gangs, dealers and I don't mean cars," Camille stated.

"How do you know?" Logan asked impressed.

"Used to live there. Upper part of course," she smirked.

"So we gotta go; think you can drive Logie?" Kendall asked although he was sure Logan was gonna say no since he only had his learner's permit and there was no way an adult was going to be driving with them.

"Sure, we need a car though?" he said knowng he probably shocked his friends by agreeing to drive. Kendall smiled back; he seriously had awesome friends.

"Don't worry," he said turning to the rest of them, "I have a plan."

"Got the keys!" James and Carlos said running towards the others in the Palm Woods garage. They were kinda gonna 'borrow' Bitters' car. He just left his keys lying around on his desk while he wasn't there so it wasn't that hard. Even for James and Carlos who were as discrete as a dinosour.

"Give 'em to Logan and get in!" Kendall instucted.

"WAIT," Camille said quickly and uneasily. Kendall, James, Carlos, and Logan stared at her, but Jo looked just as uneasy as her. She drew a deep breath. "I don't think this is a good idea. It's dangerous, your stealing a car. There's gotta be another way."

"The cop didn't believe us, and time is crucial! There is no other way!" Kendall said trying to make a point. He had to this. The situation was eating him away inside. It was taking so much strength for him not to breakdown.

"Fine," Camille said looking down, " I'm really sorry, but I can't go. I can't do this." She took a glipse at Logan, hoping he wasn't angry. He didn't. None of them were. They understood; they were scared too. Jo walked over to Kendall and took his hands in hers.

"I'm not going either," she said. "I hope, I mean, I'm sorry, but" she was trying really hard to fight the tears that were building up. The last thing she wanted was to make Kendall feel worse. He hugged her tightly.

"I know," he whispered into her ear. She sniffed and tried to fake a smile.

"Be careful." she said pulling away and giving him a kiss on the cheek. She squeezed his hand about to back away, but he pulled her back and kissed her on the lips full on. It was short but passionate.

When they pulled apart, Kendall got into the passanger seat and Jo walked over and linked arms with Camillle still holding in her tears.. Logan started the car.

"If you need anything, call! We'll take care of Bitters when he notices his car missing!" Camille called after them. Logan nodded and pulled out of the garage.

Soon they were driving along the highway. San Diego was a few hours away. James and Carlos had fallen asleep in the back and Logan was conetrating hard on the road, blocking out what could be awaiting them when they reach the address. For Kendall, that was all he could think about as he rested his head against the window.

"I'm coming Katie," he thought to himself as he watched the cars go by and the sun begin to set. "I'm coming"

A/N: I haven't updated this in such along time and I'm really sorry. Thank you everybody who reviewed/alerted/favorited, your the reason I decided to start writing it again! See, I kinda lost interest in this story, but after getting notices of alerts the past couple of days, I thought about it more and got such a cool idea that I'm gonna use later in the story!

Alright so... review! =]