My second fanfic, a big thanks for those who reviewed my first fanfic, Angel of Mine Disclaimer: I don't own it

---with Dan-
"I'm late!!" he jumped out of bed as soon as he saw the time. "Dan, what's with all the noise" his mother called from the kitchen."Nothing mom" he called back, still rushing around the room. He frantically pulled at his closet, making a huge mess as he did so"Where is it!?". "AHA!" he smiled triumphantly as he took the little package. After that he began to change.
He got dressed quickly, not bothering to look at the mirror. His outfit consisted of a black shirt covered with red jacket with artfully torn sleeves. Instead of his usual red pants, he wore a set of dark blue jeans with some jagged cuts by the had on red sneakers for shoes. A few wristlets, a green watch and his green rimmed sunglasses completed the set.
A quick peek at the mirror told him that his hair was impossible but he shook this off and ran down.
"Dan, you're gonna be late, and fix your hair." his mom told him as he ran down. "Don't forget your gift" that put him to a stop. He anxiously checked his pockets, a little tinkling of chains came from right hand pocket. With that he gave a sigh of relief. "I got it mom!!" he said that and was off.
"I'm so late, she's so gonna kill me!!" he thought as he rushed down the street. Little did he know that his girlfriend was thinking the same thing.
---with Runo-

"I'm gonna be late" she thought as she started to get dressed. Unlike her boyfriend she looked at the mirror repeatedly just to make sure that her hair was perfect and shining. HER outfit consisted of a sleeveless white dress and short yellow jacket. The dress was beautiful, it gently flowed to her knees and it had a pink rim. The jacket covered her chest neatly. For her feet, she had on white sandals with pink flowers. Also, she had on a neat pink headband, a few gold bracelets completed the look. She stared critically at herself before she decided to let her hair down."He'd love that" she thought. "Honey! You're gonna be late!!" her mother called. "I know" she called back rushing down the stairs. She said her goodbye then sped off, hoping that she wasn't too late.

---with Dan---
"TAXI!!" he yelled, startling a few passengers as he tried to attract a taxi, ignoring the rumbling thunder.
"Get in, kid" a gruff voice of a taxi driver ordered. He did what hs was told, one arm still clutching protectively at his package.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon" he whispered frantically, though more to himself than to the driver. The traffic was unbelievable that day, the streets were crammed with people. The road was tighter than a pack of sardines because of the cars that seemed to pour out of nowhere. He watched out of the window, it seemed like no one was actually moving. The tightly crammed streets, the tight roads together with the rainstorm made it feel like a living hell for someone like him, on a second date. "Can't you make this thing go any faster?!" he finally asked, starting to lose his cool. "You can't make traffic go faster kid" the driver preached knowingly. He grunted in reply, a bit annoyed. "A little more of this and I'm gonna snap" he thought.

---with Runo---

She rushed street after street, ignoring the stares the people started to give her ."I'm SO late" she thought as she sped through the neighborhood. She swore under her breath as she saw the next few streets. Like her boyfriend's road, the street was like a can of sardines. "WAIT UP!!" she yelled at a bus. Sadly, it ignored her and went away. She growled in frustration. That bus left her no choice, she started to run, calling out 'sorry' to those she bumped. She felt tears run down her face as she thought of her boyfriend.
"He might be a little stupid, but he cares about me like I care about him. Even with all those stupid fights we had he would say sorry" she thought wiping her tears.
Then they were there....